
Elliot/Olivia - 7x19 - Fault "What about me?" Epic Scene

***PLEASE READ BELOW*** ***WATCH IN HD!*** So this is a video I decided to do VERRRY last minute for the "Epic Contest" hosted by MCCMProductions. Basically we had to take an epic scene from any fandom of our choice and vid to it relating the moments surrounding the main scene and show how and why this scene is epic. Naturally, I chose SVU. :) I picked the scene at the end of "Fault" when Elliot and Olivia talk about the events that occurred throughout the episode and everything that led them there to this moment. :) ETA: **21 IN TOP 50!! YAYY! THANK YOU!** Oh and lemme just say, this was so last minute and probably the fastest video I've made in about 2-3 years. This posting videos a couple days apart thing is never likely to happen again! Haha! But you do get an extra dose of what makes EO so awesome. :) ALL SONG AND VIDEO INFORMATION CAN BE FOUND AT THE END OF THE VIDEO!! PLEASE DO NOT ASK ME SONG TITLES OR ARTISTS. ________________________________________ A MidnightLove Production Music Video Created by: Brittany ________________________________________ Description: This is the ending scene of 7x19 - "Fault". Elliot and Olivia have just been through hell to get to this moment where both their lives were put at risk by a psychopath and neither of them can seperate their emotions from what has to be done to get the job done. I think you can hear the audio pretty clearly but I'll type it out just to be on the safe side: SCENE: Elliot: If that snipper hadn't beaten you to ...

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Corner Gas S4: Episode 5 - Demolition Part 2

Episode #5 (Part 2) in the Fourth Season of this hilarious sitcom including locals such as Brent Leroy, Hank Yarbo, Emma & Oscar Leroy, Lacey Burrows and many more!! Hilarious!! Absolutely Hilarious!! All copyrights of Corner Gas 2009. Please still buy seasons of this show if you love it. It's amazing. Just watch it! TV Show: Corner Gas Season: 4 Episode Number: 5 Episode Name: Demolition Part: 2 Description: Hank and Brent's plan to tear down a local barn is complicated when Oscar insists on getting involved. Davis, determined to become the local paper's “Newsmaker of the Year,” hires Wanda to take photos of him on the job. And Lacey is frustrated at Emma for having to continually re-manicure her nails.

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Mass Effect 2 - Tali Romance, All Scenes [HD]

All the Tali romance scenes from Mass Effect 2, put together with a dash of cheesy editing. Footage taken from the PC version, maxed out. Great quality! The fact that I didn't include her post-romance "I got sick but it was totally worth it" line got mentioned a few times in the comments. It was a very cute line, and it did the important job of confirming that the experience wasn't lethal to her. However, I felt that--at least in the context of this video--the comedic tone of that line clashed with romantic tone of the video. I also just wanted the video to end on a high romantic note, not a comedic one. That's just my opinion anyway. I do understand completely why some feel the line should've been in there, I even have it recorded.


Job Descriptions and Qualifications of a Gaming Service Worker

Here are the primary responsibilities of a Gaming Service Worker:

* He is working in an establishment that provides games of chances to different customers.

* He helps the customer and makes sure that everything in the gaming area is organized, clean, and the games are being played appropriately.

* His other responsibilities depend on where he is working and what time of game he is tasked to man.

Many of the Gaming Service Workers work at casinos. They might be given many title, however their responsibilities are the same in all casinos. Some of them have the task associated with oversight and direction. Some may be asked to supervise, survey, or investigate the gaming system and its players. While some maybe tasked to conduct the game and help patrons of that particular game. They can also take the duties of taking care of the slot machines, writing and running tickers, handling money, and dealing cards or running games.

Casino establishments are the same as almost any other business. It needs people to manage and run the day-to-day operation. The supervisors oversee the gaming area and the workers in an assigned area. They move from one table to another and observe how the games are being conducted and make sure that all of the gaming stations are covered I every shift. He needs to explain and interpret the gaming rules as well as the company policies to his subordinates. Ha can also plan and organize activities to create a lively and familiar atmosphere for the guests staying in the casino hotels. He also has to deal with the complaints from the customers.

Every gaming service worker must have an excellent customer service skill and knows how to execute the game. He needs to have a sense of urgency and must be able to stay focus even in stressful situations.

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FSN Sport Science - Ep9 - Tricks of the Trade - Jason Kapono

Jason Kapono, John Brenkus, Base Productions BASE Productions

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How to use OneWire to acquisition a new job

Get a job in Finance. Jobs still exist, you just need the tools to help find them. OneWire helps you confidentially connect with firms that are actively hiring. Try now and get started finding Precise Career Connections. It's free and easy.

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Aircraft Interior Technician - Working in Canada

Formore FREE and useful resources, visit or http -- The videos in this unique career series represent an innovative production process in two important ways: First, to ensure that the VECTOR videos represented reasonable employment possibilities, CFEE worked with the Industry Sector Councils to identify the most appropriate careers and occupations to profile via the videos. Second, in an exciting new approach to production, Canadian youth from colleges and universities across Canada were engaged to produce the videos. To learn more about occupations in Canada, visit Working in Canada (, a source of free and useful information that can help you to decide where to live and work. Use the Working in Canada Tool to produce a report on job descriptions, wages, skill requirements, language training and job opportunities based on your occupation and a location. By researching different occupations and different locations, you can make settlement decisions that are right for you and your family. The information contained in this video is for information purpose only. For up to date labour market information about wages and salaries, you can use http to produce a detailed report on job descriptions, wages, skill requirements, language training and job opportunities based on your occupation and a location. The information contained in this video is for information purpose only. For up to date labour market information about wages and ...

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Shut Up... And Sleep With The Host Club!

PLEASE READ THE DESCRIPTION BEFORE WATCHING. I'M TIRED OF PEOPLE ASKING WHAT THE NAME OF THE SONG IS OR THE NAME OF THE ANIME WITHOUT LOOKING AT IT FIRST. Yes! Finally another AMV by my lovely gf! I am so happy for it to finally be done! *huggles her* Yes, this is another amv done to the song "Shut Up (And Sleep With Me)", and I'm fully aware that there are dozens of these amvs around the web, I had to (force my gf to) do one to Host Club. ^^ So yes, hope you enjoy!!! ... Everyone who watches this feels insulted by it! ;A; Come on, peoples! I'm blonde, and I requested my gf to make this for me! XD Anime: Ouran High School Host Club Song: Shut Up (And Sleep With Me), by Sin with Sebastian A "V Productions" AMV

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Home Job Group - The Online Best Offer Legitimate Work at Home Jobs or Scam?

Is the Job Group Home other scam online business opportunity? There are thousands of companies, the opportunities for individuals to work at home, more than 90% of them have been proven cheater, nothing back to their customers despite their payment. I personally have a couple of times by such companies duped me in circles and ultimately makes me at the end to nothing.

How to find out if an online job is oneScam?

1st Employees will be contacted

Legitimate Web sites should allow you to contact their staff easily. Their contact details should be easily accessible and if they are not, you may need further research about the company, because it could be a fraud.

2nd Research and look for the experience of other

Listen to what other people have experienced with the company that you are looking to be as dissatisfied customers often complain about their experiences online. If people seemto the conclusion that the company is dishonest and not legit ways it is better that you completely avoid it and save money.

My experience with Home Job Group

I managed a customer support person to contact with me briefly explain about all kinds of jobs in their website. They seemed honest and in advance of their service, so I decided to join up to find me a work-at-home job.

There are many differentTypes of work that could be found, as well as writing articles, proofreading and office work, etc. I am glad that I am finally able to work from home job with the Home Group now.

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Art at Home Jobs - The Truth Behind Those type at Home Jobs

Many people dream of staying home with their children and still bring in an income. To be honest, I thought that this species was at home jobs is a bit of a myth. I just could not seem to find one everywhere.

When I first decided to stay home with my two small children, I just have to manage our finances about getting one of this type at home jobs in the situation.

Sounds good until you try and find one!

The first thing I recommend that everyone was doing and, Is to ask friends and family if they know someone who has the job of who typing at home for one. When I asked the family, no one knew where it would like you to find a job.

At some point I started looking on the internet, every time a result would come back to typing at home, they have proved nothing, as it is. Creating craft goods or stuffing envelopes all seemed to be there out there. I am a typist, it's what I do. I just wanted to be able to do it at home.

MySearch went on and on, until one day I managed a company that offers full training and shows you exactly how to find it by typing at home. If I'm honest, I say that I have seen so many scams on my search, I was a little skeptical.

In the end I sign up and can say that although I am not as much money as they can claim to be made, I will only work a few hours a week, I make a good wage for the hours I put in.

I totally believe that everyone can do thatand with type jobs at home so thinly sown, it is worth looking at.

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-The fall of the Republic Presidency of Barack Obama H-Part 3

The long-awaited masterpiece by Alex Jones and the Infowars team is finally here .. Please support the filmmakers of signing up to buy or purchase a copy to .. The time is now to take back our great country from the scumbag bankers and politicians bought and paid 4 .. http documented fall of the Republic, as an offshore corporate cartel bankruptcy of the U.S. economy is by design. Leaders are now declared that world government has arrived, and that theDollar will be replaced by a new global currency. President Obama has shamelessly violated Article 1, § 9 of the U.S. Constitution prevailed at the head of the United Nations Security Council, becoming the first U.S. president to the presidency of the world body. A scientific dictatorship is in the final stages of completion, and the laws for the protection of fundamental human rights are abolished worldwide, an iron curtain of high-tech tyranny is now descending on the planet. A global regime controlled bya non-elected corporate elite is implementing a carbon tax planetary system, which will dominate all human activities and a neo-feudal system of slavery. The image-makers have carefully packaged Obama as a savior of the world, it is made the Trojan horse to the people long enough to pacify completed for the globalists to their master plan. This film shows the architecture of the new world order, and what the power elite have in store for mankind. More importantly, it is communicatedhow ...

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Job Sculpting - Customized jobs the best talent

One size does not fit all - not in service reactions, not in employment in the workplace. We want our food, music, fashion, cars, and to reflect who we are, we want to reflect on our work, who we are. mental or thinking in a workplace, the more jobs are the talents, tailor-made and thought of every employee, the better it is perform. Customizing jobs has a direct effect on employee commitment, attitude and performance of the company.

In the previous industrialAge (before the production moved offshore much), standard job descriptions were the rule. This assured that would run all the machines and production facilities as planned, and that each employee could work the process.

Today we are in a service or mental age. Our success is happening in the quality of our employees' interaction with our customers, this can not be mandated by the standard job description, as each service event is different and unique. Standard service responses do not work;instead, employees have to constantly inspire thought and invention of the customer. The more work around the strengths of each employee is based feel, the more committed and competent employees. The greater the feelings, the more people are connected to their work and to the customers. The result is a significant improvement in performance. Customization is the key to commitment and performance.

Think as a standard job description in today's age of individualizationShirt or a jacket that does not fit well ... it is inconvenient. If we have something that is uncomfortable to wear, we are constantly aware of his poor grip, it distracts us. The same is fit with jobs to do that - not to distract ourselves from the performance. Today, all organizations that their employees' full attention on the performance, everything that affects people from districts power the company's success.

Customizing jobs, or better known as a job sculpting is the processbegins with a standard job description then it changes the advantages of talents, interests and experiences that are internal to take the individual employee. Job sculpting is a simple process summarized in the following four points:

1st know your business. Before you can begin to shape (customizing) of jobs for your employees, you must have a clear strategic understanding of your business because you will sculpt your business needs to more than their jobs. Although mostOrganizations host a formal strategic planning process every year, a fundamental strategic update should be performed monthly, the addresses of the following areas:

o What are the five most important events / issues / opportunities for the company today?

o What are the talents, skills and resources within the organization to address the issues mentioned above?

This is your process of job sculpting, because the goal is to make the right employees with the critical business issues, changes, or playOpportunities.

2 Know your employees. Do you know the talents, interests and values of each of your employees. Consider defining the use of "Strenghtsfinder 2.0" by Tom Rath and his online questionnaire talents of every employee. Then you spend time with each employee to get to know their interests and values. Now you know your business requirements and the specific talents and unique strengths and performance of available resources in your staff. You're almost ready for job startSculpture.

3rd Check the standard job description. A standard job description is created to ensure completeness position to help run the business to the efficient and good to define tasks that require the talents of the employees work to do. This information puts the thousand-Manager to the right people, which is a good fit for the expectations of the role of rent. This will help us in our job sculpting process.

Sculpt the 4thperfect job. First contribution of each employee's talents, values and interests, now you know the commitment and interest to the individual employee. Next, review your business issues, changes and opportunities. What talents are needed to circumvent these changes and opportunities and who will be best suited to work on them? Match employee talents / interests of the company needs to make changes to develop in every workplace of the employee. Check if the task is already addressed in the job description.If not, add it. In most cases the additional task will be received by the employees, as they in their talent and interest areas (IT appeals to them). This creates an entirely new job description, adapted to both workers and the environment. For example, if the business it does require that employees enthusiastic, a competitor would have to investigate on the site, create a telemarketing program, design a customer survey or new powerful daily performance reporting? TheEngaging employees would find it to be assessed and proposals for change in business hours, develop an online commerce site, see an exhibition, a course to other employees or re-organize a section of the retail or office space?

The more the standard job descriptions with the energy and customer-specific tasks, staff talent areas that more people are drawn match was suspended in performance. Their jobs are constantly being updated, reinvented and shaped. In this way, noStaff feels old and boring, performance and commitment levels oscillate.

Successful management in today's economy is based on personal relationships. The more time spent by managers acquire interests and to know his team's strengths, the stronger their bond; is this manager is in a better position right employee talents to the business issues / opportunities and sculpture Engaging jobs. How do the environment changes, this ongoing dialogue enables the manager more sculptureexcited to keep their jobs, committed and with performance. Today, a "one size fits all" approach to job drives people away. Customize sculpt and jobs, and you will win, retain and inspire the best performers.

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Are there any jobs hiring 15 and up?

This is a question to ask a teenager. It is only practical that they are angry with problems like these. Times are hard now - financially - and the least they can help their parents, is to get their own jobs so they become financially independent.

The answer to your question is yes. There are so many jobs hire at 15 years. one need not experience the internment for agencies or law firms in order for them to get the job you want it. It dependson the ability they have.

Take this for example. Popular Jobs hiring at 15 and up are those that require the youth to their local movie theaters work. You can even their pocket money to communicate with others, and are updated on the latest versions. It is one of the most sought after jobs hiring at 15 and for three reasons.

The jobs that are available Usher, cleaners, ticket takers, projectionists, food servers and customer service. Check out the training of these young peoplewill come only by working on their local cinemas. Another good thing is that they are of professional experience to the job need to get any. You only need the interviewer that they show good with people, because this is a social profession.

Jobs job at 15 look like normally possible on the skills of the employee. They know that these young people show nothing on the paper so that they encourage, they too see the offices in March and with whether the jobs for them. IfYes, it has begun a full professional relationship and if it is done correctly, maybe this will be the long term.

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Hotel Job Descriptions

In some places where it expected a high number of visitors, especially tourist destinations like Cancun, Mexico, that are a large number of hotels and other forms of accommodation will be presented. A person wants to work in the hotel industry will do well to start in these areas, as the hotels they can be the best training and experience in the sector. Before a person begins the application, however, he must first know what to expect in terms of jobDescriptions of the various hotel staff, so that he led in his application properly.

General Job Description

all hotel staff, is under a general job description to ensure that the rooms are comfortable, good food is served and offers guests excellent service made available to. These are some of the most important aspects of the hospitality industry. Specific job titles come with specific responsibilities, this applies especially in front ofManagers.

Specific job descriptions

Lodging managers are responsible for ensuring that guests have a pleasant stay in the hotel, by including them with the comfort of your home, cable TV, voice mail, fitness equipment, and other services such as spa facilities. For business people, these managers make sure that a business man with the right communication and other facilities such as conference rooms available.

General Manager of the hotelhave an overall responsibility for the operation of the entire hotel. Some of the tasks are the definition of hotel rates, the provision of funds for each department, approving expenditures, and to ensure that the standards will remain the service of the hotel. There may also be asked general manager of the staff of the reorganization be built or bought the hotel. For larger businesses, hotels and rental residence managers, charged with the General Manager to help in the implementationhis duties. Most of the time, at least one hotel manager is correct to 24 hours a day, any problems or emergencies that may occur during the day.

As a manager in a hotel gets a lot of responsibility, which is why people who want the Hotel to the industry as a manager should be aware of the job descriptions of the different types of managers in one. Having this knowledge can help them prepare for the upcoming tasks, so that they can be effectivelyManagers.

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Luis, Matt, Froy and Sonia approach of a repo job a little differently: The owner of this car, was a real estate agent, you dodge finance company for months. So, Froy and Sonia go undercover as a couple who plan to have a house to buy. As the owner of the "couple" in the interior of the house for a tour, Luis and Matt take the car. When the owner learns about the undercover sting, they get vicious and violent, and the attacks Sonia. * No copyright infringement intended

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Weird Jobs - Ten More

I know about weird jobs, having a "skip-tracer" (one who tracks down people - in this case to serve subpoenas), a repo man, and a newspaper ad-inserter. I even tried a couple of unusual business, including selling stuffed animals in jars ("Canned Critters" - they never catch on), shape and earrings made of fish scales (those did better). Here are some crazy ways to make money to do that I have not tried - and hopefully never do.

Elephant Tender

This jobincludes the care of the elephants for a circus or zoo. Usually means that a number of blades of large piles of - well, the point. Apart from being a dirty job, it can also be dangerous.

Political Business Writing

Did you think politicians write their own brochures and other materials for the campaign? Come on - they hardly think their own thoughts. A writer says they charged $ 25 to $ 35 per hour for writing for politicians.

Hot Walker

A hot Walkeris the person that walks the racehorses around after a race. This is important because if a horse does not cool down before you return to the stable, the overheating can cause kidney damage.

Weird Restoration Business

Old Merry-go-rounds have to be restored if they are not thrown away. Someone has to do it, and no doubt will be paid fairly for this specialized area.

Translator of technical manuals

What do you do if you want to translate that technicalManual or guide for users VCR from Japanese into English? Call someone who does this work. Boring, but the pay is okay.

Bird Poop Jewelry

No, I'm not making this up there, it really was (is?) A man, a small shop bird poop had jewelry. He covered the various types of acrylic, and made them into pendants and earrings.

A terrible and Weird Job

I recently read about a woman who worked as a mechanic needles. Their task was to add theNeedles of the syringes. She was paid by the piece, and a tendency within less than $ 6 a class, all by the time their wounds.

Maybe do not have to be always, a sumo wrestler Wizard, or for that matter a proctologist or a statement in these weird jobs. But they are fun to read about.

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Update your resume in seven easy steps

If you spent have the time not a job search, you will know the importance of words to get at first beyond 'base' with a recruiter or employer in all the others who reviewed - and find ways to convince, or the person Your screen application, you represent great fit for the position they fill a try.

In those days, as many job applicants to draw hundreds, are you going to get a CV jumps to the side, and the attention of the commands areYou an interview. There is no way to impress your potential employers with your presentation skills if you are asked not to meet them!

This is a time when we are the windows to open to enjoy fresh air into the new season. So, what to write a better time to revitalize your resume, giving him take a place of spring cleaning for your career to the next level? Here are seven ways to give your CV a boost of energy for the coming year:

Revisit Your Resume Format: Notautomatically assume that the only way is to order your data in a 'reverse chronology'. Many advertisers are used to this system, it is true, but it is perhaps not the best choice for your situation, if you have a story or had chopped off work if you want to change careers have. Find out how a functional resume format, you could help highlight your most marketable skills.

Rethink your goal: Your objective statement is probably one of the first things that isconsidered. Of reducing such is not a mild description of the type of work you are looking for. Make clear what benefits the employer would at from letting you. Make the most of this important position, that most attributes will summarize your case to the reader.

Enhance your profile on the job Suit: It is unlikely that the specific requirements of any two jobs are exactly the same. Therefore, it is worth your time and effort to improve your CVSuit the specific needs of each application you make. Analyze the job description or ad to identify those skills that need to be prominent.

Reaffirm their 'Can Do' Attitude: Consider highlighting the ways you previous roles have a problem solver in your. Do not hide your light under the proverbial bushel! Enter convincing examples of how to successfully meet challenges, spearhead an initiative or project to demonstrate your positive mastermindedand energy potential.

Please provide your services: Active verbs can thus show the value you bring have a dramatic to get your work in. Let it not up to the reader to interpret your performance. Examine use your CV for ways to powerful language underscores that your contribution.

Represent your unique qualities: Every candidate who has done their research, and meets the basic criteria of the position is an opportunity on the short list - but not stop there.Ask yourself what differentiates you from the crowd of other candidates. Take advantage of your unique individuality to present your attributes.

Review Your Resume with the text: It is easy to get so absorbed in the drafting of the document that you view from losing sight of perfect, as it strikes the reader at first. Make good use of headings, bullets, and white space to ensure that there are also scans - read by computer software as well as the human eye.

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Aerospace Engineering Career Overview in becoming an aeronautical or astronautical engineer interested? Watch this video to learn what a career as an aerospace engineer is really like. Provides an overview of your daily professional life in aviation and space technology.

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