
Why Can't I Find a Job? Reasons Why You Might Be Having Trouble

If you aren't having much luck in your job search, you might have stopped and asked yourself "why can't I find a job?" In all honesty, it might be because of today's economy and job market; neither are looking too good right now. There are many more job applicants than there are open positions. With that said, the reason why you can't find a job might be a mistake that you are making. If you would like to turn your luck around, here are some important points to keep in mind.

Looking in the Wrong Places: When it comes to looking for a job, there are many places to look. You can look in your local newspaper, on search career search websites, attend job fairs, and more. Unless you decide to invest in a desktop job finder that searches thousands of websites for you at once with one search, you want to try all of these methods. Lets say you only look in your local newspaper, you are likely to miss a lot of open positions. On that same note, many companies still post now hiring listings in local newspapers. That is why you want to look in all the right places, even though there are a lot of them.

Not Looking Often Enough: With so many job applicants and so few jobs, it is important note that a quick response is vital to your success. After a job listing is posted on a website only 48 hours, many hiring managers get enough resumes to schedule more interviews than they actually need. They won't wait a week either before scheduling those interviews. That is why you want to do your searches often, like multiple times a day, to ensure your resume doesn't make it into the stack too late.

Not Having a Good Resume: A resume is very important to your job search success. If you aren't using a resume at all and just a list of your qualifications in no particular order, you are making a big mistake. On that same note, having an "okay" resume isn't good enough; your resume must be great. It must be easy to read, professional, and showcase your skills. Basically, your resume needs to show that you are the perfect candidate for the job.

Not Applying for the Right Jobs: In recent years, hiring managers have seen an influx in the number of resumes they get. Not only that, they have seen an increase the number of resumes they get from unqualified candidates. Nothing wastes your time or theirs more than applying for a job you aren't qualified for. Your chances of getting an interview are very slim. Now, it is okay to go with some close calls like when you have five years of on-the-job experience and they wanted seven, but be sure to use your best judgment.

Now that you have some helpful job search tips, go out and find a job. Let the JobFinder help. Try it free today and search thousands of career sites at once!

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Roustabout Jobs - How to Get Hired As an Offshore Roustabout

Roustabout jobs are the entry-level jobs on oil rigs. On most oil rigs, you work 12 hours a day, 7 days a week for 2 to 3 weeks at a stretch. Working as a roustabout is back-breaking and dirty - you do everything from cleaning and painting the oil rig to mixing the drilling mud and even moving supplies and equipment around the oil rig. On the other hand, practically everyone who matters on board the oil rig starts out as a roustabout, so you have no right to complain.

For English-speaking workers, there are three main places which hire people for roustabout jobs - Canada, US and UK. Alberta in Canada is still short of people, so it is easiest to get hired there. As long as you are tough enough and show the right attitude, many companies will be willing to pay for any courses or certifications which are required.

At the moment, it is also fairly easy to get offshore roustabout jobs in the US, especially in the Gulf Coast region. In some places, it is as simple as showing up at the temp agency. As in Canada, many companies badly need workers and are willing to pay for any training and certifications required. As a rough guide, your employer will send you to get your in offshore medical certificate, offshore survival certificate and helicopter underwater escape training certificate before you even set foot on the oil rig. After that will probably be a 2 or 3 week course induction course on your duties aboard the oil rig.

UK residents have it tougher. Most employers want you to show your BOSIET offshore survival training certificate, offshore medical certificate, and what the Brits call a GreenHand course. All told, taking getting all of these could set you back 3500 pounds, depending on where you take these course, and there is no guarantee of a job. The offshore scene there is surprisingly small - you really need to know the right people. Most of the jobs are off Aberdeen, so if you live elsewhere you really do not have a chance at all. For new hires without connections, the ex-armed forces personnel find it easiest to break in. British servicemen have a kind of skills conversion course which helps them get offshore oil jobs. Frankly, UK residents who want to break into the oil industry are better off looking for jobs in Alberta or the US Gulf Coast states.

When you apply for roustabout jobs, remember to highlight work experience which involves manual work and mechanical work. If you have any survival training or something like the BOSIET or HUET certificates, highlight these as well. Remember that roustabouts do a lot of manual labor, so do NOT brag about your university degree or some other highly technical skill - the employer may reject you for being over-qualified. Some companies now want you to prove that you have completed your high school education. Regardless of who you work for, there will be frequent drug-testing, especially if any accidents happen.

Are you looking for work as an offshore roustabout? Click here to learn how can help you to quickly and easily find roustabout jobs.

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Common Restaurant Problems and Solutions

While there will be problems with any business, in the restaurant industry a problem can be a disaster if you allow it to be. Rather than regarding a difficult situation as a problem, turn it around so it works to your advantage. Look for solutions to common restaurant business problems that can turn them into opportunities.

One common opportunity in the food service business is down time. After lunch and before dinner, or between breakfast and lunch you will probably have at least an hour when nobody comes through the door. Not only is this bad for your bottom line but potential diners passing by may think your restaurant is empty because it's a poor one. Therefore, you need to fill those tables as much as possible by enticing people to visit your restaurant between prime hours. You could offer a happy hour with free appetizers or a free buffet of chips and dips. A mid-morning brunch special will attract shoppers and passers-by and once the business community gets wind of it your restaurant will be the perfect place for an early meeting. You can also have a special menu for those slow hours, perhaps half portions with corresponding prices or items that are unavailable any other time of day.

The weather is another factor that can keep customers from dining out. Your job is to entice them out of their houses, into the heat or cold or rain and through your doors! This is a fun opportunity to be creative and get your staff involved. Choose a name for your promotion and perhaps make it a contest with a small incentive if the employee's idea is chosen. Many restaurants in Phoenix, Arizona have promotions during the summer, when temperatures can reach 120 degrees and no one really wants to leave their air-conditioned homes or offices. They offer a percentage off for every degree over a certain temperature, special menus with discount prices or limited time exotic drinks. You might offer free iced tea during the hottest days of summer, a complimentary scoop of ice cream after a meal or provide free valet parking or other services to minimize exposure to the heat. In the winter you can greet your guests with free hot chocolate or hot apple cider.

Another headache for restaurants is their seating arrangements. Taking advantage of every inch of floor space means that some tables are in less desirable spots, such as near the kitchen, the entrance or a bathroom. You can make these tables the most popular by offering free appetizers, desserts or other perks to people sitting there. Restaurants that turn this problem into such opportunities for their customers usually have those "undesirable" tables filled before any of the others!

Another problem that presents itself often is selling out of a popular menu item before the day is over. If customers find that a variety of menu items are not available they may simply walk out and not come back. Turn this into an opportunity by apologizing to the diner and offer them a voucher that entitles them to get the item for no charge next time they visit. Tell them about other items on the menu that they might enjoy instead. They may find a new favorite!

Before starting your restaurant business, give some thought to the kinds of problems that may arise in the day-to-day management of your establishment. Successful restaurant entrepreneurs find ways to turn these problems into profitable opportunities!

There are a number of restaurant success factors that can go a long way towards determining whether your restaurant operation is profitable or not. For more articles, advice and product reviews visit -

Start a Restaurant Business

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How To Find A Fashion Magazine Internship

It's the job a million girls would kill for - the fashion magazine internship. If you're looking to get into fashion magazines as a career, an internship is one of the only ways to break into the business, especially if you want to work for a top level fashion magazine like Allure, Elle or the highly regarded Vogue. But the biggest question of all is how to find these highly sought after fashion magazine internships. Here are a few tips for getting your foot in the door.

Go Straight To The Source

One of the best ways to find a fashion magazine internship is to go straight to the magazines themselves. You can call the front desk and ask if there are any openings for interns. Or better yet send a resume and cover letter over on your own. They'll be impressed about how driven and proactive you are.

Go Straight To The Source...Online

Many of the major fashion magazines are owned by the same company, such as Conde Nast or Time Warner. Their official websites have job searches. Give the search a try, a fashion magazine internship lead just might come up.

Start A Blog

How would you like to be handed a fashion magazine internship without even applying? It doesn't happen in all cases, but running your own fashion blog can get you great opportunities and recognition. You can also use to show potential employers your writing skills and how dedicated you are to fashion.

Through Your School

If you go to a fashion school it shouldn't be too hard to find an internship at a fashion magazine through your schools connections, depending on the area you're in. If you're not at a fashion school it's still worth a try and hopefully one of your counselors can track down leads especially for you.

Finding a lead for a fashion internship is actually the hard part, it's landing the job that's hard! But you've got to take these first steps, and it's important to search, search, search to find those leads. Good luck!

Find leads to fashion magazine internships every single day on

Kimberly L. is a Fashion Institute of Design and Merchandise graduate, professional blogger and boutique owner.

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Commercial Diving Jobs - Oil Companies Need Divers For Offshore Exploration Projects

Oil. A word that makes you think of plenty of things. War. Greed. Power. Money. Deepwater diving. That's right, diving. It may not be your first association with the big oil companies, but it is a place where divers can launch lucrative careers. A place where you can push the limits and do what you love to do - dive.

Commercial diving jobs for oil companies are possibly the best means to a big paycheck as a diver. Imagine diving every day in some of the most remote locations on the entire planet - Alaska, the Black Sea, Gulf of Mexico, Red Sea, and anywhere else that oil hides offshore beneath the surface of the Earth.

When you work as a diver for the oil industry you need to have strong diving skills. And to make the big bucks you need to be a fully certified commercial diver. That means attending a commercial diving school where you will learn the mandatory skills to begin a career as a commercial diver.

You need to feel 100% confident in everything that you do underwater. Any mistake can be costly, even fatal. When you work for the oil industry you will be diving in extreme conditions. Depth, penetration, darkness, cold, currents, bottom time, even underwater welding will become part of your daily routine. Every single day will be completely different - with new challenges, new adventures, and new locations.

So what is the life of an oil diver like? How do I get started in this sweet career? How much will I make? Is it hard to find work? Is this the career for me? These are all questions that you most likely are pondering right now. Well let's start at the beginning...

To get started diving for the oil industry, you need more than a basic open-water diver certification The International Marine Contractors Association website has lots of information about such training programs. A commercial diving school will teach you the complex skills of gas mixing, depth diving, and underwater construction. More notably, you'll learn to dive using surface supplied air instead of SCUBA.

The next step is to find a job. Usually this can be done by searching the big oil company's employment pages or by searching Google. Next apply for a job. If your skills are top notch and you have a solid background, you'll be hired. Be ready to jet set off to some remote oil rig and be prepared to travel again to your next gig. You may be in Alaska one week welding a pillar at 100 meters and the next week be exploring for oil in the South Pacific.

Traveling on the oil company's dollar is one perk of working in this industry. Another is your paycheck. Often entry-level dive jobs pay between $900 and $1,500 a week. And with more experience, you can earn upwards of $80,000 annually - an awesome salary for doing what you love - diving. Not to mention that you are always traveling, never having to settle down in a little cubicle with a window down the hall.

As for finding work, yes it is difficult, but not if you have the skills and willingness to search out the work and to go where it is. Many commercial divers in the oil industry burn out quickly due to the long hours and adrenaline pumping work. But a few years of heart pumping underwater work is a pretty great gig. If you are qualified, the jobs will come, but always be sure to look for your next job even when you are on you are happily employed. It seems that once you are in the system, the work is steady, exciting, and there is plenty of it.

If you are interested in traveling the world, being underwater, getting paid ridiculous amounts of money for your work, and are ready for the adrenaline pumping risks of this exciting career, then you should seriously consider diving jobs in the oil industry.

Lisa Jenkins is the guru of adventurous summer jobs and career opportunities. Her work most often appears on JobMonkey, a free website covering many different unique industries. Her topics of expertise include diving jobs and the offshore oil and gas jobs JobMonkey includes an active job board and hundreds of pages of information about seasonal jobs and offbeat careers.

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Jobs For High School Dropouts - Earn Money With No Experience

If you are a high school drop out and can't find a job because the interviewer tells you that you have no education, there is still hope. Today, millions of people just like you turn to the online community. More specifacly, they earn money taking paid surveys. This is by far the best job for high school dropouts.

Why? Well simply because you do not need any of the following :

Any High School Diploma
Any Experience In Any Job Sector

In fact, all you need is your brain, a computer with internet connection and you are ready to start working. It's seems simple right? Well it is except the part where you have to find the high paying survey sites. I mention this because there are millions of survey sites on the web right now but only a few of them actually pay you the money you deserve to get. Let alone the sites that don't pay you at all. But with a simple trick, this phase can be passed in a breeze.

The trick is to use forums to your advantage because people on them are willing to share their experience with the real and scam survey sites. Use the big forums because those are usually established with loyal members which means you will get honest answers. Avoid the smaller ones because there are chances you will end up in a scam site or one that isn't a high paying one. There are many scammers on them just waiting to catch you and waste your time.

Once you have found a high paying survey site, you will be earning cash right from your pc!

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What Are Your Long Term Career Goals - Job Interview Question

This open-ended question, and others like; "Where do you see yourself in five years?" throw most candidates off balance. The object of the question is to check for your self-awareness and communication skills.

Dan Harrison is the staffing manager for Wesco Corporation and is about to interview three candidates for a project manager position. He is looking for someone with planning and long-range vision skills.

Phil Holmes describes his goal - "To be a Marketing Manager within five years, and have a hand picked team reporting to him."

This is a very specific and narrow goal, which may not be an option at this company. The "hand picked" team demonstrates a lack of flexibility. Best to stay away from too specific a goal.

Shawna Green answers - "I have been so busy with my responsibilities and achieving company goals, that I have not focused on personal long-term goals.

While a strong work ethic is certainly desirable, this answer does not demonstrate vision or planning.

Marsha Severson states- "I plan to return to school to earn my MBA, and have my own consulting business one day.

While it pays to be honest, this answer could turn the interview in the wrong direction very quickly. The employer is looking for someone to stick around for the long run, not to stop over on the way to a new career.

Focus - Exercise

If you are the type of person who prefers an organized way of life, you may find this question a "piece of cake". But, if you are among the majority of persons who let life happen as it comes along, you will probably not have a smooth answer without some forethought.

* What are your goals? - The best answers will come from you thinking about what you want. Most successful business people will tell you that a key success factor is the ability to set and achieve goals.

Begin by setting short-term goals. Right now your goal may be "to get a job". But, what kind of job? And, where do you go from there?

* Be employer-centered - The employer is looking for someone to come in and solve problems. Since planning is a key factor in this job, think of examples where your planning has made a difference in results.


After giving some thought to where you want to go and how you can help the employer achieve results, try scripting your answer to focus.

I have learned that long-term goals are best achieved when I break them into shorter goals. My short-term goal is to find a position that will place me in a forward-moving company with solid performance and future projections. As part of a team, I want to add value and continue to grow the company. My long-term goal will depend on where the company goes. My plan is to move into a position of responsibility where I can lead a team.

No one can tell you exactly how to answer this question - it will come from what is important to you. However, the more and focused and employer centered you can be about your goal, the better your chances will be of steering the interview in the right direction.

Carole Martin is America's #1 Interview Coach. Celebrated author, trainer, and mentor, Carole can give you interviewing tips like no one else can. Her workbook, "Interview Fitness Training" has sold thousands of copies world-wide. Sign Up to Receive Free Weekly Interview Tips

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Choosing Colors For Your Restaurant

Every restaurant needs a color scheme. Colors must be chosen for your walls, decor, tables, linens, the exterior, signage, logo, basically everything, but what colors are best? How do you choose? Let's take a look at some choices:

Red - Red is a color that is bold, noticeable and gives a sense of urgency. However, it can also be a color that symbolizes anger but also love. Red is a good color for many ethnic restaurants, since red is a dominant color in so many country's flags.

Green - Green is a color that may signify good luck, nature and money. Green can also symbolize jealousy. Green is usually a good choice for an accent color.

Blue - Blue symbolizes peace, calm and serenity. Blue can also make a person feel cool, cold or disconnected. Blue is a nice color for a restaurant that is laid back.

Yellow - Yellow is a color that can signify happiness, joy and summer. Yellow can also symbolize cheapness or stinginess. Yellow is usually good as an accent color or as a background color.

Orange - Orange can mean excitement and enthusiasm. Like yellow, orange is usually a good accent color.

Purple - Purple symbolizes passion and creativity. However, purple also means death in some countries and in some religions. Purple is usually used as an accent color.

White - White symbolizes cleanliness, clarity and purity. White is always a good choice for table linens and textiles. White is also a great color to make your guests feel like there is more space in your restaurant.

Black - Black can signify excitement, class, boldness and be futuristic. Black can also signify sadness, evil and anger. Black is perfect for an accent color or as a compliment to a lighter color.

These are the basic colors that you will work from to create different shades and mixtures of colors for your restaurant.
Pastels and lighter and darker versions of these colors will allow you to put together the perfect color scheme for your particular restaurant and allow you to attract more customers. If you notice the colors of many fast food restaurants, including McDonald's and Burger King, you'll see they all choose from the same color scheme, which consists of browns, reds, oranges and blacks. These companies have poured money into researching the effects of color on diners, and have found these colors to be the most conducive to buying and eating food. A higher class restaurant may want to take this into consideration and use these colors as accents to your chosen color scheme.

Whatever colors you choose, they should compliment your setting, theme and most of all, your menu and food.

Lydia Quinn writes for R & I Solutions, makers of Cost Genie restaurant costing software. Get a free demo at:

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10 Hot Jobs And The Certifications You Need To Get Them

While scouting for the top 10 hot jobs, we combed through tons of data offline as well online. Making a small list for just 10 hot jobs has taken some important considerations like the following ones:

1. Longevity of relevance of the job

2. Salary and growth potential

3. Universality of the field

While most job seekers looked for higher positions and salaries, others considered permanence of their job was their priority. It is noteworthy that the definition of job security has changed substantially in the last decade and it is all about continuing in the same job but under different employers. Ready? Here we go!

10 Hot Jobs And The Certifications You Need To Get Them

The top hot jobs were all of a high profile nature and most of them were in the field of computers.

1. CISCO CERTIFIED NETWORK EXPERT: This hits the top for the second successive year. Candidates consider themselves lucky to pass this test even on their second attempt where the percentage success rate is just 15. This hits the top because of its ever-increasing popularity, salary potential and vast potential.

2. MICROSOFT CERTIFIED SYSTEMS ENGINEER: The MCSE certification has stayed on top for many years now. The job involves working with operating systems and security issues. The popularity is also because it doesn't require additional certification to get through to your dream job. Job profile: Systems Engineer and Systems Analyst.

3. TEACHER: Why do you think this found its way to Top-3 slot? Close to 1.3 million teachers need to be recruited in the next 5-6 years. Teachers in the K-12 bracket: 724,000 and post secondary teachers: 603,000. We had to give this position its due. All states offer various educator preparation programs for aspirants through their respective boards of education.

4. REGISTERED NURSES: Registered nurses are going to be in top demand in the next 5-6 years due to the government's spending on healthcare programs. This had to happen sooner than later after the recent well-publicized nursing shortage. Certification: The boards of nursing in every state administers the certification exam, National Council Licensure Examination (NCLEX). Minimum qualification to appear for this exam is graduation from approved nursing schools. Average salary, $53,000

5. COMPUTER SOFTWARE ENGINEER: CNN reports that 307,000 computer software engineers will be required in the next 3-4 years. This is one interesting job with lots of code writing or fixing for making the computers of the world work. Certification: University graduates with computer science as a major, with physics and math can jumpstart their careers. Some top certifications are MCSE, Sun Certified Java Programmer, MySQL and Red Hat Certified Engineer.

6. INVESTMENT AND FINANCIAL ADVISOR: Tops the salary charts for both federal as well as private employers. Based on the risk profile and risk-benefit analysis, they advise their clients on personal and business financial matters. Salary ranges from $28,500 to $145,600. Certification: College graduation along with a Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) certification can enhance prospects.

7. CISCO CERTIFIED INTERNETWORK EXPERT (CCIE): If difficulty, prestige and recognitions are any thing to go by, here it is. CCIE is not among the most sought after certification but it is very difficult. This simply is the most feared exam of all. Certification: By CISCO

8. RED HAT CERTIFIED ENGINEER (RHCE): Increase of interest in open source code has shot up the popularity of this job. This is hailed as the MCSE of Linux certifications.

9. MEDICAL SCIENTIST: Broad category that involves medical research. This career is hot because of the large amount of research activity initiated by the government and private organizations on AIDS, cancer, Parkinson's Syndrome and many more. Certification: Doctorate: $100,000 and above.

10. ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEER: This job ranks high because of its high growth index in the next 2-3 years itself. Salary indicated ranges from $38,950 to $92,940. They work in laboratories in universities, governments, or research firms etc. Stringent environmental regulations are expected making the job a much preferred one. Certification: College graduation and degree in Environmental Engineering or Geology.

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Negotiating Difficult Life Transitions

Life is a process of beginnings and endings. In both life and nature, there are times when things move slowly and don't seem to change very much. Then, suddenly, things change quickly. Moving from August to September, the weather changes gradually at first, and then it seems that suddenly summer is over. It is the same in our lives; transitions are as natural as the changing seasons.

Life transitions are challenging because they force us to let go of the familiar and face the future with a feeling of vulnerability. Most life transitions begin with a string of losses:

• The loss of a role

• The loss of a person

• The loss of a place

• The loss of your sense of where you fit in the world

Any significant loss makes most people feel fearful and anxious. Since your future may now be filled with questions, it is normal to feel afraid. We live in a culture that has taught us to be very uncomfortable with uncertainty, so we are anxious when our lives are disrupted. On the positive side, these transitions give us a chance to learn about our strengths and to explore what we really want out of life. This time of reflection can result in a sense of renewal, stability, and a new equilibrium.

A life transition can be positive or negative, planned or unexpected. Some transitions happen without warning, and they may be quite dramatic, as in cases of accidents, death, divorce, job loss, or serious illness. Other life transitions come from positive experiences such as getting married, going away to college, starting a new job, moving to a new city, or giving birth to a child. Even though events like these are usually planned and anticipated, they can be just as life-altering as the unexpected events. Whether positive or negative, life transitions cause us to leave behind the familiar and force us to adjust to new ways of living, at least temporarily. They can leave us feeling completely unprepared and we may be thrown into a personal crisis, feeling shocked, angry, sad, and withdrawn.

Examples of Life Transitions

Life transitions can include any of the following:

• Accidents

• Buying a house

• Changing jobs

• Divorce

• Getting married

• Having a baby

• Leaving for college

• Relocation

• Retirement

• Selling a house

• Serious illness

• Significant loss (of a person, job, pet, or anything important)

• Starting a career

Stages of Life Transitions

Successfully moving through a life transition usually means experiencing the following stages:

1. Experience a range of negative feelings (anger, anxiety, confusion, numbness, self-doubt).

2. Feel a loss of self-esteem.

3. Begin to accept the change.

4. Acknowledge that you need to let go of the past and accept the future.

5. Begin to feel hopeful about the future.

6. Feel increased self-esteem.

7. Develop an optimistic view of the future.

The process of moving through a transition does not always proceed in order, in these nice, predictable stages. People usually move through the process in different ways, often cycling back and forth among the stages.

Coping Skills

Life transitions are often difficult, but they have a positive side, too. They provide us with an opportunity to assess the direction our lives are taking. They are a chance to grow and learn. Here are some ideas that may help make the process rewarding.

Accept that change is a normal part of life. People who have this attitude seem to have the easiest time getting through life transitions. Seeing changes as negative or as experiences that must be avoided makes them more difficult to navigate and less personally productive.

Identify your values and life goals. If a person knows who they are and what they want from life, they may see the change as just another life challenge. These people are willing to take responsibility for their actions and do not blame others for the changes that come along without warning.

Learn to identify and express your feelings. While it's normal to try to push away feelings of fear and anxiety, you will move through them more quickly if you acknowledge them. Make them real by writing them down and talking about them with trusted friends and family members. These feelings will have less power over you if you face them and express them.

Focus on the payoffs. Think about what you have learned from other life transitions. Recall the stages you went through, and identify what you gained and learned from each experience. Such transitions can provide a productive time to do some important self-exploration. They can be a chance to overcome fears and to learn to deal with uncertainty. These can be the gifts of the transition process: to learn more about yourself and what makes you happy and fulfilled.

Don't be in a rush. When your life is disrupted, it takes time to adjust to the new reality. Expect to feel uncomfortable during a transition as you let go of old ways of doing things. Try to avoid starting new activities too soon, before you have had a chance to reflect and think about what is really best for you.

Expect to feel uncomfortable. A time of transition is confusing and disorienting. It is normal to feel insecure and anxious. These feelings are part of the process, and they will pass.

Stay sober. Using alcohol or drugs during this confusing time is not a good idea. It can only make the process more difficult.

Take good care of yourself. Transitions are very stressful, even if they are supposed to be happy times. You may not feel well enough to participate in your normal activities. Find something fun to do for yourself each day. Get plenty of rest, exercise, and eat well.

Build your support system. Seek the support of friends and family members, especially those who accept you without judging you and encourage you to express your true feelings. A time of transition is also an excellent time to seek the support of a mental health professional. He or she can guide you through the transition process in a safe and supportive environment.

Acknowledge what you are leaving behind. This is the first step to accepting the new. Think about how you respond to endings in your life: Do you generally avoid them, like the person who ducks out early on her last day on the job because she can't bear to say good-bye? Or do you drag them out because you have such a hard time letting go? Perhaps you make light of endings, refusing to let yourself feel sad. Before you can welcome the new, you must acknowledge and let go of the old.

Keep some things consistent. When you are experiencing a significant life change, it helps to keep as much of your daily routine consistent as you can.

Accept that you may never completely understand what has happened to you. You are likely to spend a lot of time feeling confused and afraid. This makes most of us very uncomfortable. The discomfort and confusion will pass, and clarity will return.

Take one step at a time. It's understandable to feel like your life has become unmanageable. To regain a sense of power, find one small thing you can control right now. Then break it down into small, specific, concrete steps. Write them down and post them on your computer monitor or mirror. Cross off each step as you accomplish it.

Times of life transitions offer you the chance to explore what your ideal life would look like. When things are in disarray, you can reflect on the hopes and dreams you once had but perhaps forgot about. Take this time to write about them in a journal or talk about them with a trusted friend or therapist. Now is a good time to take advantage of the fork in the road.

Garrett Coan, MSW, LCSW is Founder and Director of the Center for Creative Counseling, a team of expert and licensed therapists and coaches providing phone and internet counseling services to clients throughout the United States and worldwide. To arrange a no-obligation, complimentary consultation, call 1-877-958-4769 or visit them on the Web at

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Legitimate Payday Loans Online With No Credit Check

With an online world that is so full of scams, hype and gimmicks it can be hard to find legitimate payday loans online. When you need cash for something that you need to pay, you don't have time to waste with scam websites and gimmicks. It's a big waste of time to have to go through the Internet trying to find a legit payday loan.

The good news is that there is a real loan company or two on the Internet that can give you a legit payday loan without the need for credit check. There is no credit check whatsoever. All you have to have is a job which is a way to pay the loan back. There isn't even any qualification other than having a job and being over age 18. Being over 18 is because you can not enter into any type of loan agreement unless you are of legal age.

Some people get frustrated that some Web sides say the have to have a checking account. This is actually not even true and no checking account is really needed with any legitimate payday loan company. They will ask you and tell you that you have to have a checking account, definitely.

The reason that they say you have to have a checking account is because if your payment bounces they are more likely to get their money, however you will get an insufficient fund charge from your bank if you don't have the money in your account for your payment. If you use a checking account, then there is no type of overdraft protection and the payday loan company is less likely to get their money for the payment if you don't have it in your account.

There is in fact no way for a payday loan company, insurance company or anybody else for that matter, to be able to distinguish between a checking account number and a savings account number.

There are legitimate payday loan companies online that can help you. If you need money now, you can get up to $1500 in cash money deposited directly into your bank account. All you have to have the job, be over 18 and be you say you are.

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Jobs For Teenagers - Top 10 Jobs For Students and Teens

Are you a teen looking for a great part time job? Collect a regular paycheck with one of these top 10 jobs for teenagers.

1. Office Jobs

Jobs in an office call for good organizational skills. One good example is a doctors office, where you might greet patients, handle their medical records and collect payments. Another example would be working at a law office or accounting firm. Here you will develop computer skills and may learn about handling credit card transactions. This is a great after school job for teens.

2. Restaurants

Restaurant jobs can include waiting or busing tables, working in a fast food window or delivering orders. You can make a good amount of money in cash tips working these kinds of jobs. Casual family restaurants are the best bet, and there are many big chains that regularly hire teenagers. One great benefit to these jobs is they often give you an employee discount. Some may even let you eat for free!

3. Superstore Jobs

Major retailers that sell home improvement supplies or bed and bath items can be a great part time job for teens. These big stores sometimes offer great benefits. If you have any special knowledge or skills, these can lead you in the right direction. Do you enjoy working on projects around the house? Maybe you like to decorate or paint. Superstores can provide teens with the flexibility to work and also go to school.

4. Movie Theaters

If you love going to the movies, what better job that working at your local movie theater? Movie theaters are usually owned by big corporations, and can offer great pay and other benefits. You may get an employee discount and will surely be the first to see the hottest movies! If you have ever thought about getting into the film business, this job will provide you with knowledge of how the businesses run that actually bring in the movie profits.

5. Art & Framing Stores

Art stores and framing jobs can involve helping people select frames for their artwork, or actually creating the finished product. While it may seem simple, there is much thought that goes into framing a valuable piece of art or photograph. You will gain knowledge in the what materials are used and what style of presentation is appropriate for pieces of art. Art supply stores can also be fun and you'll become an expert on the tools of the trade. If you are considering an art career, learning about different paints, brushes and arts and supplies is good experience. 

6. Shipping & Delivery

Major delivery companies are always looking for part time help. You will find jobs for package handlers as well as delivery assistants. Teens can earn great pay doing these jobs and work flexible hours. The top companies often provide great benefits to their employees. This is a great way to get into the hugely profitable business of shipping. Many top executives at major corporations worked their way up from entry level jobs like these.

7. Customer Service

Many cell phone providers and superstores often need customer service reps. Learning how to deal with people can be useful later on, no matter what career path you choose. It also may lead to a job in sales, where you can earn big commissions for the products you sell. Becoming a customer service rep can be the first step towards management at a big company.

8. Auto Service

Are you handy with cars, trucks, boats or motorcycles? Auto shops and oil change service centers often will hire new employees with no experience. Learn how to work on cars and be a mechanics assistant. Later, you may decide to become a certified  mechanic and work for a major auto manufacturer or car dealerships service department. Mechanics at luxury car dealerships can go on to become service advisers and make six figures helping customers with their cars.

9. Stock Person Jobs

Good at organizing things? Copy shops, clothing stores and many other retail employers need to keep their inventory together. If you are in good shape and want to get into retail or other service related industries, get your foot in the door with one of these jobs. You can learn about the mechanics of how a business works, and how products actually reach the consumer. This is the perfect after school job for teenagers. 

10. Cashier Positions

Being a cashier you can develop valuable skills with retail computer systems and helping customers. Cashiers can help teens develop good  personal finance skills by learning how to handle money. One good example is working at a drug store or local coffee shop. If you find a job for a big company, they may even offer formal training which you can use in your next job. This valuable experience can  make landing your next job easier.

Visit our website now and find one of these jobs for teenagers in your area.

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Handyman Tips

If you don't have the time to spare for the handyman to work on the small tasks that you have on hand, you can try fixing the little things yourself when you have free time. There are small tasks that you can do yourself without getting professional help. After all, handymen are not going to do work for free. Why not try your hand at those small jobs? There are many tips and tricks to do some of the jobs.

Nailing small nails is not an easy task as you may find it difficult to hold them in your hands. An easy way to hold them is to place them between the teeth of the combs. If you want to sharpen the razor blades you can use the striker on the matchbook. Duct tape can be used in a variety of ways. You can even seal the pipes using such. Torn greenhouses can be repaired with duct tapes. Do you want sandpaper to last longer? Then you can wet the back of the sandpaper and wrap it around a wooden block. It will work better this way.

Sometimes you may have difficulty in opening the drawers of your dressers and other tables. In such scenarios you can apply candle wax on the runner side of the drawers. Try this method and you will have no difficulty opening them. There are times that you may find that the screws in the wall are loose. If you find such screws, you can insert the stick of the wooden match or a toothpick in the hold and then screw it. Now it will be tight enough. Is your closet damp most of the time? You can use charcoal to control the moisture in your closet. All you have to do is to put some charcoal in a can and place it in a corner. Or close the can and punch some holes in it. The charcoal will absorb the moisture. There are many such tips to solve small problems around the house available on various Web sites.

Handyman [] provides detailed information on Handyman, Handyman Services, Starting A Handyman Business, Handyman Tips and more. Handyman is affiliated with Home Remodeling.

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What Are the Highest Paying Nursing Jobs?

In general, the highest paying nursing jobs will belong to those who have chosen to specialize in a particular type of nursing and will often require education in addition to the usual Bachelor Degree in nursing which is required for an RN.

The top paying nursing jobs are those of the Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist, the Nurse Researcher, the Psychiatric Nurse Practitioner, and the Certified Nurse Midwife. The CRNA (certified registered nurse anesthetist) pays on average $135,000 a year. However, there are rigorous training requirements including an RN degree from a four-year school, a year in acute care setting experience and then the program itself, which can last from 2 to 3 years.

The lowest paid of the highest paying nursing jobs is that of a certified nurse midwife, which on average pays around $86,000 a year. Entry into this demanding program requires the applicant to hold a Bachelor of Science in Nursing from an accredited school. The nurse midwifery program will award the successful graduate with a Master of Science in Nursing and after passing a state exam, they are qualified to practice as midwives.

The nursing situation is tight in the US as well as all over the globe. That means that sometimes hospitals or other facilities may end up short staffed for greater or shorter periods. This brings in the possibility of working as a travel nurse.

The highest paying travel nursing jobs are much like regular nursing jobs and the highest pays go to the nurse who specializes. Critical care nurses are in high demand among travel nursing companies. Nurses often work through a travel nursing service. In order to command the highest salaries it may be necessary for a nurse to sign up with several companies. In demand, nursing specialties may also negotiate salaries, and benefits with the nursing service.

It is an inescapable conclusion that even in the high demand field of nursing, the more education and specialization, the higher paid the position usually is. Not all specializations will necessarily require a commitment to a Master Nursing Degree program, an RN with 1750 hours of acute or critical bedside care experience and a current license may be eligible to take the Critical Care RN examination, which can give the nurse a higher salary potential and put them in demand as travel nurses.

Many nurses will begin with an associate degree in Nursing, which is 2 years, but for the highest paying nursing jobs a Bachelor of Science in Nursing and some certification and advanced education will be required.

Such responsible and high paying nursing positions as a Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist will have the nurse performing procedures that in the past were only the province of doctors or anesthetists and of course, they are compensated by way of some of the highest paying nursing jobs salaries for the increased responsibilities.

Travel nursing jobs for the specialist can provide the nurse the opportunity for travel, some of the highest pay in the nursing field and such benefits as top salaries, housing benefits and per diem expenses in some cases. For the qualified nurse who wants to travel at the expense of the company this can be the ideal position and provide the highest paying job salaries in nursing.

For more information on Highest Paying Nursing Jobs

Recommend : use stock for business Cat Litter Match Final World Cup Dating Games Online


Event Successful! How To Throw A Great Event?

If you're planning a party or successful event, you'll have a lot to think about and do over the coming weeks. Being responsible for everything from the location to the party favors can be intimidating, but never fear. Here are some basic steps that will help you plan and host a successful event.

1. The Plan is the Party!

The most single important aspect of having a successful event is to plan successfully. Consider all the scenarios - best, bad, and really bad. Now build your event plans to address your best dreams and worst nightmares. First, what is your goal? Are you throwing a bash for a long, lost friend? Are you selling a service or product to your customers? Are you raising funds for a charity? Your purpose for having the event should be the framework for everything you do from here on out.

Plan not only what you want to happen, but what you will do if it doesn't go that way. Give yourself lots of time to do your research, arrange for services, get the accessories, and encourage great attendance. Start with the big picture items like the location, the date and time, your theme, and your goals. Work your way down to the details including, but not limited to, table decorations, menu and specific dishes, space layout, coat storage. Plan flexibility into your schedule, and you're more likely to have a successful event.

2. Get and Stay Organized

Once you've established your plan and schedule, stick to it. Of course, there will inevitably be problems and changes. But make it a point to keep personally organized. There'll be a lot you can't control, but you can control your own time, your health, and your attitude. When you start wandering away from your plan, things will become chaotic, harder to manage. Don't let the ankle-biters distract you. Be flexible, but keep your overall goals and schedule at the front of your mind. Keep your planning materials, contracts, and correspondence organized in folders. Use a day-planner to keep track of your appointments and commitments. And always, always plan "me time" to maintain your energy and interest in this project. Staying organized as a critical part of planning and executing a successful event.

3. Make the Venue a Driving Decision

Once you have your plan laid out, your first big decision will be where to locate the event. How many people do you expect to invite? What type of entertainment are you planning? (A keynote speaker will use a lot less space than a 10-piece chamber orchestra.) Are you serving a sit-down dinner, a buffet, snacks? How much space will you need for seating? Do you want to be in a facility where other services are available? How far are you willing to make people travel to get there? Do you want an elaborate, expensive setting? Or will a casual, relaxed environment be best? When you know what type of place you want to use, identify at least three candidate locations and visit each one of them personally. Talk to the facility managers. Ask lots of questions. Find out what they'll provide as part of the contract and what you'll need to provide on your own. Ask for detailed formal bids from the candidates, and be sure to let them know they are competing. That will bring in lower bids. The investment of time and effort in selecting and securing the perfect facility will pay off big time on the night (or day) of your wildly successful event.

4. Develop a Detailed Schedule for Event Activities and a Program

You probably already know the theme of the event if you've established your goals and you've selected an appropriate location. Now you need to plan activities that are consistent with your theme. The larger the event, the more carefully each activity must be planned. For big events, will you have speakers and presentations? Ceremonies? What types of activities are you planning? As a first step, sit down and make a list of every activity you want to happen. Then order them in a logical way that flows. Plan for some unstructured social mixing time at the beginning and end of your successful event. Decide how long you want to allow for meals, speakers, announcements, and entertainment. Allow extra time for your guests to leave for a smoke or a bathroom break. Keep your guests busy, but not so busy that they feel stressed or overloaded. Build in time for fun and relaxation as well.

5. Now Turn to the Details

The first major part of your detail planning is food and drink. Food arrangements range from the very complex sit-down multi-course meal to the pot-luck munch-n-go party. You'll need to decide whether you and your helpers can provide the food or whether it would be easier and more appropriate to hire a caterer. If you do decide on a caterer, go through the same process as you did when securing a location. Select candidates, interview them, and get formal bids. Decide what menu you can afford and want to serve you want the caterer to prepare. When you've made a decision on the caterer, sign a contract with your agreements outlined very specifically. Have costs broken out into line items so that, if you have to, you can make changes to adjust to your budget.

Many caterers also provide beverages. Do you want to have an open free cash bar or will you ask guests to make for their own alcohol? Do you want to have alcohol at all? If you decide on serving booze, you may also need to consider hiring some security guards to make sure things don't get out of hand. Again, whether through your caterer or as an independent service, get formal bids and sign a written contract for the beverage service. (Some locations will provide non-alcoholic beverages as part of the rental agreement.)

6. Focus on Entertaining Your Guests

Once you are settled on the facility, the theme, and the food and drink, you'll need to pin down your entertainment. For more serious gatherings, you may want to hire a keynote speaker or ask for presentations. For more social gatherings, you should consider a band or orchestra, a DJ or comedian, or other entertainers. Will your entertainment involve dancing? You'll need to be sure you have the space for that. If you're using an emcee, DJ, or comedian, a small podium will probably work. But if you're having band or group of entertainers, you'll need a stage. You may even want to have structured games or entertaiment (ever heard of the murder mystery party?) that your guests can participate in. If you're holding a fund-raising event, you might consider an auction or competition designed to get bids. Whatever entertainment you choose, make sure it's appropriate for you theme. And time the presentation of entertainment after dinner or snacks. If you have a keynote speaker, have them start their presentation about half-way though the meal so that they don't have to compete with the hustle and bustle of getting people seated, early dinner conversations, and the tinkle of glassware and silver.

7. Cultivate your Providers

To have a successful event, you must develop and maintain positive, productive relationships with your vendors. The first step is selecting reputable, dependable vendors that come with good recommendations. Avoid vendors who can't or won't get you in touch with their other clients. Be very clear with them about what you need and what your expectations of them are. Always get your agreements down in writing to avoid confusion and disappointment later on. Be kind and considerate with them. Don't think that because you've hired them, you can treat them without respect. Your successful event may well depend on the nature of the relationships you've built with them. Remember that important point as if your successful event depended on it ... it does.

8. Take Care of Yourself

No matter how busy you become or how difficult the job may be, you absolutely MUST take care of yourself. Stress can cause illness, and the last thing you'll need is a bad cold or the flu as your planning is underway. If you can afford it, hire an assistant to help you with the smaller details. Or get others in your organization to volunteer their time. Have someone you trust to be a sounding board for your ideas and plans so that you don't go off on some tangent that doesn't make sense. Two heads are almost always better than one.

But more than anything else, build time into your plans for self-care. Give yourself time to take a day off at the spa or the local nature preserve. Build a time into each day for meditation, reading a novel, playing with the kids or your pet, or visiting with friends. Do what you enjoy. Make sure to eat properly and get plenty of rest. Aim for 8 hours of sleep every night, and take naps in the daytime if you need to. Plan social time too. Go to lunch or dinner with your friends. Ask your partner to go to the movies. See a play or go to a concert. Do things that keep you interested and positive in life generally. That will maintain your physical and psychological health and your ability to cope with the myriad of decisions, activities, and events that will inevitably come up during the event-planning process.

Abhishek is an Event Management expert and he has got some great Event Management Secrets. up his sleeves! Download his FREE 80 Pages Ebook, "How To Successfully Plan And Organize An Event!" from his website Only limited Free Copies available.

See Also : use stock for business Cat Litter Yoga for Beginners


How To Fill Out A Job Application The Right Way-5 Easy Steps To Success

While it may not seem as important as a resume, most people don't realize that a badly filled out job application can be much more costly than a bad resume. A recruiter will see hundreds of application forms, so any that are filled in badly will stand out for all the wrong reasons. These tips should help you avoid problems like that and show you exactly how to fill out a job application the right way!

Read through the application before you begin filling it in, and follow any instructions to the letter. While most applications will ask for similar information, they will not all do it in the same way, so it's a good idea to make sure you are following the guidance given. If you make a mistake here, the potential employer will likely think "This candidate doesn't know how to fill out a job application correctly, why should I trust them with anything else?" And there go your hopes of getting an interview!

Do a practice run- Photocopy the form and have a practice run at filling it out. This will help you get an idea of how many words you can fit into the boxes etc, and will definitely improve the way the finished article reads.

Be consistent. One of the things that people often overlook when learning how to fill out a job application is the consistency of their data. Make sure the form is filled out with information that matches with your resume. If you "stretched" the dates on your resume because one of your jobs ended prematurely, you will need to make sure your application information covers exactly the same dates. A smart recruiter is well aware of such tricks, and finding you out to be dishonest at this early stage can only be a problem.

Check it. How to fill out a job application 101-Make sure there are no mistakes! Read through it once immediately after you finish it, and then if possible you should leave it a day or two and re-check it. It's much easier to spot mistakes and other errors when the document is not fresh in your mind, and for this reason it's a good idea to give yourself some "edit time" between filling it out and sending it away.

Never volunteer negative information. The object of filling out an application is to get yourself in for an interview, and giving out negative information will only hamper this goal. Try and give all your answers as positive a spin as possible, and leave the lengthy answers for the interview. There are many different schools of thought on how to fill out a job application, but one thing is for sure, it's very hard to use the small space on an application form to explain away any negative information that you have volunteered.

As you've seen, the methods of how to fill out a job application can be every bit as tricky as writing a resume, so just make sure you stick to those guidelines and you should be a winner every time!

Click here for your own 100% free job hunting tips email course-packed with hints and tips that will get you up the career ladder fast!
Click here to find out how to get any job you want!! Landing your dream job is easy when you know how!!

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See Also : use stock for business Dating Games Online Cat Litter The Office Wedding


Yahoo! HotJobs - How to Write the Perfect Resume

One of the hottest web sites online today for job seekers is Yahoo! HotJobs, and this service is one of the best around! Not only do they offer up tons and tons of advice on how to write a resume, but they also have a resume writing service. That means you will have a professional resume writer take your personal and work information and make it into a resume masterpiece!

Yahoo! HotJobs resume section also has many, many articles on writing winning resumes and cover letters. All of these articles are written by resume experts and people in the business industry who tell you, the job seeker, what they look for in a resume so that you can make yours look like what they seek. When you do this, you are more likely to get the job than not, so read these articles and take their advice to heart.

When you are looking for a job, you will want to put your best foot forward. The Yahoo! HotJobs web site is a great place to start looking for your dream job. But what is better is that resume services, advice, articles, and more will help give you an edge over the competition. Sure, it is your education and past job experience that can get you the interview, but you will want to convey all of that on paper in the best way you can.

If you don't know where to start when writing your resume, this service can give you all the information you need and much, much more when you take the time to read the articles and take their tips putting them to use with your own resume. It really is not difficult to write a resume, but there are certain small nuances that can make your resume better than someone else's. That is why you are taking a step in the right direction when you check out the resume section on their web site.

You can never have too much information about how to make yourself more marketable. The more information you have, the better prepared you will be in your search for the perfect job. A good looking resume is essential to job finding success, and Yahoo! HotJobs resume service is there to help you.

Check out for more information that will assist you in your job search!

Ryan Finley - Helping people get back on their feet creating great resumes that employers love.

Come check out the FREE 7 part e-Course about resume writing only available at

We also offer some great resume building software tools that you do not want to miss!

Thanks To : use stock for business The Office Wedding Match Final World Cup

ACN MLM Business - Opportunity Or Scam?

ACN, Inc, is a network marketing company that provides consumers low cost telephone service, internet, wireless service, as well as digital and video phones. They have built themselves into a well-known MLM company, and claim to be the worlds largest direct seller of communication products.

ACN has also gained much attention for their income opportunity, and there are some very real concerns about starting or participating in an ACN business. In this article, we will go through and give an unbiased review of the pros and cons of doing an ACN business, and see if ACN is a great business opportunity...or a great scam.

1. ACN - The Good

ACN was founded in 1993 by Greg Provenzano, Robert Stevanovski, Mike Cupisz, and tony Cupisz. They operate in 19 countries and have over 1,000 employees worldwide. The company itself has a pretty simple product line - low-cost telecommunication service, internet service (DSL, broadband, and dial-up) and other basic wireless services. They have experienced double-digit growth for the past few years, and claim to reap $500m in revenue annually. One of the more notable achieve of ACN is that they have gotten Donald Trump to publicly endorse them as a great business opportunity. So far, so good.

2. ACN - The Bad

Whether or not ACN is a good business opportunity, it is clear that Mr. Trump has no intention of starting an ACN business. Additionally, making RVP or SVP (the top positions in ACN) take considerably more work than finding 3 people...who find 3 people...who find 3 people...etc. etc.

The theory of growing an ACN business is that the representative will simply find a few people who are already using telecom service, and switch over to ACN because of the income opportunity. The picture is painted that the distributor can be paid off everyone in their neighborhood who has a telephone...which is most everyone. The problem comes with a marketing concept called positioning.

3. ACN - The Ugly

ACN, like many other MLM's, teach their distributors to leverage their "warm market", friends and family. However, when a new distributor comes talking to their friends and family about making a tremendous income with a business opportunity...and the distributor is not making any money...there is a credibility issue that occurs, and the distributor is positioned as a gopher for someone else's business.

Growing an ACN business can be a great opportunity. They appear to have a good service, but there are plenty of companies that have great products, and many people that market great products never make a dime. There are also plenty of terrible products that generate millions of dollars in revenue (anyone remember the pet rock?) The difference is the marketer, and their ability to target their market effectively.

In closing, I would say that starting and developing an ACN business is lucrative if you know how to effectively use the telephone, the Internet, and other effective marketing tools. It is not a scam, but like any business, success will be determined by the skill-set of the marketer. ACN is definitely not a lottery ticket or a stock option - meaning, you do not just buy in and wait for a payout.

If someone does not have the first clue on how to market effectively, then I would suggest they either learn how to be an effective marketer, or else just use ACN as a way to save a few bucks on your phone bill.

This article can be freely published on a website as long as it is not modified in any way including the author bylines and active hyperlinks.

Joshua Fuson is a professional marketer, and has marketed dozens of different products and services. He has participated in the generation of over $14 million dollars of revenue in network marketing in past 4 years alone. To find out how, you can go... here

To learn more about growing an ACN business, you can go to The ACN Success Blueprint

Friends Link : use stock for business Match Final World Cup


Job Search


There is one thing you need to understand about getting a
job and that is, the simple fact that "Getting a job is a
full time job in itself". Read that again, I did not say it
is a part time job, I said that it is a full time job.

The fact that you are reading this page means you are
serious about your future, you are serious about finding a
job and you are obviously willing to put in the time and
effort that is needed to get that job.

To help you I am going to talk straight and tough when I
need to, just to make sure that you think about what you
have been doing and what you need to do next. Please
understand that I am not attacking you, I am not
criticising what you have been doing, I am just trying to
get you thinking about alternative methods and approaches
that might work for you.

End of contract

Firstly, your last term of employment was terminated,
either by you or by your employer.

During the first few weeks or unemployment, there is a
psychological change that occurs, there is an emotional
change that occurs. Now I am not going to launch into any
psycho babble about this, I just want you to recognize that
this is normal. You have to acclimatize to being out of
work, you have to put aside the feelings of helplessness,
remorse, anger and disbelief that are associated with
dealing with circumstances beyond your control.

If you have been out of work for more than six months you
may have slipped into blaming others for the situation you
are in. Understand, if you are out of work for more than
three months then your approach to getting a job needs
to change to cope with this small gap.

Yes I said small gap. It may seem enormous to you and
also to some of the employers you will meet. But in the
long run, your working career (45 - 50 years), 3 - 6
months is nothing.

Why does your approach need to change? If you observed a
friend doing the same thing day in day out, for months on
end and every day he got a negative result, no positive
indicators at all, wouldn't you tell your friend to try
something different?

You are where you are today because of the decisions you
made yesterday. Positive results come from good decisions.

It may be time to change your approach, time to move on,
time to make a fresh start.

Lets generate some positive results..

You may need to reword your covering letters, change your
resume slightly to make a more positive impact, you may
have to change the agencies you have been using etc.

Finding Vacancies

Just do a quick check on the list below, how many of the
following do you utilize to locate vacancies?

Local Newspaper

National Newspaper

Specialist Trade Publications

Local Government sponsored programs

Personal Contacts

Business Contacts

Speculative approach (explained later)

Phone Directory Business Directories

Local library

Internet Agencies

The list above is not a conclusive list of places to find
job leads, but it is the main core of commonly used
reference. If you are not using all of these sources of job
leads then you need to change what you are doing.

Let me highlight a few of the less obvious ones and explain
the approach: -

Personal Contacts Let your friends know that you are
actively seeking work, ask them to pass any job leads they
hear of to you with some urgency. In Britain, it is known
as the "old boy network" or just Networking and it works.

Business Contacts People you used to work with in
previous jobs, these people know you and hopefully respect
your professional approach to work, they are in a position
to use their contacts to help you.

Speculative approach This approach to finding work
is highly under rated. Imaging you are an employer, if you
have a job vacancy it can cost you thousands of pounds to
advertise, short list, interview and eventually employ the
right person. It is a process that may have to be repeated
several times before the employer finds a suitable
candidate for the post.

Now imagine that as an employer you have a vacancy and
someone has just sent you their resume, they might be exactly
what you are looking for and it cost you nothing to find
them! If as an employer you do not have a vacancy to fill,
you may keep the resume on file for two or three months, just
in case.

From your point of view sending a resume and covering
letter to an employer who may or may not be going through
this process is a way of tracking down job vacancies
without the competition.

See one of our other reports on the Speculative Approach.

Phone Book & Business Directories Listed in the phone
book are hundred of businesses that employ people just like
you, they have jobs that you are trained to do, they may
not have a vacancy at the moment but you can use the
speculative approach to contact them and find out.

Local Library If you can't afford to buy newspapers, or
if you don't have a local phone book or business directory
then use the local library, because they have them all
under one roof.

Agencies Many people use an agency to help them locate
work, but in fact you need to use several agencies. You use
them like this; get your name on the books of at least 5
agencies and then rotate chasing them.

See our report on Using Agencies for more information.


Keep Focused it's a numbers game Getting quality job leads
is the first step in what can be a long process, follow the
steps one by one on a daily basis working at getting a job
and you will succeed.

If you are a sales person then you will understand what I
am about to tell you, if you have never worked in sales
then you may not, either way it does not change the
following fact: -

The more rejection you meet, the closer you will be to

Or, if you prefer, the more no's you get the closer you are
to a yes.

The more jobs leads you can find, the more jobs you can
apply for. The more jobs you apply for, the more rejections
you will meet but the more interviews you will be offered.
The more interviews you are offered the better at interviews
you become and the more chance you have of getting a job.

The Numbers Game

True, the quality of your application makes a big
difference, but we are about to look at applications and
then quality and quantity will work together.

Now, I said earlier that getting a job is a job in itself,
if you treat it as a job then you should put at least 5
days a week into getting yourself a job. You should aim at
making ten job applications a day, that's 50 job
applications a week!

I know what you are thinking, how can I apply for 50 jobs a

Lets break this down.

In my own personal experience I used to apply for 10 jobs
every day of the week. That's 70 jobs a week! I am
suggesting that should you only looked for work Monday to
Friday then you should look to make 10 applications a day.

Still too much?

OK, lets break this down further.

Using the advertised vacancies first, apply for as many as
you can find in the papers, trade publications, agencies
etc. You would usually expect to find two or three suitable
vacancies in this way.

Then chase the agencies, you should be looking for at least
one vacancy.

Then use the speculative approach in fill in the extra's.
Remember the speculative approach is a way of contacting
companies that employ people with your skills. This is one
of the biggest hidden job markets. More than 50% of the
thousands of people I have personally helped find new jobs
got them on the speculative approach. Don't ignore this
vacancy gold mine.

Working with ex-offenders (recent prison leaver's) and the long term unemployed (out of work for more than 6 months), Steve found himself working inside a prison before taking over two Job club's.

It was not long before that Job club was consistently at the top of the inner-city league table.

Soon after that, he was head hunted to manage five Job club's taking them up the league table with his approach to dealing with the negativity of employers and job seekers alike.

Returning to his trades of electronics and later computing, Steve launched a successful Website [] and started publishing training material and writing eBooks to help others.

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Furnace Installation Instructions - 13 Easy Steps

My experience in life has taught me that if you are able to break projects up into simple steps, you will become the master of that project. That is the difference between a smart person and a wise person.

Having said that, let us examine how you can install a new or used furnace..... the wise way. I have broken down the process into 13 easy steps. Will you learn everything I know in this article? Of course not. I have installed thousands of furnaces in my lifetime. You will, however, understand the process.

Step 1. Tool list. Nothing is more frustrating than getting started on a furnace job only to find you are missing some of the tools needed to accomplish the job. Most of you already have most of the basic tools you will need. Ex: screwdrivers, drills, hammer, etc. I will help you put your list together so that you will have everything you need before you even begin the job.

Step 2. Assessing your home. You are going to need to understand how your home is made and insulated. Do you have new or old windows and doors? Is there any air infiltrating your home via dryer vents, window fans, etc? Do you have a basement or is your home on a concrete slab? You will need to know this in order to install the correct equipment in your home.

Step 3. Assessing the Heating/Cooling system and duct-work. This is the most important step. Why? The answer might surprise you. It might even surprise some HVAC Contractors. The equipment must be sized right. Hands down. No exceptions. Why? You might be thinking "Doesn't the rule 'the bigger the better' apply here?" No. Let me rephrase that: Heck no!

I will give you a brief example here. If you were to put an over-sized air conditioner in your home, the air conditioner would only run for a few minutes until the thermostat was at the desired temperature. Great! The bigger A/C saved me energy by running a short time, and bringing the temperature down super fast! What's the problem there? Yes, you did cool your home quickly, but what you did not do was remove humidity (water in the air) from your home. The longer an A/C runs, the more water it removes from the air. That extra water in the air is what makes you uncomfortable in hot weather. The idea is to make you comfortable. Cooling down the house super quick will have the opposite effect. The same principle applies with a furnace. It must be sized properly. There are lots of online heating and cooling calculators out there that are free. Just Google 'heating and cooling load calculator'. The instructions are usually included. I have included one in a guide that I wrote called "The Ultimate Furnace Installation Guide". I found that heat/load calculator online for free.

Step 4. Materials list. Ductwork. You will need to keep a running list of materials you will need when you go to the store(for all materials). Perhaps the size of the return needs to be bigger. You no doubt will have to attach the old duct-work to the new furnace. The Installation instructions that come with the furnace will tell you what the sizes will be for a proper installation. All part of Step 3

Step 5. Materials list - Electrical. As you assess your home as part of step 3, you will be able to determine what your new electrical needs will be. Make a detailed list. Keep in mind that all new furnaces need a ground wire. If you do not have a ground wire on your old power supply, you will have to install one.

Step 6. Materials list - Gas line supplies. Also to be determined in step 3. Hopefully by now you see the wisdom of following this process step by step. Making these lists before you start the installation will help you in the long run. With all of the needed materials on hand, as well as a plan of action, you won't find yourself on the third day of the install, minus 10 degree, and having to run to 15 different stores.

Step 7. Yet another Materials List - Miscellaneous. This will be determined by the type of furnace you have, or will purchase. Ex: an 80% efficient furnace will require different flue pipe materials than a 90% efficient furnace.

Step 8. Finding local suppliers to work with. This might be your biggest hurdle. In the past, you were kinda strapped into your local area suppliers. Nowadays you have the internet. Use it to your advantage. Doing a google search with the words "furnace goodman" will bring up a surprising amount of information. Always make sure to ask about the warranty. Keep in mind here that buying your own furnace saves you thousands of dollars - even if you end up hiring a contractor to install it you for you!

Step 9. Remove power and fuel supply from your existing equipment. Yeah I know, but some folks start ripping things apart and completely forget this step. It's a reminder.

Step 10. Secure your existing ductwork into place. Why? There is nothing more heartbreaking than starting to remove a furnace, only ot have the existing ductwork fall to the ground at your feet. Not only does this add another day to your job, but also adds new 4 letter words to your vocabulary. Hence, Step 10. Secure the existing ductwork with cleats and screws.

Step 11. Removing the old equipment. Now that you have turned off all power to the furnace, and have secured your ductwork you are ready to start removing the old equipment. Once removed, set it off to the side out of your working space.

Step 12. Putting it all back together. This section is broken up into 6 sub-sections.

  • Aligning the furnace. If this is done right, you will cut down on the amount of work and ductwork you will have to make

  • Attaching the Return and Boot to the new furnace

  • Attaching Old Plenum (ductwork leaving old furnace) to new furnace. This is called the Transition

  • Reconnecting the gas line, and testing for leaks

  • Running the flue pipes to remove the spent fuel gases

  • Reconnection of the thermostat and high-voltage power supply

Step 13. Starting up your equipment. Usually the instructions from the manufacturer will tell you exactly how they would like the new furnace started and tested. Follow their instructions as closely as possible.

There you have it. Twenty years of experience wrapped up in 13 easy steps. If you are thinking of installing your own furnace, I hope this helps you out.

Copyright Gatto Publishing 2008

Although this article is not comprehensive. It should help you decide if you want to tackle a job like this. I believe with minimum handy man skills and my guide, anyone can simply install their own furnace. A complete and comprehensive guide with furnace installation instructions can be found here Furnace Installation. This guide includes all my tips and tricks,(also contractor tricks) and should cut down on install time by a few days.

Also found at The Ultimate Furnace Installation Guide, Free articles on how to solder copper pipe, repair a hydronic hot water system, and many other tools. All that coupled with a forum where you may answer questions, and get replies from experts in the HVAC field - FREE.

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Hand and Foot Card Game Rules

Do you know the Hand and Foot Card Game Rules? You will when you read this article to the fun and fast-paced four (or more) person game that's been very popular in the past and is experiencing a recent revival.

If you enjoy card playing and would like to learn a new, exciting and fast moving game, this is the one. Take a few minutes to learn Hand and Foot card game rules and you're guaranteed a great many hours of fun for years to come.

Hand and Foot is a type of Canasta, a card game that became popular starting back in the 1940s. It was originally played in South America where the word Canasta means 'basket'. Pronunciation originally had the accent on the first syllable, as in the word 'canister', but when the game came to America in 1949, this changed to the more common Ca-NAS-ta.

There have come to be many variations of Canasta and learning the different Canasta card game rules can be confusing since they change from one version to another. Hand and Foot, also known as classic Canasta, is the most popular version played in the U.S. During the 1950s, the game became wildly popular and was played by millions. It even became more popular than Bridge for a few years and was actually the number one card game.

According to accepted Hand and Foot card game rules, it's best played with four people in two teams, however, five and six person games are also possible. Regular decks of playing cards are used, including both jokers from each deck. The number of decks you'll need is equal to the number of players, plus one. For a four-person game five decks are used, making a total of 270 cards (including the 10 jokers). As an option, you can also buy specially made card decks that will also include Hand and Foot card game rules.

Players sit across the table from their teammate and the object is to get rid of all your cards before the other team does. Points are awarded for different combinations of cards melded, much like in 500 Rummy. Jokers and twos are wild in this game, which is fast paced, challenging and, really, tons of fun.

You can click on the links below to download a FREE copy of the complete Hand And Foot Rules If you want to learn some other fun games to play, you can also easily find Hearts card game rules and Spite and Malice card game rules online. Spite and Malice, also called Cat and Mouse, is a competitive form of Solitaire, suitable for two (or more) players.

Hand and Foot card game rules may need to be studied several times, as this is a game that's rated as 'moderate' in difficulty. Once learned, though, it can give you hours of entertainment and is a great family game.

To learn more about this wonderful game and download a FREE copy of the full set of rules visit the hand and foot website at Hand And Foot Game Rules.

Another great site where you can find additional resources to enhance your enjoyment and find great gift ideas is

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