
Why Can't I Find a Job? Reasons Why You Might Be Having Trouble

If you aren't having much luck in your job search, you might have stopped and asked yourself "why can't I find a job?" In all honesty, it might be because of today's economy and job market; neither are looking too good right now. There are many more job applicants than there are open positions. With that said, the reason why you can't find a job might be a mistake that you are making. If you would like to turn your luck around, here are some important points to keep in mind.

Looking in the Wrong Places: When it comes to looking for a job, there are many places to look. You can look in your local newspaper, on search career search websites, attend job fairs, and more. Unless you decide to invest in a desktop job finder that searches thousands of websites for you at once with one search, you want to try all of these methods. Lets say you only look in your local newspaper, you are likely to miss a lot of open positions. On that same note, many companies still post now hiring listings in local newspapers. That is why you want to look in all the right places, even though there are a lot of them.

Not Looking Often Enough: With so many job applicants and so few jobs, it is important note that a quick response is vital to your success. After a job listing is posted on a website only 48 hours, many hiring managers get enough resumes to schedule more interviews than they actually need. They won't wait a week either before scheduling those interviews. That is why you want to do your searches often, like multiple times a day, to ensure your resume doesn't make it into the stack too late.

Not Having a Good Resume: A resume is very important to your job search success. If you aren't using a resume at all and just a list of your qualifications in no particular order, you are making a big mistake. On that same note, having an "okay" resume isn't good enough; your resume must be great. It must be easy to read, professional, and showcase your skills. Basically, your resume needs to show that you are the perfect candidate for the job.

Not Applying for the Right Jobs: In recent years, hiring managers have seen an influx in the number of resumes they get. Not only that, they have seen an increase the number of resumes they get from unqualified candidates. Nothing wastes your time or theirs more than applying for a job you aren't qualified for. Your chances of getting an interview are very slim. Now, it is okay to go with some close calls like when you have five years of on-the-job experience and they wanted seven, but be sure to use your best judgment.

Now that you have some helpful job search tips, go out and find a job. Let the JobFinder help. Try it free today and search thousands of career sites at once!

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