
Career Change Ideas - 7 Ways to Find Out What You Really Want to Do

You know, it is the lack of career change ideas that seems to keep many would-be career changers stuck.

One of the things that clients often say to me is:

I know I want to change careers, to do something different, but I just don't know what I want to do instead.

The problem is they are stuck in a habitual pattern of boxed-in thinking that prevents them from seeing the wealth of possibilities that are out there.

Would you like some tips to help you get out of that place and to help you to generate a range of new career ideas to explore? Then read on.

Tip 1 - Forget job titles
Job titles really inhibit your thinking. If I asked you to list all the jobs you could think of, you might come up with a couple of hundred before you ran dry. In reality there are thousands of jobs out there that you would never identify under your own steam, so forget the job title and focus instead on the key themes that are important for you in a job. What do you want your dream job to involve?

Tip 2 - List what you don't want to do
This is often quite easy to do if you are in a job you hate and it can be a very useful exercise. It helps you to focus on the aspects of a job that really drive you nuts and then also identify those that are annoying in your current job but actually you'd be prepared to put up with to some degree in a different situation. When you identify something as a no-no, ask if it would always be no under all circumstances. This will help you to avoid rejecting jobs in a knee-jerk way because they share similarities with your current role.

Tip 3 - List what you think you should want to do
What do you think your career should look like? What pressure are you putting on yourself to confirm to certain benchmarks (eg I must be earning a certain salary, I should be in a professional role, it must be something that other people will respect and admire me for). Just check with yourself whose rules you are following here. Who exactly says that your career must look like this? Is this really what you want or what other people say you should aspire to?

Tip 4 - List what you would do if anything were possible
Yes, you are allowed to take the brakes off here and create a big dream. Forget the constraints you put on yourself, wherever they come from. If your fairy godmother arrived to take you to the ball, what job or career would you ask her to line up for you as part of the deal?

Tip 5 - List what you would do if you gave yourself permission to say that you want it
So often, we limit the possibilities in our lives because we just don't allow ourselves to want something. Maybe you want to earn lots of money - but that seems too greedy. Maybe you want to have an easy, quiet job - but that seems too lazy. Maybe you want to set up your own business - but you can't because you have to think about so many other people in your life first. What do you need to give yourself permission to want to do?

Tip 6 - Reinvent yourself
If you could rewind the tape on your life and re-run it, what would you do? If you could dump all the stuff, the rules, the history that you have gathered on your journey through life to this point and travel light without the baggage, where would your journey take you? What would the new you look like and what work would this new person be doing? What does this tell you about what would really inspire you?

Tip 7 - Think big and think small
Your new career does not have to be something world changing and grand. If you want to change the world, great! Go ahead and build your new career around this big vision. But if you feel drawn to operating on a more local scale, that's fine too. Small changes can be just as transforming for your career and your life as big ones, so don't be fooled into thinking that bigger is necessarily better. Career change success is about finding what feels right for you.

So take some time to think about your career change with these 7 tips in mind - and by time I mean days, weeks, maybe even months if necessary. Changing career is a big step, so allow yourself the time and space to really think it through.

And while these tips are beginning to free up your thinking about new career possibilities, I invite you to take a look around the How To Change Careers website where you will find a host of career change ideas to get you moving, and you can also download my free Career Change Blueprint - a step-by-step guide to career change success.

From Cherry Douglas - Your Career Change Guide

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The Sims Online Free Trial Becomes Permanent Free Play

The free trial of the Sims Online game is currently undergoing a revision. Very soon, according to EA, the free trial will become permanent free play. Great news for those of us who can't afford the $9.99 a month for full play, but what has brought about this change?

Well, put simply, EA stuffed up. The Sims Online was released to the public four years ago, and has earned itself a relatively small user-base. The immensely popular game Second Life was released at the same time, and has gone from strength to strength. Now, Second Life is a very good game and plays to different strengths to the Sims Online, but the Sims comes from a franchise that boasts the two highest selling games of all time. It shouldn't have been too hard for EA to come up with a game, then, that at least landed in the top 10% of online games. And initially, they did.

At the beginning of January 2003, the Sims Online claimed over 100,000 active subscriptions, making it top of the list for online games. Sales soared, and EA projected 40,000 subscribers by the end of the year. And then they gave up. Luc Barthelet, the Senior Vice President of Electronic Arts, seemingly turned his back on the game, and bugs and instabilities were left unresolved. Cheats sprang up which allowed players to get large amounts of Simoleons (the Sims Online currency), effectively destroying the in-game economy and rendering many of the objectives of the game (such as employment) useless. Before the cheats came out Simoleons could be sold on eBay for real money, which is one of the attractions to many new players, who want to believe that their actions within the game have some sort of effect in the real world.

So Second Life grew, and the Sims Online - an online version of the most popular games of all time - sank into obscurity. A few faithful users stuck with it, but most players left it well alone, instead finding newer games with more interesting and innovative features. That, however, is about to change. Luc Barthelet announced in March 2007 that he is re-involving himself in the game. The forums have been consulted for the first time in years, and the Sims Online world is in for a shake-up.

One of the first moves that EA are making is to created new cities for players to explore. They are also changing the logo, and have promised to close the loopholes that allow for the money cheats. Registration will be greatly simplified, and the free trial will become, soon, permanent free play. Of course there will be limitations: only one choice of city for non-payers; only one avatar; less starting money. Nonetheless, this is a real show of commitment by EA, and will no doubt draw in many new players. New players, paying or not, will breathe life back into the game, and that's got to be a good thing for EA, whose image was looking a bit tarnished by its failure.

So why now? Well, the Sims 3 is due to be released in (possibly) 2008, which might have something to do with it. Nobody wants a dead goose on display when they're trying to build hype for their new product, and it's going to take a while for the Sims Online to get back on track. This is a very promising (re-) start, though, and a very exciting time to get into the world of the Sims Online. New features such as AvatarBook, which works much like Facebook, will help to provoke interest, and could pull in a very large audience indeed. Few people who have played the Sims games haven't wondered what it would be like to play with other people, but most have been put off by bad reviews or friends' advice. Now that's all set to change, and the community can only get stronger and stronger. The question, then, is not why EA are making these changes now, but why they didn't make them before. Now we can only play and wait, and hope this time EA gets it right.

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FedEx Job Opportunities - Finding FedEx Jobs Online

For those interested in careers in the transportation and information industry FedEx job opportunities should be considered. FedEx is a Fortune 500 company and continues to grow in its industry, globally recognized as a leader in delivering packages on time and without damage. Currently the corporation employs over 200,000 workers globally. FedEx Express owned by FedEx Corporation offers shipping and freight to over 200 countries in the world while FedEx Ground delivers small packages to the US, Puerto Rico and Canada. FedEx also owns several more companies. Fortunately, for job applicants this also means more FedEx job openings.

The quickest way to find FedEx job opportunities is online with job boards and various other sites that are affiliated with FedEx. These sites allow FedEx jobs to be searched by category and region with both part time and full time positions being offered. Positions are available for those looking for a physically demanding job or those looking to work in a more traditional office setting. At FedEx, Ground Administrative Clerks are often hired in the facilities to perform clerical work and record keeping. Positions for dock workers are labor-intensive requiring workers lift over a 100 pounds. On the other hand, a Quality Assurance Clerk would require both physical labor and administrative skills. A Quality Assurance Clerk would be responsible for ensuring packages are delivered to the right address, dealing with customer service complaints and be required to lift packages of various sizes.

Those with a bachelor's degree will also find that FedEx job opportunities are not just for those who have little or no training or on the job experience. A Developer Analyst at FedEx is one position where a degree is needed. The Developer Analyst would be responsible for creating business reports, analyzing systems, and dealing with coding. This position would require advanced knowledge of programming and some engineering experience. Of course, one of the most recognized FedEx job openings is that of the delivery drivers. Temporary positions can also be found during the holidays for those interested in getting their foot in the door while still attending college.

FedEx job opportunities also include the need for skilled pilots. FedEx pilots are required to have a college degree, commercial pilot certification and the ability to obtain clearance from the United States Postal Service to handle mail. Other positions in aviation are also available such as an aviation mechanic. For those interested in working for FedEx without having a boss consider their independent contractor job opportunities. These FedEx job openings allow those with entrepreneurship skills to build their own business with the FedEx brand name recognition behind them.

FedEx job openings offer many benefits to its workers that should be considered. These include flexible spending accounts, life insurance, disability insurance, pension plans, stock purchase options, paid vacations and holidays. Workers can also benefit from ongoing education opportunities with in-house certification, seminars, and management training being offered. FedEx job opportunities may also allow qualified employees to get their college degree or take additional courses related to their job with educational reimbursement by FedEx.

And, as always with any job application, make sure you follow up. Give them a call within a few days of submitting your application and let them know you're serious about getting hired. The old adage about the squeaky wheel getting the grease holds pretty true when it comes to job hunting too!

Apply for a FedEx job right now, from the comfort of your home. FedEx Job Application

I wish you the very best and I hope you find the job you're looking for.

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How To Find Dead People Using Government Death Records

Are you looking for someone but you don't know if you'll find them dead or alive?

Sooner or later we all seem to have the same need to find someone whether it's your long lost relative or your high school friends that you haven't been in touch with for years. It might even be your relatives that you have never even met before but you need to find them to fill in some information that's missing from your family tree.

Prepare yourself for the possibility that your old friends might be dead

The unfortunate truth about searching for people is that some of the people you search for might be dead. In fact if you are looking for anyone that you haven't had contact with for some time then you should prepare yourself for the possibility that they could be deceased.

Finding people using government offices

Records kept by government offices can be an invaluable source of information when trying to find dead people or finding anyone for that matter dead or alive. The problem is that there is no one single government establishment that can go to or write to that holds all of the information that you might need. It's all there somewhere and much of it is freely available but accessing it is not a simple matter.

If you are lucky enough to know in what area someone died in then you can visit or write to the government offices in that state and look up their death records. You might even be lucky enough to find an obituary by going through local newspaper archives.

Imagine what a difficult and time consuming job you're going to be faced with finding a dead person if you have to contact all government offices in the country. They may not even have died in the country in which case you could be wasting vast amounts of your time. I'm guessing that you have better things to do with your time.

How to find someone the easy way using public records databases

There is hope however. There is an easier way for you to find dead people and it's explained in the article How Do I Find Dead People? This article shows you how to use websites that are dedicated to gathering the information that you need and making it all available to you in one easy to access place. Literally millions of records from a huge number of different databases are all brought together ready for your research. They've done all the hard work for you so that you don't have to chase around yourself. All you have to do is log on and enter the details that you know about the person that you want to find and let the website go to work for you while you sit back and relax for a few minutes.

These online database websites use resources from government records databases and many other information providers both public and private. They potentialy hold far more information about your friends and relatives than you could ever hope to uncover if you had to do the legwork yourself the old way.

How to find dead people using government death records the easy way

Search through millions of government and public records in minutes without leaving the comfort of your own home How do I find a person dead or alive Use public records databases to do a background check on someone It couldn't be easier so try it out now.

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The Advantages to a College Degree for Today's Job Seekers

A college degree is an advantage in today's workforce. The number and of jobs available for college graduates is much greater and they often have higher salary and benefits.

Availability of Jobs

The number of jobs that require a college degree or where a college education is an advantage is increasing. In previous generations, there were many levels of jobs available for those without a college education or in some cases, even a high school diploma. However now many of these jobs simply do not exist any longer, or now require college education.

Industrial jobs, trades and skilled labor were more prevalent before the rise of computer technology. Now many industries require a smaller workforce because of technological advances. Even though not as many assembly line workers are needed, there are many jobs available in engineering, management and business administration in which a college education is an advantage.

Types of Jobs

The advantages of a college degree in scientific, manufacturing and engineering fields are very strong. College students can now study highly specialized science related degrees that apply directly to business settings. Safety engineering, environmental science and DNA analytics are examples of highly specialized fields that have become in demand in just the past 10 years or so.

One of the advantages of a college education is that students become aware of many subjects and fields that they never would have considered without going to college. Students are required to take a variety of basic education courses such as math, sciences, literature and basic computing. Electives are also required and students may take a course that just sounds interesting or appealing to them. Often students discover during one of these courses that they have a talent and/or passion for a subject and begin to understand its potential in the job marketplace.

While obtaining a specialized degree is necessary in some fields, sometimes just having a college education is an advantage, regardless of the field of study. Employers want to know that their employees have a well rounded basic education. The advantages of a college degree will be proven when your resume is chosen over those who did not make the commitment to complete their education.

Salary & Benefits

The advantage of a college degree equals to higher wages and salaries. In the Winter 2004-05 Occupational Outlook Quarterly, The US Department of Labor reported that "In 2003, workers who had a bachelor's degree had median weekly earnings of $900, compared with $554 a week for high school graduates--that's a difference of $346 per week, or a 62 percent jump in median earnings." These figures are a bold statement that the advantage of a college degree is its increased earning power.

Job seekers will also find that positions that may not actually require a college education will still pay more to those who have a degree. Jobs seekers with a college education will still earn higher salaries, even when the degree is not directly required for the job.

The jobs that do not require a college education often have fewer benefits. These jobs often provide no retirement or health insurance benefits which are imperative to financial security and the stability of the family.

The Advantage of a College Degree: Conclusion

Attending and graduating from college is the best way to prepare for a career that pays well and provides a means to a secure future. If you are determined and hard working, you can complete your education and begin a career that will provide now and pave the way to a secure retirement.

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RV Living Verses Apartment Living

A couple of years ago my wife and I decided we were going to travel the US in a semi-retired state. We kicked out the kids (all over 21), sold our home and purchased an RV. Well live situations change and we didn't get on the road, at least not yet. We ended up staying in the area and taking full time jobs. But we decided at the time to stay in the RV as full-timers.

The purpose of the article is to offer some insight as to the possibilities of using RV's instead of apartments and the advantages of Rving. First a little background for those that are not familiar with the Recreational Vehicle (RV) terms. RVs are classified into several different categories.

Class A are the bus like vehicles you see traveling down the road. These are also called Motorhomes and for good reason. Class A's are the cream of the crop so to speak. They are the most expensive in terms of cost but have the most storage and amenities. I have seen some really nice Class A's and when it comes time for us to upgrade or trade in our current RV we will be looking at the Class A again. However, my tastes start in the $250,000 range, which is a little hard for me to justify.

Next are Class B, these are mini motorhomes. They are built on a light to medium truck chassis and can be identified by the truck cab appearance of the vehicle. In my opinion, these will not be suitable for full time use unless you really like small places. Some newer Class Bs are including what are called slides which are sections of the RV that 'slide out' from the body giving you more living space inside. Living space is what you will be looking for in the long run.

After the Class B comes Fifth Wheels. Fifth Wheels are trailers that are pulled by pickup trucks. So to get a fifth wheel you will also need a pickup truck of appropriate size. I would figure at least a ¾ ton pickup. Fifth wheels offer an advantage over Class A and Class B in that once you have the fifth wheel set up on a campsite, the truck is detached and can be used as a means of transportation. With Class A & B RV's you will need to either tow or bring another vehicle with you to get around. Fifth wheels approach the Class A RV in amenities and in some cases have more space. Dollar for dollar you will get more living space in a fifth wheel than a Class A.

However, you do need an expensive tow vehicle (truck) which has to be considered as part of the purchase. The fifth wheel is also part of a class considered as 'Towables'. The next 'towable' is the travel trailer (TT). These are similar to the fifth wheel except in the connections to the tow vehicle. With TT you connect to a hitch that sits near the bumper of the vehicle. Hence, just about any vehicle has the capabilities of towing a TT depending on size and weight of course. Class A, Fifth Wheels and Travel Trailers are the 3 main RV that you will find people living in on a fulltime basis. After the TT comes the camper class. These are light weight RV really not suitable for full time, however, I have met people that are full-timers in pop-ups, truck campers and even tents. The top of the line for the camper class is probably the truck campers.

These are units that slide into the bed of a pickup truck. In general, the max length is no more than 12 feet from front to back and maybe 10 feet side to side. They are very compact. These offer the ultimate in freedom, in that they are quick to setup and take down so that you can move quickly from place to place. However, just like the class A & B, your home is also your transportation, unless you bring another vehicle with you. The last group of towables is the popup or tent trailers. These have a study box frame and as the name implies pop up or lift up to raise the roof over the frame. This class of campers usually have soft sides made of cloth. I have used popups for years as an alternative to hotels while on assignments around the country. Even did some camping in the middle of winter with snow on the ground in a popup. Needless to say, a heater was required and it ran all day and all night. At night it wasn't able to keep up with the cold so the morning was a little fun getting out of bed. It was 20 degrees outside and about 50 inside.

That is a basic overview of the types of RV's available. As mentioned before, Class A, Fifth wheel and Travel Trailers are the units that most people will find suitable for full-time living.

Our experiences with living full-time in an RV.

We currently have a fifth wheel. Ours is from Jayco and is 38 feet long with 3 slides. One slide is in the bedroom, the other two slides are in the living room one on each side of the trailer. After almost 3 years in the RV as full-timers, we both love it. My wife likes to say it takes less than an hour to clean from front to back, floor to ceiling.

Let's start with the financial side of living in a RV. You have the cost of the RV. These are to be treated just like cars. If you buy new, you will take a beating on depreciation. However, like a home, the interest is tax deductible. So the best deal seems to be a unit that is a year or two old and financed. If you want to buy new, figure a discount of about 25-30% off from the list price. Our unit was a 2003 still on the lot in 2005 with the 2006 units being delivered. The sticker price was over $65,000. We paid $40,000 saving us about 38 percent. Now at the time we did not have a tow vehicle so the dealer delivered the fifth wheel to a near by campground.

Oak Grove in Hatfield, PA is a year round campground. This is important. You want to find a campground that offers year round operations. You don't want to have to move out in the wintertime. A lot of camp grounds close from November to March or early April. When we started there our rent was $375 a month and included water and electric. Our only other expense was propane for heating and hot water. Oak Grove supplied 2- 100 lb propane tanks and they automatically changed the tanks for us. This is really nice, kind of like automatic oil delivery when you own a house. During the warmer months we hardly use any propane, maybe a bottle every other month if that. However, wintertime we will use 3-4 bottles a month due to the heater. Currently propane runs about $50 a bottle. So from the standpoint of renting an apartment to living in an RV expenses are normally cheaper. My daughter pays $750 a month for an apartment near us and we pay on average $425-450.

Other benefits of living in a RV - people! The people you find camping are the most wonderful folks you will ever come across. They are friendly, helpful, young at heart and just plain nice to be around. We have been avid campers since before we were married. I used to sneak down to DE where my wife (girlfriend at the time) and her family were camping and pitch a tent, then make myself part of the family. In the almost 40 years we have been together and camping we have never met anyone that was rude, a thief, or not willing to lend a hand if asked. In fact we have had more offers of help without asking than anytime we lived in a house or apartment.

It's funny, but when I traveled and stayed at hotels, you almost felt like a ghost or leopard or something. Heaven forbid if you said 'hi' to someone in the elevator or hallway. But when camping, everyone waves as you walk by, some will offer drinks or have you sit by the fire and chat for hours. Its like we are all family.

Speaking of fires, what is it about a campfire? To sit down at night around a nice campfire is so relaxing. Nothing needs to be said, just watch the flames and it seems all the stress just floats away. But campfires have another benefit, food. Nothing tastes better than food cooked over an open fire. Try doing that in an apartment.

Rving has another benefit, vacations. If you live in an apartment, you vacation consist of going to a destination, finding a hotel/motel, eating out every meal, and taking enough clothes with you for the length of the vacation. When you live in a RV, your home goes with you. 30-40 minutes to pack the RV, disconnect the utilities and hook up to the truck and you are on the road. When you get to your vacation destination, another 30-40 minutes and you are ready to enjoy the sites. Meals are not a problem, you have a complete kitchen already stocked just like at home, since it is home. On a special diet? No problem, you normal routine is uninterrupted. Clothes get dirty, a lot of RV come with washers and dryers, so you can do your laundry while relaxing in the evenings or before you get started for the day. Rving is usually cheaper too. When you compare the expenses you will find the RV trip is a lot cheaper than hotel/restaurant trip.

These are just a few of the things to consider when you look at living in an apartment verse living in a RV. I hope you have found the information useful.

Raymond Laubert is the owner of several web-based businesses including

Ray’s business focus is on providing home based business owners with the information and support they need to succeed on the web. To that end he is installing a home based business library membership site that will have over 1000 articles in text and pdf formats covering a wide range of topics and lots of software available to help the home based business owner. The library will be online soon and it’s launch will be announced in his Home Based Business Newsletter.

Visit : use stock for business Cat Litter


Plenty of Fish Online at Fishing Dating Services

Are you single? There are thousands of single people who live close to you. You hardly know if one person is single or not. That's main reason dating services emerging to help to find plenty of single fishes like yourself. There are plenty of single fishes at online fishing dating sites that are waiting to meet their partners. Some single fishes are looking for friends, partners, and lovers. There is a variety of lifestyles for online singles to choose from. You can find plenty of local fishes as well as international single fishes. Best of all, you never pay a fee when joining totally free fishing dating websites. These dating sites have plenty of fish dating online for you to pick the ones you like most. Dating online is just easy these days because of this electronic century we live in.

There is no trick to fish singles and to fish personals online. There are some steps you need to follow to find your dream mate. Registration is the first step which describes who you are and what type of single fishes you are looking for. You should write as detailed as possible. Plenty of fishes will view your profile so creating a nice profile will increase the chance. This step is just for your profile. One picture may worth 1000 words. This saying is always true. Single fishes view personal ads with pictures more than profiles without pictures. So, posting pictures with your profile is better. Fishing singles and personals are waiting online to seek their soul mates. You need to post your personal profile and start dating.

The second step includes the search for all fishing singles you are interested in. To fish singles successfully, you need to contact more than one dating fish. You should contact as many single fishes as possible to increase your chance. This rule applies the same when you apply for a job. Remember to contact all fishing personals who you like. Also, you should reply to all fishing singles who contact you first. You should need to contact all new single fish because they are new. New profiles are better than old profiles. Check back the fishing dating services for new personal ads who just registered is a good idea. All members with photos are usually displayed on the main page. Profiles without pictures are usually not viewed much. 

The final step is when you decide to make a face-to-face meeting with any dating fish you like. This is important. Some single people like to meet at some special places to memorize the first meeting day. The first day is extremely important. You need to pay some attention to the dress you are wearing. Make sure your partner like who you are. And make sure your partner will continue meeting you in the future.

Anyway, plenty of fish online are waiting at free fishing dating services. Your other half is waiting to meet you online. Looking for fishing singles and fishing personals is easy by joining these totally free dating fish services.

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Free Printable Resume

There are several websites available that offer free printable resumes. This is a handy yet indispensable tool that you can use to easily convert your thoughts to paper. Very simply the resume template will do all the hard work for you, such as the order, page layout, format, and fix any spelling or grammar errors.

The fun part about using a free printable resume is that you can have the program do all the hard work while you sit back and pick out the cool stuff, like the font you want to use, the style in which you want your resume to look like and even the paper color.

There are a few beneficial tips that you need to remember when choosing your free printable resume.

Of course there are many freeware and shareware programs out there. Quite simply if you do a Google search, you will find hundreds of sites that will lead you to freeware programs.

Many of these freeware and shareware programs are wonderful programs that can help you out a great deal, but there are some that are filled with spam and worse yet, viruses. If uploaded to your computer system they can reek havoc and shut your system down completely. Thus, resulting in you losing all of your information and you surely don't want that.

When you find a program that you really like, be sure to take down the websites name and then do yet another search in Google with the company and site name and see if you can gather some feedback. If all feedback is good than you should not have any problems with the free software programs.

When you are ready to get started, the software program should be one that gives you free step by step instructions allowing you to take the guesswork out of where and how to get started on your free printable resume.

A good tip that I have found proven to increase efficiency is to have a rough draft of your resume on paper. Maybe you have an old one, or even borrow someone else's resume to get an idea of what the format will be like and then add your own information and fill in the blanks.

Make sure to list what you have to offer and what skills and experience that you can bring to the table. This will be the introduction and the first paragraph that the employer will read so make sure to leave a positive statement. By adding a few positive keywords about yourself, this will spice up the resume and intrigue the reader. Some of those keywords could be Accomplished, Established, Implemented and experience.

With these techniques you should have no problem producing the best free printable resume for your career needs.

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Jack in the Box Online and Printable Part Time Job Application Form

Known for it's funny commercials with it's main character, Jack (the smiley clown like face with the tiny yellow hat), Jack in the Box has become a dominant player in the fast food industry.

Many high schoolers and teens seeking fast food part time jobs will have a great experience working for a big brand name like Jack in the Box.

They've been around since 1951 and have a very eclectic menu from hamburgers and salads, to tacos and teriyaki bowls.

Their restaurants are nice and clean and the crew is taught to work as a team and to enjoy what they are doing.

Benefits to working Jack in the Box part time jobs are as follows:

Team Members enjoy competitive wages and great perks upon eligibility including-

Medical insurance
Dental insurance
Vision insurance
Vacation Pay
Retirement Benefits
Discounted meals at work
Family & Friends Discount Meal Card

Does it get any better than that for working a part time job?

Many full time jobs don't even have benefits packages for their employees like Jack in the Box does.

If you are a high schooler or teen looking for a teen job, you should definitely consider filling out a Jack in the box application online.

Imagine yourself working with a fun crew, working as a team, and getting paid to be there!

One way that you can tell a company is thriving is by the amount of different and creative commercials they always run throughout the years.

Jack-in-the-Box jobs are great for teens. They have been around for almost 60yrs and judging by their popularity, they'll be around for many more years to come.

My Links : use stock for business Teacher Training Yoga


How To Make Quick Cash - Top 3 Easy Ways

Whether you are just trying to earn some extra cash for the holidays or to provide for your family's wants you are in the right place. Discovering how to make quick cash is really as easy as pie. You must know first the power of the Internet.

Do not be afraid of what we are going to discuss about because even 73 year olds have done it. If you make a point to pick the best method on how to make quick cash for your personality I guarantee your success. Enjoy.

Easy Method #3: How To Make Quick Cash By Auctioning Items Online

If there was a better way for you to learn how to make quick cash is by being an online auctioneer. There are thousands of people who buy strange trinkets even if it's your dogs toothbrush. Alright, you just need to follow as recommended.

Go to 'eBay' and click on the button "eBay pulse" that you can see there. That will tell you what is the hot trend of people looking for what to buy. This is the quick way on how to make quick cash auctioning items you already have which is in demand.

Easy Method #2: Show Me Your Skill, I Will Show You How To Make Quick Cash

You may be a work at home mom or dad. Whatever it is, if you have any skills of any kind then you are greatly blessed! Getting a job online is simple. You do not even need to go for any interviews. That is one of the fastest way on how to make quick cash too.

There are companies or individuals which go to 'eLance' for hiring professionals. It is just a nice word "professional" but if you got some data entry, clerical, programming skill or anything at all this is it. By the way, you better market yourself. This puts you above the others seeking on how to make quick cash on 'eLance' too.

Easy Method #1: How Make Quick Cash By Becoming An Affiliate Marketer

This has got to be the best way in all the methods on how to make quick cash over the Internet. By becoming an affiliate marketer you are essentially just marketing other people's product online. When someone purchases that product, you get a cut.

Do not have large operating budget? It's fine. Discovering specifically on how to make quick cash by becoming an online marketing expert is easier than mowing the lawn. Your income is practically unlimited with this method!

We have seen the 3 easiest methods on how to make quick cash online. My final words are, "Pick the best method for you and be brave to discover new things in your life". Your decisions form your financial future.

About The Author:

This article can be freely published on a website as long as it is not modified in any way including the author bylines, plus the hyperlink must be made active just like below.

Vern How has been earning online back in June 2006. He is a professional affiliate marketer who believes in giving back by helping others. To find out how Vern can help you work from home go to... Simple Riches []

For more information on a perfect wealth formula to profiting massively on the Internet, just check out How To Make Quick Cash Online Easily []

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What Do Colleges Look For? - You Might Be Surprised!

If you are a parent of a college-bound student, you've probably wondered, "What do colleges look for?". And, it's good that you've asked yourself that. It means you are wiling to take an active role in your child's post-secondary education. To be honest, that's more of a step in the right direction than most parents are willing to take. so, give yourself a hand!

The unfortunate truth is that most students will not get accepted to their first choice college or university. Whether it's not taking the right courses, not being involved in enough extracurricular activities, or they simply haven't done their college research and aren't prepared for the college admission process.

In today's world of post-secondary education, college-bound students face the toughest and most competitive admissions in recent history. More students are choosing college and as a result, university admission standards are being raised. So, what do colleges look for in a prospective student? Or better yet, how can you up your chances of getting accepted? Let's explore a few factors:

1. Get Your Grades - Now, grades come first and foremost when a college is deciding to offer acceptance. Nothing will get you denied quicker than a transcript full of "C's"! Taking care of your overall grade point average (or GPA) from day one is of the most importance. Trying to dig your GPA out of a "hole" after freshman year is not fun, and certainly not easy!

Another aspect that is important with regard to GPA is specific grades in certain subjects. As an example, let's say you are planning on majoring in engineering in college. When you go to apply, the admission representative will be looking for a strong background in math and science. If you have marginal grades in those subjects, you'll end up in the "deny" pile of applicants.

Also, take a few AP (Advanced Placement) or honor's courses. They may be tougher and require more time to achieve a good grade, but some schools offer extra "GPA points" for good grades. Plus, colleges love to see those higher level courses on a transcript. They can hurt you if you can't get an "A" or a "B", so be careful not to bite off more than you can chew! It'll pay off in the end!

2. Enroll in the Proper Courses - Be sure that you are taking a solid college preparatory curriculum while in high school. This is the first thing admission offices will look for. Then, they'll look to see if you challenged yourself with the curriculum you chose. If you did, it'll help you.

As stated before, if you want to stand out try taking an upper-level class. Advance Placement and/or honors classes are offered at most schools across the country. Find out what they're all about, and if you think you can commit to the workload, go for it! You'll be happy that you did, but only if you can pull of the "A" or "B" grade. If not, there is a good chance you will hurt your admission status.

3. Involvement - So, what do colleges look for with regard to activities. While it is true that involvement in extracurricular activities will improve your chances for admission, there are activities that look better than others. More academic things like National Honor Society and Pi Sigma Pi will always be more impressive than, say, Art club.

Another tip is to try and find activities that show leadership qualities. Colleges want students that are community leaders, so show them that you have the drive to be a leader and you will be rewarded for it! Also, organized sports and volunteer work are great displays of leadership and are always a plus when listed on a transcript. So get going!

There are a lot more little things you can do to help get admitted to your school of choice! But, we hope that these few helped shed the light on that burning question, "What do colleges look for?". Thanks for taking the time to read this article and we hope you'll visit us at eCollegePrep soon!

We're glad you checked out this article. College Admissions is different every single year, and it's getting harder and more competitive! Taking an active role in your student's education NOW is the first step to a successful future! Stop by College Prep University to get your FREE report: Top 10 Reasons You WON'T Get Into College!

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Free Auto Repair Manuals - Find Auto Repair Manuals Online

For the do-it-yourselfer, repairing your own vehicle can save you $100. But don't shell out $20 or $30 for a repair manual that you may only use once. You might be surprised to learn there are several sources where you can get free auto repair manuals.

Repair manuals online:

o One of the first places to try is AutoZone's website. The site has a very comprehensive free auto repair guides covering most makes and models of vehicles from 1950 to the present.
o Napa auto parts website provides tutorials on basic auto maintenance such as oil changes, checking fluid levels and replacing air filters.
o has tons of information, is very user friendly and as a bonus, even has guides for repairing small engines and household repairs.

Message boards and forums:

Another useful resource is the website. Here you can post questions and get answers from real mechanics. You can also search through lots of topics on auto repair, troubleshooting, and maintenance.

Edmunds web site also has a pretty good forum called car talk. It is peer based and has quite a few very knowledgeable members on board.

There are quite a few other forums and message boards available online, as well as peer based ones. Just type in auto repair forums or message boards in any search engine and you will see quite a few. Just watch out for ones that say they are free but try to sell you something, or say you can post questions, but must pay a fee to receive an answer. You will most likely find free auto repair guides and all the information that you need, so there is no need to pay for help.


Another often overlooked option for free auto repair manuals is your local library.

Most libraries have repair manuals in their reference sections, and although you can't check them out and take them with you, you are welcome to make photo copies of any pages you need from the manuals.

A lot of local libraries also subscribe to online auto repair manuals such as Chilton's or Haynes and offer free access if you have a library card.

Contact your local library and ask if this service is available.

If you really prefer to have a paper manual, check, an eBay company that sells used books for a fraction of the price of new. Some of the manuals as low as $1.99. There are several other used book websites like Alibris books and to name a couple.

You can also check local used book stores.

And don't forget to ask friends and family, who knows, someone may have just the manual you need collecting dust in the garage!

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How Much Does Online Advertising Cost? Understanding CPM, CPC, CPA and CPL

When a marketer begins working in online advertising, they are met with a blizzard of abbreviations that will take careful research and testing to fully understand.  After all, many marketers start with their own ad budget or that of a trusted client.   A lot is at stake.

Hopefully this article will alleviate some pain for your beginning days as a marketer. As you start with online advertising tools, you will invariably use Google's powerful AdWords program which allows you to implement four main strategies: advertise in Google's Search results, on a site that runs Google's search engine (known as "search partners"), on the Google Content Network (known as AdSense to web publishers) and, finally, you can placement target.

Let's say you decide to advertise on Google's search engine.  You are asked for keywords to target after inputting a text ad.  And, here, you're asked for a CPC. CPC means Cost Per Click, so now you want to figure out how much you want to pay every time a user clicks on your ad.  Depending on what Google suggests and your ad budget, your CPC can vary widely.

Now, let's say you've decided that you wanted to use Google's placement targeting capability.  Essentially, you will choose sites among Google's network of AdSense publishers who allow advertisers to select their site for display advertising. Placement targeting uses something called CPM pricing.  CPM means Cost Per Thousand impressions in this case.  As a marketer, you will likely have a goal for the number of impressions you want to receive for your ad budget which may also be determined by an expected clickthrough rate for your display ads.

In fact, CPM and CPC are very much related.  If you decide to pay a CPM of $1 for 1000 impressions and project a clickthrough rate of 1% (which equals 10 clicks), you are paying a 10 cent CPC. Make sense? The final type of advertising acronym we will discuss is commonly used by affiliate marketers and direct response marketers. It's called CPA advertising.  CPA stands for Cost Per Action or Acquisition and may also be known as CPL or Cost Per Lead.

For CPA, the marketer knows how much he or she is willing to spend for each action and earn a profit such as an ad program involving the sale of a bottle of vitamins. Using the CPA model, the marketer may have a $1000 ad budget to buy display advertising on Google's ad network and have a CPA of $25 - or expects to sell 40 bottles of vitamins.  Even though this is a CPA campaign, the $1000 ad budget may be used to buy CPM inventory such as 1 million impressions on a site with a CPM (Cost Per Thousand Impressions) of $1. 

To reiterate, though, it's still a CPA campaign to the marketer. If the marketer sells 50 bottles... great! Assuming the $1,000 budget, their CPA has been reduced to $20 and they are making more money than they expected. And if they sell just 10 units, they may want to try their next ad campaign somewhere else.

In the final analysis CPC, CPM, CPA and CPL are all related online advertising metrics used by marketers.

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Attributes of a Good Employee That Employers Look For During a Job

Every time a company advertises for a job opening, hundreds if not thousands of job seekers forward their applications. It therefore goes to show, in order for you to stand out from other job applicants there are some aspects you have to seriously take into account.

Whenever employers conduct interviews, they are in search of candidates who show confidence in themselves. It is always advisable to be well informed; this plays a major role in improving your self esteem. Be informed in different areas since interviewers ask questions that are sometime not necessarily related to your area of expertise.

In addition be flexible, to prove that you can be used in other areas of business operation. A business owner always wants to have an all rounded worker. Familiarize yourself in financial and social issues by reading the newspaper on current affairs. Know what is happening in the stock market especially if the company you are looking to work for is listed.

Interviewers ask simple questions like, "are you married?" even though you may not be married at the moment, always show you have plans to do so in future, this proves your maturity level. Employers always look for a future oriented employee.

Whenever you fail to qualify for a job, rather than giving up find out where you went wrong and improve on it. This are some of the basic requirements that you need to consider to increase your chances of landing your dream job. Keep your dream alive, even if it takes long before you get a job since nothing in life comes easy.

Belsheba shares her experience in personal growth that will definitely add value to your life. Website: Personal Development Tips

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Totally Free People Search on the Internet

There are different ways to provide recommendations on the best totally free people search websites available on the Internet. I can choose to provide a top 100 list of websites you can visit and even narrow it down to the top 5. I have done that several times and today I want to approach this slightly differently i.e. in a way that will provide you with fundamental information that you can apply anywhere.

I will highlight 5 of the best places you can go to find people completely free online.

General Search Engines

This is the most basic place you can go to but Google and Yahoo have made an effort to improve. They offer totally free people search engine services. This means you can just visit and use the search engine just like you would when searching for other information.

Government Records sites

Some States have published their information online and have availed some records to the public. This means you can access them without paying anything or being charged for them. These can include information relating to divorce records of people, public records to find people by address, police records of people, criminal records and more.

Database Driven Sites

One of the best totally free people search sites on the Internet is what I call "people info database websites". These basically gather information from willing participants and store them in large database centers across the country. There are generally two types here i.e. those that will charge you to access their database and those that will offer it completely free of charge.

People Search Engines

These offer free search results for people you may be trying to lookup. These include the likes of Zaba, Mylife, whitepages, wink, pipl to name just a few - in no particular order. These basically collect information all over the web using various method but mainly through crawling the web more like general search engines.

If you are looking for a service that will search through all social networking sites all at once,

Click Here Totally Free People Finder To review and use one online instantly.

You can also go to: for more resources and recommendations.

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How To Write A Job Transfer Request - The Easy Way

Learning how to write a job transfer request is a lot like writing a resume cover letter; the basics are the same. In a resume cover letter:

o You need to sell yourself and your abilities

o You need to communicate your points efficiently (ideally, in one page)

o You need to show the hiring supervisor what you can do for his or her division, and/or you need to show the company how the organization will benefit by placing you in the new position

The difference when learning how to write a job transfer request letter is that the ball is not always in your court; under optimal conditions, your company will be actively trying to fill a position, and your transfer is more like an internal application than a personal request. Just remember these tips on How To Write A Job Transfer Request to get it right. However, sometimes the need for a job transfer request is strictly personal - perhaps a family illness or change in personal circumstances is forcing you to relocate, and you are writing in hopes of moving your job to another location.

In any case, the first step in writing a successful job transfer request letter is to analyze the situation and know where you are starting from; this will help you set the tone for the letter and focus it accordingly.

When Applying For a Posted Position

If your job transfer request is in response to a job opening within your company, treat it like what it really is - an application with the benefit of company familiarity. Your really need to realize this if you want to know How To Write A Job Transfer Request...

In your letter,

o State straight off your purpose for writing

o Highlight your abilities and experience

o Clearly praise the company (without overdoing it) or you wont know How To Write A Job Transfer Request.

o Tell why you want to move up in the company

o Keep the focus on what you can do for the company without sounding like you are bragging

A condensed letter might look something like:

[Using proper business format]

Dear [Appropriate HR Contact or Supervisor],

It has come to my attention that [blank] department is accepting applications for the [state position]; I am forwarding my resume for your consideration.

I have worked for [this company] for [x] years, as a [position], and have found this to be a very well run organization, supportive of its employees; I would like nothing more than to continue my professional growth with this company as my career moves forward.

I have worked in several capacities here at [company], including [list]. Each experience has enhanced my skills and abilities; my current position has allowed to [list what you have learned]. These are skills that I feel would be very well suited to this position.

I look forward to continued growth within this company throughout my career and I thank you for your consideration.




Job title

When Applying For a Personal Transfer

Job transfer requests made for personal reasons have the disadvantage of not being made specifically to fill an open position. You have to sell yourself as valuable to the company - How To Write A Job Transfer Request - valuable enough that they would want to work cooperatively with you and keep you.

For this type of job transfer request, follow the above guide, and also state why you need to request a transfer. In addition to selling your abilities,

o Really play up your commitment to the company, and your desire to remain with them

o Highlight achievements and skills that would be sorely lost

o Explain why you need to request a transfer

o Be appreciative of what the company has done for you

o Offer a plan for transition which includes training a new person for your position

Here's an example:


I am writing to respectfully request a transfer in location from [office A] to [office B]. A change in my personal circumstances necessitates this move. An illness in my family has made it necessary for me to relocate to [x]. Since I have been with this company for [x time], and have thoroughly enjoyed my employment here, I feel it is in the best interests of myself and of this company that I move operations, rather than leave the company altogether.

In my time here, you have known me to be a person who [list skills and attributes]. I would like to continue providing job excellence to this company, and hope that we are able to work together to find a solution that fits both of our needs.

I understand that this presents some difficulty for the current location, but I feel I can still be of service from this new location, and I am willing to work through [period of transition] to help train new personnel in my position.

I am very appreciative of my time here at [company], the experience has been very rewarding in many ways. I thank you for taking the time to consider my request and anxiously await your decision.





You should fee free to appeal to the human side of your employer, and be sure to include appropriate reasons why you are requesting a transfer; however, resist the urge to be plaintiff and keep this part of the request short - no one likes a whiner!!

The key in how to write a job transfer request that is effective is to balance your skills and assets with the needs of the company. Play up the angles that are open to you, but be careful not to come off as sounding presumptuous and arrogant; you want to be viewed as a valuable company asset, not a thorn in the side worth losing! In all job transfer requests, keep the focus on the company and its benefit as much as possible. Selling your invaluable self will surely get you the move you need!

I hoped you enjoyed this guide on How To Write A Job Transfer Request!

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Human Services Jobs For Online Degree Holders

Many top accredited online universities offer different online degrees in the area of human services. Wide range of different jobs is available for online degree holders. Job cluster includes all family and human needs related jobs. Online degrees in human services enable you to join diverse careers. Job growth rate is increases for human services as with increase in emphasis and awareness on social programs. Professionals working have specialized training. After joining any human services job you will be helping others by organizing or leading group activities. You will assist your clients to improve everyday life. Jobs are not limited to clinical or medical jobs. If you love to work in challenging environment it will be right choice for you. You have to decide suitable boundaries with your clients. It is necessary because you are helping people irrespective of religion, culture and social status. Many important diverse careers are available for human services online degree holders.

Important Human Services Jobs
Many different jobs are available for professionals. Some of them are as follows. These jobs vary from agency to agency. Jobs are available in government, non-profit and private agencies in different work settings such as offices, clinics, hospitals, group homes, shelters and client homes. Professionals help infants, old aged people, homeless and addicts, mentally ill and disabled people.

Behavioral Technicians (Direct Care Counselor/Worker, Youth/Adult Specialist)
Behavioral technicians directly work to supervise and support ongoing care and monitor therapeutic environment. Professionals work with case management and clinical staff on combined basis to support client's participation in case planning.

Case Manager
Cases Manager develops suitable case plan and goals in association with client. After planning Case Managers give complete assessment and support to assist the client. Clients will able to use community resources to fulfill individual needs. Professionals work with counselors and behavioral technicians.

Counselors work with individuals and groups. Counselors provide services in different areas such as career, education, substance abuse, mental health, life skills and family. Counselor reports to managers or supervisors. Undergraduate degree in any specific area of human services is required to work as counselor.

Social Worker
Social workers carry client surveys and interviews to organize and plan programs to endure social and emotional needs of clients. Social Workers directly work with clients and enable them to utilize community resources in effective way to flourish individual needs. Social Workers report to case manager and director.

Program Director
Program Director designs and applies programs on organization scale. Program Directors also evaluate all needs of plan and work to complete the objectives of program. Directors direct and supervise staff and monitor ongoing state and federal requirements. Director reports to Executive Director and Vice President.

Development Director
Development Directors work on strategies to raise funds and develop fundraising programs. Fund Raiser develops targets and collects funds to complete targets and reports to Executive Director.

Grant Writer
Grant Writers work under Development Director and Executive Director. Grant Writer search new funding sources and renew grants.

Psychologist evaluates and helps to design treatment plans and maintain ongoing mental health programs. Psychologists provide psychotherapy to individuals, families and groups. They use assessment tools such as DSM-IV to measure progress of any plan. They also train agency staff to fulfill the needs of clients.

Executive Director
Executive Directors have the ability to direct staff, volunteers, board members and community in a way that they can work together with ease to get common goals. Primary responsibility of Executive Director includes daily operations, budgeting and communication with board of directors and staff management.

Administrator plays important role. Administrator runs entire agency and can work as head on temporary projects. They also develop effective budget that help their team members to serve clients effectively. They also spend time with politicians and other funding officials to increase project funding. Administrator also ensures that team members work with in the budget. They also provide training and guidance to workforce to make them productive.

Correction Workers
Human Services Professionals also help criminals by educating them new skills and allow them to adjust their lives as honest citizen. In order to prevent crimes workers help criminals when they are in jail. Correction workers educate criminals new skills in workshops and behavior modification programs for their new lives before their release dates.

These are some important careers or human services jobs for online degree holders.
Different degrees from bachelors to master's level in human services offer career category with distinct applications. It is a great field and you will have fun with work. There are endless possibilities to advance career in the field of human services. All skills whether you learned during the degree programs or on job are marketable and required in every region of the country. If you choose this field as career you will find out this career is more than a simple job. As career human services proves best for those who are dedicated and interested in helping others. If you are ready to accept challenges to make differences human services will be the best career option for you. Many top accredited online universities offer different online degrees in the field of human services. Online degrees enable students to join entry level positions. On the other hand human services professionals can upgrade their skills by earning online degree.

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Cool Jobs For 13 Year Olds - Do Paid Surveys Online

Maybe you already know this, but paid surveys are cool jobs for 13 year olds and a great way for teens to make some extra money online. Everyday many people are taking paid surveys. They are making extra money in their free time with the surveys. More and more companies are offering surveys and this makes it more profitable not only for adults but also for young people who want to earn their own money.

Some teens think it is difficult to do paid surveys. But it is very easy to make extra cash this way. Each year the largest survey companies pay out millions of dollars to all kind of people around the world who are doing their surveys. Everything you need are a computer, an internet connection and the ability to give your opinion about several subjects, How difficult can that be?

Of course you are not going to get rich by taking paid surveys but for a teen it sure is a great way to earn money instead of doing the traditional teen jobs. You will have enough cash each month for the things you want to buy for yourself and maybe you will even have something extra to help your parents out with the bills.

Like with any other job some people make more money than others with the online surveys. You have to dedicate enough time to this job if you want to see good results. Remember it can take some patience and persistence to get good results, but do not give up. There is enough money to be made in this industry. After you sign up with the best survey site I recommend, I will send you a private message. Reply to that message with the words tips and tricks and I will personally teach you some tricks to make even more money. 

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Healthcare Jobs That Involve Traveling

The high demand for short-term or temporary healthcare professionals in different places all over the United States and the world has fueled a new type of career option for healthcare workers everywhere.  The travel healthcare industry has actually existed for close to twenty years.  In the early days, healthcare-staffing companies matched qualified professionals with hospitals and clinics that were in dire need of short-term staffing solutions.  Because needs in highly specialized medical fields could not always be met locally, people in medical careers are now able to enjoy regular travel as a part of their working lifestyle. 

Seasonal Demand

One of the primary reasons that medical careers that involve traveling across the country or the world exist is fluctuating demand.  One of the primary reasons that demand can fluctuate greatly has to do with the seasons.  In areas where the population suddenly increases or shrinks dramatically based on whether it is spring, summer, fall or winter, maintaining an adequate level of healthcare staff in local hospitals and healthcare centers can be challenging.  Hiring permanent, full-time or part-time staff to handle the influx during busier seasons (such as the state of Florida might have to during the winter when all the New England snowbirds migrate south) can be too committal.  When the rise in population subsides and returns to more normal levels, the area can suffer from massive layoffs and unemployment in the medical field.

The costs of staffing in this way can become very high for medical facilities, as unemployment insurance premiums are likely to rise and the cost of training new staff every season can also be high.

Benefits of Healthcare Jobs That Involve Traveling

There are many benefits to having a career in the travel healthcare industry.  Some of the benefits are very obvious, while others are not.  Working with a good medical staffing agency will allow you to earn top pay and excellent benefits including the ability to save for retirement in a qualified plan such as a 401K.  Most travel healthcare assignments provide private, quality housing that is free of charge for medical staff.  Most healthcare workers know the experience of working in world-renown research facilities or teaching hospitals is priceless.  The opportunity to work at not only one prestigious facility but several in different parts of the country is another benefit of travel healthcare.

Get Started

Getting into the travel healthcare industry is not difficult if you are already a medical professional or healthcare staff member.  There are several different agencies that can help you get placed in short-term travel assignments.  Many of these agencies can be found online.  The process for getting started is very similar for most personnel agencies that specialize in healthcare travel.

1. An application is completed
2. You are assigned to a recruiter/contact at the agency
3. After being interviewed by your recruiter potential assignments will be identified for you
4. You will be interviewed by the director of the medical facility over the phone
5. After accepting an assignment, the agency will assist with all details including licensing, housing and benefits

Leading healthcare staffing company connects hospitals and healthcare providers with highly qualified, full- or part-time healthcare professionals for medical jobs such as travel nursing jobs, physician jobs and speech pathologist jobs.

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The Best Jobs For 15 Year Olds - Get a Job Today!

There is a great way to teach kids the value of money and hard work - by encouraging them to get jobs even if they are still young. Especially during hard times like these, there is a need for everyone, including teenagers to have a backup for their existing allowances. They can start looking for jobs for 15 years and up that can help them earn something extra for their needs. They can also learn to save their income so they have something to pull when necessary.

The usual option is to go to a fast food joint and apply for a job there. This kind of job though, could be quite demanding for time and they can consume the energy of the kids so much that they might start to lose concentration for schoolwork.

With so many kids now exposed to the Internet, new jobs have come out and these options are more acceptable to teenagers. Online work keeps them at home and glued to the computer. The more skilled ones can try their luck at freelance writing. There are other jobs like graphic design for the artistically inclined, and there are other more grown-up jobs that may not be classified as jobs for 15 years and older kids.

Paid survey sites can probably be considered as the provider of one of the best jobs online. The kids just fill out surveys. There are so many companies online that pay a lot of money for any person to answer their surveys for market research. All a teenager has to do is to sign up for an account and fire away with survey fill outs.

GPT Infinity is the #1 rated job for teens. Start survey filling today and make a big nice wad of cash!

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Protect Yourself Against Online Job Fraud

As the global economy struggles to emerge from recession and U.S. unemployment approaches 10%, online job scams continue to proliferate, preying on the uninformed. Defend yourself against scammers by learning to recognize and avoid internet job scams. To that end we have compiled a listing of the top five online job scams and their respective methods and indicators.

1. The "Correspondence Manager" Scam
This one may be difficult to detect as "help wanted" ads for this job are sometimes posted on trusted sites like CareerBuilder and Monster, as well as online versions of local newspapers. Essentially the scam is this: merchandise is shipped to you. Your job is to repackage it and ship it to an address in Russia or Eastern Europe. Typically the merchandise has been purchased with stolen credit card information. Congratulations, you're a felon.

2. The "Escrow Service" Scam
This scam is similar to number one. However, instead of tangible goods being shipped to you, money is wired into your bank account from persons heretofore unknown to you - usually real eBay or other online auction winners. Your job is to receive the funds and wire them (minus your commission) via MoneyGram or similar service to persons outside of the U.S. While you've been paid a fee for your trouble, the auction winner who sent you the money never receives the goods from your employer. Welcome to the wonderful world of money laundering. We'll give you one guess at to who gets stuck holding the bag? That was a really easy question.

3. The "Credit Check" Scam
You come across an otherwise run-of-the-mill help wanted ad for a receptionist or executive assistant position on CraigsList, Monster, CareerBuilder or other web site that posts job listings. Additionally, these ads will usually tempt you with a salary somewhat higher than the going rate. The ad asks you to e-mail the firm for additional information. When you do, the reply e-mail informs you that a credit check is required prior to arranging a job interview and that you will need to provide valid credit card information. Should you be so inclined to honor their request, it is unlikely that you will ever hear from the "firm" again. A more likely outcome is that someone halfway around the world will be making an online purchase of expensive consumer electronics using - you guessed it - your credit card. A good tip-off to this scam is that the ad or correspondence will generally fail to include a company name, telephone number or address. The firm will be referred to generically. While it is not uncommon for legitimate companies to omit identifying information when posting a help wanted ad, any correspondence will include complete and valid contact particulars. As job applicant credit checks have become an increasingly common part of the hiring process, the real tip-off here is that you don't need a credit card number to run a credit check.

There's no job at home receiving and forwarding packages. ... People like to think there are jobs like that, and that's why it's so successful."
- U.S. Postal Inspection Service

4. The "Secret Shopper" Job Scam
This job scam preys on the common desire to a have a job that pays you to shop. After posting your resume online at any number of reputable sites, you'll receive a letter with a check stating that you have been selected to work as a "Secret Shopper." Your job is to pose as an ordinary consumer while making purchases and evaluating the goods, services and facilities of actual retail establishments pre-selected by your employer. The check included with the letter will usually be for an amount between two and four thousand dollars which you are instructed to deposit into your bank account. You are to deduct your commission from the check (usually 5-15% of the total) and spend the rest as prescribed by the employer. Almost invariably, the bulk of the funds are to be used to "evaluate the services" of a MoneyGram or similar "wire money" business office near your home. You will be given at least one name and address to wire funds to.

What some people fail to realize is that while the funds may clear your account a few days after deposit, the check is in fact, bogus and will eventually be returned by the "issuing bank" days later. At such time your bank will deduct the check amount from your account along with a returned check fee. Further, the recipient of the wired funds will be long gone, and he'll be spending your cash. As for your employer, who alleged to be a BBB Member, his business doesn't exist. Should you ever receive a check from a company with which you are unfamiliar, do not deposit it. Take it to your bank and ask them to verify its authenticity.

5. The "Overseas Job" Scam
Beware of online or print help wanted ads that offer high-paying employment overseas. These back-room operations bilk uninformed job seekers out of tens of thousands of dollars every year. Typically these firms will claim that you are qualified for one of the "thousands" of well-salaried positions in their database. All you need do is forward a placement fee - generally ranges from $100 to $1,000) and they will send you the application form(s). They further claim that your money will be promptly refunded if they are unable to place you in a high-paying overseas job. Often, they will arrange for one of the "employers" to contact you directly, urging you to submit the application AND the fee, so that you can begin work right away. Of course, there is no overseas job, your money is never refunded and the "employer" who contacted you is just another con artist who is part of the scam.

As these fly-by-night operations usually target persons from a different state, shutting them down can be a complicated matter for local law enforcement and state agencies. However, the FTC has been active in cracking down on these scams, but they continue to pop-up. As there are legitimate firms that advertise and hire U.S. citizens for overseas work, you should always ask for and check the references of any company offering employment services before providing them with personal information.

If you're looking for a job, you may see ads for firms that promise results. Many of these firms may be legitimate and helpful, but others may misrepresent their services, promote out-dated or fictitious job offerings, or charge high fees in advance for services that may not lead to a job."
- The Federal Trade Commission

Do Your Homework
The information required to avoid being scammed is freely available online. Before you consider accepting a job offer from a firm with which you are not familiar, find out who they really are, and what they're about. Google their name. If you cannot locate their company website or find any mention of the firm - pass. If they are crooks, the odds are in your favor that either no information will be available - or - information detailing their scam will show up in the top twenty search results. Be thorough. And finally, remember that the most important tool you need to protect yourself against online jobs scams can be found between your ears.

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College Students - How To Get A Job This Summer

Most college students look forward to taking a vacation during summer when they are off from school. It sure is worth taking a short break after the brain challenging times in school. However, with all prices now on the upswing, it's also time that students lessen the load from their parents by becoming independent and earning their own keep while not busy with school work.

Many students are having difficulty finding a job that will suit their skills and salary range. But this won't really be much of a problem if one is resourceful enough. There are actually various resources from where to look for a decent job.

Check your school's administration or college career services office. All colleges and universities normally have employment offices that help students find the right job during and after their academic career, provide personal career counseling and career networking assistance. They also have contacts with companies in search of fresh graduates. Jobs provided may be for the summer notably for undergraduate students or for long term employment for those about to graduate. To find out all about this, visit your school website or personally visit the administration office.

Your personal networking can prove beneficial as well. You can get information on available summer jobs from the organizations you belong to, from friends, relatives or a friend of a friend. Your teacher can also be another source. Just remember to ask around.

Visit online recruiting sites such as the Careerbuilder, one of the most popular source of employment in the U.S. Students can scan the numerous companies that post their job openings on this site. All you have to do is simply type in the keywords and instantly, you will be provided with a lot of choices. Another job site for college students looking for entry level jobs is MonsterTrak, said to be the biggest and most visited college-targeted site. The site offers job listings, resume posting, job search tips and career contact network.

If you have not found a good job from a nationwide recruiting site, then try a local employment site. There are companies that would rather use a local employment website to attract applicants from a particular area or region. Your best option here is to use Google.

For those not yet prepared to take on the pressures of real work, there are still other options. These include internships, short term work experiences and volunteering. An internship is an ideal way to feel like being in a real job but without the permanent commitment.

Keep in mind that it's not the number of jobs that you apply to that counts but your strategy in applying for that position that will ultimately land you that job. Of course, you should consider applying for as many jobs but don't limit yourself to just one field. It's best that you are flexible and focused.
Finally, if getting employed is not a priority for you, maybe you can start your own business. This is especially applicable for students who have a strong entrepreneurial spirit. You can create a business proposal and present it to friends who may be interested to join in. Having your own business means being your own boss.

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20 Proven Tips to Avoid Hiring Mistakes


I have told everyone who would listen that the best business book BY FAR that I have ever read is Good to Great by Jim Collins. This book is must-reading for any owner or manager who has aspirations to lead his or her company to greatness.

RULE #1: To be a great company you must have the RIGHT PEOPLE ON THE BUS and in the RIGHT SEAT ON THE BUS, meaning that you not only must hire the right people, but the right people must be in the right job.

RULE #2: If you have a person or people in your company that you have given up on; that is, people who don't fit or are not achieving acceptable levels of performance...go ahead and terminate them. You're doing them no favors if you rob them of months or years they could be productive for another organization.


1. Look on the applicant's resume or application for clues as to common ground you can find with the candidate and use them to put the applicant at ease ASAP.

2. When setting up appointments -- especially if effective telephone skills influence the job's success -- call the candidate yourself. Don't delegate so much of the hiring process that your hiring instincts deteriorate over time.

3. Ask yourself: How would you feel if this particular candidate worked for one of your competitors?

4. If you have interest in pursuing the candidate, make it a point to meet his or her spouse. This is especially critical for members of your management team.

5. It's extremely revealing to drive by where the candidate lives to see what kind of house he or she lives in and how well the property is maintained.

6. Have the courage to hire Mr. or Ms. Perfect even when you don't have an opening. Never stop looking for good people. Sales managers, for example, should get to know each vendor salesperson who calls on their firm.

7. Have the courage to terminate an employee who you have given up on even if you don't yet have a replacement.

8. Learn the steps the applicant has taken in the past five years to become more professional, i.e., training programs attended, books read, etc.

9. Recruit where your competitors don't -- your health club, country club, church, service club, etc., are examples. Your own employees, customers and vendors are other sources to find good people outside your own personal network.

10. In interviews, listen far more than you talk by asking good probing open-ended interview questions. Prepare your list of interview questions in advance of the interview so you're not thinking of what you're going to ask next while a candidate is still answering your last question.

11. Get past awkward periods of silence by saying something like, "I know that's a tough question, please feel free to take your time in answering."

12. Learn HOW the candidate performs tasks rather than strictly WHAT the candidate has accomplished.

13. Volunteer to the candidate every negative you can think of that pertains to the job you're interviewing to fill. Get the negatives on the table so you can deal with them NOW rather than AFTER the candidate is hired.

14. Bobby Knight, the successful basketball coach, says he decides which players to recruit by watching them play basketball. Create several positions for summer interns so you can observe how well they work.

15. The higher level the position you're interviewing to fill, the more important this interview question is: What specific business goals have you set for the coming year? If the candidate isn't a goal-setter, the candidate will be operating with a severe handicap.

16. Don't fall for the professional interviewer trap. There are people who interview well, but are not solid performers, and candidates who interview horribly, but are excellent performers.

17. Concentrate your interview questions on what the candidate has actually done. Place less emphasis on speculation about how the candidate plans to perform in the future.

18. Don't be afraid to rehire former employees -- there should be far less guesswork as to exactly what talent and chemistry you are hiring.

19. Don't evaluate resumes -- talk to real live people. This is the only way to find the best people for your organization. Nine of ten resumes are overstate the candidate's credentials, anyway.

20. Don't be guilty of wishful thinking and don't hire the best of the bunch. If the first or second bunch of candidates don't produce the RIGHT candidate, get yourself a new bunch.

Bill Lee is author of 30 Ways Managers Shoot Themselves in the Foot ($21.95) plus $6 S&H for the first book and $1 for each additional book. See Shopping Cart at

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