
Outdoor Catering Barbeque Events Checklist

The taste of barbeque food eaten al fresco style can be some of our best memories of summer.  If you think this style of food will fit with your party whether it is for a wedding or another occasion we have provided a useful checklist here to help the smooth running of your event. 1.  The weather - unfortunately unless you live in a very warm climate there is never any guarantee what the weather will do.  Keep an eye on the forecast leading up to your event.  With any outdoor barbeque event you will need to be prepared for wet and cold weather options with marquees or covered areas and patio heaters if needed. 2.  Plan your budget and stick to it.  It is very easy for spending to spiral out of control. 3.  Schedule when you have earmarked a date work backwards with deadlines for things to be done.  Leave plenty of time as there are often unforeseen problems that will need to be dealt with. 4.  Toilets - if you are having an outdoor event with temporary facilities such as marquees you will need to provide portable toilets.  The simplest calculation is to allow 1 toilet to 100 people.  This will vary depending on the total number of people at the event, the mix of gender as well as the duration and amount of alcohol that will be consumed.  There are a variety of toilets on the market ranging in style and quality so shop around for one that suits your taste and budget. 5.  Talk to a number of catering suppliers and find one that specializes in barbeques.  They will be able to supply all the equipment including chefs and waiting staff.  Often these caterers will have the option to look after the bar and drinks.  This works well to keep costs down using one supplier for both the food and drinks.  Check they supply all the glasses. 6.  Discuss your menu requirements with them.  Include some trusty favourites such as sausages and burgers as well as some marinated meats and other varieties of meat for the barbeque.  Remember to include vegetarian options and other dietary needs depending on your guest list. 7.  Lighting and decoration.  Create the mood of your event with lightening and decorations.  Do you have a theme for the event?  Look on the internet for ideas and draft in an artistic person to help with these areas. 8.  Delegate as much as you can.  Identify motivated people and give them a role.  Let them get on with their job and organize regular catch ups for feedback on how things our progressing. 9.  Music and entertainment.  The best budget system is to make sure you have a good sound system and create some play lists that can be burnt onto CDs or played through an iPod on the sound system.  You do not want to be constantly looking after the music during the event.  Alternatively hire a DJ or a band but remember there will be periods prior to and after they play that you will have to fill with other music. 10.  Party games - if you have a large number of people who have never met each other create several games to get people to move around and talk to each other.  Have a look on the internet to find ideas that would suit your style of event and your guests. We hope this checklist will help the smooth running of your event.  Enjoy!

The taste of barbeque food eaten al fresco style can be some of our best memories of summer.  If you think this style of food will fit with your party whether it is for a wedding or another occasion we have provided a useful checklist here to help the smooth running of your event.

Anna Barrington writes for Total Hospitality, expert caterers specializing in outdoor barbeque catering services. For more information about other services such as their corporate catering please visit their corporate hospitality events London page.

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