
How To Find A Good Recruiter

Finding a recruiter that best matches your personality, professional needs, and profile can be difficult under the best of circumstances. The best time to find one is while you are employed. Locating one at this time allows you to be more particular. Building a relationship with your recruiter will take time and effort so it's important to find the right person from the beginning. You might need to contact several recruiters before you find a good match. It is important to be discreet at this point. You don't want the word to get out that you are "looking" or to be contacted by recruiters on the prowl for new clients.

It's never too early to cultivate a recruiter relationship. Keep in mind that this process can be challenging when you are a new professional, and do not have a career track record. The younger/less experienced you are, the harder it will be to have a recruiter work for you.

Note: Recruiters, with the exception of "retained" search professionals, make a percentage of the offered salary. The higher the salary, the more money they make. Consequently, it pays them to place the "High Ticket" people first.

Here are six tips to get you started:

1) Find a recruiter BEFORE you need one.
Your initial contact should serve to the recruiter get to know you and you know them. Make sure that you both understand that this is a preliminary meeting so you won't be bombarded with unwanted calls or jobs until you are actually seeking a position. If the ideal position comes along, make it clear that that it would be appropriate to contact you, but that you will notify them when you are actually looking to make a change. If the recruiter calls you constantly with "positions" that are not suitable, you need to move on. In your consultation with your recruiter you should share your talents, career plans and goals. Cover conditions such as being unable to relocate.

TIP: Don't conduct these discussions at your present place of employment. Find a time and place where you can concentrate and give the recruiter your undivided attention. Never look for a new job on your employer's time.

TIP: Some companies have "alert" notices installed in the computer network. If you access job board or job related sites they will know it.

2) Find a recruiter that specializes in your field or industry.
Today, recruiters are very specialized. You want one that knows your business, preferably one that has some longevity in the field. If you are active in your industry eventually you will either meet a recruiter or one will contact you. Be sure and do your homework. Check out your recruiter's credentials. Ask colleagues if they have heard of this person (careful and discreet. You don't want the word to get out that you are looking). When you check out your recruiter's references, ask how long it took to be placed and what the recruiter relationship was like. Ask the recruiter to provide you with articles and information they have written or prepared. Check out the recruiter's website. Ask for references of people they have placed.

Note: Be wary of recruiters just starting. As a temporary measure, many unemployed people hang up a recruiter shingle when they themselves become unemployed.
TIP: Here are a couple of websites to get you started http://www.findarecruiter.com or [http://www.findrecruiter.com].

3) As you uncover potential "matches" send out a cover letter of introduction.
Keep your cover letter simple and to the point. Your cover letter should make the recruiter want to know more about you. Explain why they should invest time in getting to know you better. Ask to set up a telephone appointment. It's up to you to sell the recruiter your skill set. You might include facts in your letter that are specific to your situation and may not be included in your resume.

4) Find a recruiter that you feel comfortable with and you trust.
I can't emphasize this enough. Your recruiter must be able to work in absolute confidentiality. You MUST like working with and feel comfortable with your recruiter. If there is a "personality" conflict, move on to someone else. You are establishing a bond with your recruiter and you want them to work for you, not just submit your resume to any job opening.

Be careful about sending your resume out to recruiters while you are still employed. Your goal is to build a relationship. Be cautious. Many recruiters work on a numbers theory. If they send out so many candidate resumes eventually
one will be qualified. Most recruiters are true professionals with very high ethics. They will gladly keep you in mind for new positions that are "right up your alley" as they are uncovered. Make sure you cover your resume in depth with your recruiter. They may opt to have you rewrite it with a professional service. You may need several different versions of your resume.

TIP: Under no circumstances should a recruiter "enhance" your qualifications to fit an opening or a position they are trying to fill.

5) Cover current salary information and expectations. Make sure you set clear and concise parameters. You don't want to waste time going on interviews that are not in line with your expectations. Remember to discuss that you expect your new job to pay more than your old one. It's perfectly acceptable to have your recruiter seek out a better job or a promotion rather than a lateral move.

6) Find out what is the most acceptable way for the recruiter to receive your resume. They are working for you so you need to provide them your essential details in the shortest and easiest possible method. The more complicated you make it for them to receive your information the less enthusiastic they will be to read your material.

TIP: This is especially true to day were it's a recruiters market. There are many more qualified candidates than there are recruiters to place them.

TIP: Remember to follow up once you have sent your credentials. Investigate if the transmission was clear, are there any questions, etc.

Some Cautions About Using Recruiter:

1) Recruiters will not help you change your career. They operate in the world that is familiar to them. 

2) Recruiters will not accept you as a client if you are not in their area of specialization. It's nothing personal.
3) Recruiters may not tell you it's not a fit. Some just won't ever call. If that's the case, find another recruiter.
4) Executive recruiters recruit! Time is money. They are not there to entertain or listen to your life story. Don't abuse the relationship by monopolize a recruiters time.
5) Recruiters are NOT your new best fiend. They will make money by placing you. Keep this in mind as you build your relationship.

A solid relationship with a good recruiter can be a boon to your career. It used to be considered a negative career factor if you changed jobs too frequently. Now, it's the opposite. If you haven't changed jobs people want to know why. (They think you are unmotivated.) Your recruiter can be one of your career barometers letting you know when the market is ripe for a career change and when its not.

TIP: A good rule of thumb is to stay three years in the same position. After that, it's time for a promotion or a new assignment. Your recruiter should be on top of industry trends too.

Caution: Don't just make a move because three years is up. Manage your career move as part of a solid personal business plan. When the market is soft, as it is right now, consider long and hard any potential career changes. Not just the short term/immediate gain but evaluate how this move will position you for future career growth.

No matter how good the fit, time is money. The recruiter will always push those people that are marketable and profitable. Keep your skill set current and your name in the limelight. This will make you more valuable and worth the recruiter's time.

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Best Cover Letters For Getting Job Interviews

There's no doubt about it. People who write the best cover letters get the best job interviews. Research shows that the most effective, cover letters have a number of common characteristics. They follow a 3-part format that consistently garners positive results and earns the job applicants who wrote them highly sought after job interviews.

Even if you're not a great writer, you can write great cover letters by following the format listed below. Use this format to write the best cover letters for getting job interviews. If you write your cover letter and still aren't comfortable with the result, have no fear. The link at the end of the article offers cover letter writing services and software that may assist you.

But first things first...

1. Grab Attention in Your First Paragraph is the first tip to writing best cover letters for getting job interviews.

Hiring managers review hundreds of cover letters and resumes for every job they fill. To get attention, your cover letter must stand out. Here are examples of effective and interesting first paragraphs. Choose the one that works best for your situation and modify it to suit your needs.

State how your skills and experience match the job description and would be a benefit to the organization.

Example: After graduating from Northeastern University with a B.S. in Computer Graphic Technology, I spent the summer interning in New York City at Sunrise Communications. During that time, I brainstormed ideas and story concepts with Sunrise's Creative Team. I drew detailed storyboards that formed the basis for local and international TV advertisements. At Sunrise, I learned to share ideas, accept criticism and problem-solve in a high-pressured environment.
Example: In response to this opportunity, I would like to call attention to my experience in producing and directing numerous PR events throughout Orange County as well as my large network of both celebrity and national media contacts.
Example: Since graduating from Simmons College Prince Program of Retail Management, I've been involved in all aspects of retail, from front-of-the-store management and training to inventory planning, buying, and merchandising. I have worked in both specialty and mass markets and have broad-based experience dealing with customers, fellow employees, management, and vendors. I thrive in a fast-paced environment and feel energized by the thought of helping manage the L.L. Bean Women's Department.

If you've talked with the hiring manager, use the first paragraph to remind her of the conversation.

Example: Thank you for calling me about the Character Animator position posted on Pixar's website. I enjoyed talking with you and learning more about this position.

If appropriate, don't be afraid to name drop.

Example: Henry Smith, who supervised my work as a summer intern with your firm, recommended that I apply for the position of Associate Attorney.

Mention something you know about the organization.

Example: I read the June 10th issue of The Kentucky Sun with great interest. The article, "How One Restaurant Makes a Difference" applauded Pannucci's contribution to the Good Shepherd Food Bank. I believe my experience as a pastry chef as well as my work on the Eastside Food Pantry's Board of Directors makes me a perfect candidate for the position of Pannucci Head Pastry Chef.
Example: Cuddledown's branded voice is recognizable and respected; its high-quality products are well positioned in the market. I would welcome the chance to develop and execute marketing strategies to increase sales and distribution of the company's products.

Get their attention by asking a question.

Example: Are you looking for a self-motivated individual who has organized large-scale events and significantly improved customer retention?
2. Keep Their Attention in the Middle is the second tip to write best cover letters for getting job interviews.

As you write, keep the company's point of view in mind. Try to anticipate what the hiring manager is looking for and include that information. If you have an employment gap or some other item on your resume that you think the hiring manager will question, succinctly and without apology, answer the issue in the middle section of your cover letter.

In the middle section of your cover letter, tell how your education and experience match the job description. Use specific examples to show how your skills meet the job requirements. .

Example: To manage this department, I would call on my experience at Jordan Marsh as the Liz Claiborne Department Manager. There, I merchandised product and motivated my sales team to generate the highest company-wide sales volume for dress collections. I am a natural sales person and definitely "have a knack" for merchandising and visual presentation.
Example: Throughout my years as a caseworker, I have helped many clients identify and apply for jobs that match their skill sets. I believe my dedication to the people I serve and my ability to identify and match their strengths to the job market makes me the perfect candidate for Employment Specialist position at Crossroads Community Services.

If appropriate, mention specific goals you have accomplished.

Example: While at Nordstrom's, I motivated my team to exceed department sales goals of $1.2 million annually. The team generated the highest company-wide sales volume for the dress collection.
Example: While providing administrative support to the Director of Marketing and Sales, I reduced company travel expenditures by $37,000 in my first three months by renegotiating contracts with the department's suppliers.

3. End your Cover Letter with an Action Follow Up and a Respectful Close is the third tip for writing best cover letters for getting job interviews.

Your closing paragraph or sentence should encourage action.

·Example: As requested, I have enclosed my resume for your review. I look forward to discussing my qualifications and learning more about the position. Please contact me at 555.555.5555 or by email at dede@afewgoodwords.com with any additional questions. Thank you for your time and consideration.

End your letter with a respectful and professional close. "Sincerely yours" or "Respectfully yours" works well.

That's it. Use this 3-part format to write best cover letters for getting job interviews. If you do, you'll end up with a cover letter that will stand up to the competition and get you the job interviews you deserve.

Best of luck in your job search.

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What Kind of Jobs Can I Get With an MBA?

Wondering whether or not an MBA will truly advance your career in business? Read this article to discover what kind of jobs you can expect to get with an MBA degree.

What is an MBA?

A Master of Business Administration (MBA) degree is granted after one or two years of study at a graduate level institution. Students who are enrolled in an MBA program receive training in the theory and practice of business management. This degree can increase the number of jobs that you are qualified for, as well as your earning potential.

Jobs for Grads with an MBA Degree

Earning an MBA degree can make you much more valuable to employers. This degree certifies that you are prepared to handle almost any management role found in a modern corporation or organization. The type of job best suited for an MBA grad depends on the type of MBA degree that was achieved.

For example, an MBA grad that specialized in marketing will easily be able to obtain employment in the marketing field, while an MBA grad that specialized in finance will be best suited for a position in the finance industry. General MBAs, on the other hand, can secure employment in almost any business sector.

MBA grads most commonly work in the following fields:

· Accounting

· Consulting

· Finance

· General Management

· Human Resources

· Marketing

· Sales

Salary Potential for MBA Grads

MBA grads can command higher salaries than those who have not obtained a master's degree. Base salaries for MBA grads typically start out above $80,000, with total compensation amounting to more that $100,000 when benefits, bonuses, and profit sharing figures are taken into account.

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7 Most Important Things Men Find Attractive in Women

Brains -- Men are attracted to women who are smart. When you can hold an intelligent conversation with any man on a lot of subject matters a lot of men will find your conversations engaging. And certainly, when you consider that fact that most of us want to settle down with women who can contribute financially to the relationship, then the smarter women who make more money will be the women we want in our lives. And I am not saying that if you don't have a job they no man will want you -- that is not what I am saying. You have to simply demonstrate that you are always working on taking care of your financial obligations when they arise.

Affectionate -- This trait encompasses both how you touch us and the endearing words you use when you talk to us. So if you are not in the habit of touching your man or telling him how special he is, then it is possible that you may not be getting all the love your man can give you. The key to getting what you want from men is to first give of yourself (not sex) before expecting men to give their love to you.

Health conscious -- You do not have to be Ms. Universe in order for men to find you attractive. But you do have to care about your physical appearance. You can't let yourself go and expect us to fall all over you. All you have to do is show that you care about your body by taking care of it, and showing the man you want that you take care of yourself. And you can show that by simply doing your basic beauty regimen -- hair, makeup, nails, exercise, etc. That's all you have to do.

Good lover -- Yes, I saved the best for last. If you are good in bed, which means you really know how to please your man, then you can practically get him to jump over hot coals to get you whatever you want. Sure, you just can't expect him to do everything you want just because you are good in bed. If all the other traits are in place and you also add this as the icing on the cake, then you have all the ingredients you need to get any man to eat off the palm of your hands.

Great Sense of humor -- Sure we want women who are not too serious about life. If you don't know how to laugh at our jokes and the little silly things that happen in life, you will not be able to keep any man for too long.

Down-to-earth personality -- Men are drawn to women who do not put on airs -- women who are not afraid to be themselves. If you are a pretender men will most likely sniff out the real you eventually.

Confident -- Just as women love men who are confident, men equally are attracted to confident, self-assured women. Sure from time to time it might be cute for a woman to be shy, but not so shy that she cannot stand up to let people know what she thinks.

The kind of woman we find most attractive is the woman who is well rounded. If you are Ms. Universe and you have no brains, a good sense of humor, no sense of humor, etc, you will not be able to hold onto any man that comes you way. So, now you see that outer beauty is good to have, but your inner beauty is what will keep your man from leaving you.

To discover how to quickly make your man fall madly in love with you, visit http://smartwomansguide.com.

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Jobs - Paper Boy

Okay, don't laugh. It's a job and it can be a darn good paying one if you have a good route. Being a newspaper delivery boy isn't what it used to be many years ago. Today, newspapers are much more efficiently run and the delivery services themselves have been upgraded drastically. Today's paper boy doesn't work anywhere near as hard as the paper boy of the 1970s. So if you're thinking this is something that you don't want to do, you might think differently after reading this review of exactly what a paperboy does and gets paid.

Paper boys of the 21st century have it made. Of course this isn't a job that a 10 year old is going to be able to do anymore, at least not if he wants to make the big bucks. Today's paper routes are much larger than they were years ago. So in order to work today's routes you're going to need a car, preferably one with a lot of trunk space. An SUV, van or truck may even help. Years ago, a route was maybe 100 papers. Today, a route can be up to 1000 papers if you get a really good route.

The first thing you need to do is contact the local newspaper in your area and tell them you want to route. They'll ask you where you live and try to assign you one that is close by. They will ask you if you have a vehicle. When you get hired, they will give you a destination to go to in order to pick up your papers. Yes, you do have to pick them up yourself. They don't deliver them to your door. On normal days there won't be anything more to do than to pick up the papers and throw them in your car. But on Sundays things are a little different. The Sunday paper comes in sections and before you can deliver each paper you have to put the sections together. This can be very time consuming, so on Sunday you better be prepared to get up a little earlier and work a little longer. But it's worth it because the Sunday papers are very expensive today and the commissions you get on them are very nice.

After the papers are put together you will have a route sheet to look at. This will have the addresses of every subscriber. You better either know the area well or have a map with you or you're going to get very lost and your job is going to take you all day to complete. This is not good when you have people who are expecting their paper by 7 AM.

After you have delivered all your papers, you return home and report in to the main office that the route for that day has been completed. They'll ask you the time of completion and how long it took you. If they see you're taking longer than expected you may not keep your job long as this will lead to unhappy customers.

Years ago, when papers were 10 cents, you got paid 2 cents on every paper, or 20 percent. Today, the percentages are closer to 30 percent and with papers going for 50 cents a pop during the week and $1.00 on Sunday, you can make a nice part time income for an hour of work a day.

Being a paper boy isn't what it used to be.

Michael Russell Your Independent guide to Jobs

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Example of a Realtor in a Consultative Sales Conversation

Notice in the following example how the real estate agent uses the information the Seller gives in each answer to formulate the agent's next question. These question chains let the agent stay in control of the conversation without educating, selling, or convincing the Seller of anything, but still provide tremendous value to the prospect. In fact, the agent says very little of substance, but still moves the sale along to a close.

Agent: "Hi, I'm LS with The Way of Real Estate, and I'm wondering if you're planning on moving in the next 12 months?"

Seller: "Why, as a matter of fact, we are."

Agent: "OK. And where will you be moving to?"

Seller: "Phoenix."

Agent: "And when would that be?"
(Up to this point, the conversation is following a door-knocking script.)

Seller: "Well, we're not sure. I have a job starting there in four months, but my wife's mother is very ill, so we may hang on to the house until she passes on."

Agent: "I can see how it would make your wife more comfortable to stay in the house. Is there a problem with hanging onto the house and selling it later?"

(I want to know why the obvious solution doesn't work for him. He may or may not have thought about it.)

Seller: "Yes, I have to purchase again by the end of the year in Phoenix, and I'll need to sell this one before I can do that."

Agent: "So you need to sell before the end of the summer, but you don't know how long your wife might have to stay in the house. What sorts of solutions have you and your wife talked about?"

(I don't want to make suggestions, especially when I'd probably suggest things they've already thought about. This is the role of a sounding board.)

Seller: "Well, my wife is talking about renting a condo overlooking the ocean while I get things set up in Phoenix."

Agent: "Hmmm. So, between keeping the house and renting the condo, which one would you guess is the best solution to your situation?"

(The form of asking someone to "guess" between two things that they're on the fence about often helps them choose the one they subconsciously are leaning towards already. People often feel relieved to "guess." I'm also OK with the answer either way. I'd rather know now, before spending a lot more time with him, if he's decided to keep the house.)

Seller: "Well, I think the condo. Her mom could hang on for a long time yet, and I have to make a purchase in Phoenix before the end of the year. I'd prefer to see my wife not have to deal with the sale of a house when I'm not here."

Agent: "Sounds like a reasonable choice. Is something stopping your wife from agreeing with you? (I sense this is the big issue-the one that's making the decision hard for them. I'm asking him to raise ideas to the surface that he might not be thinking about overtly, but that need to be addressed in order for him to make a decision.)

Seller: "Yeah, she thinks she'd like the familiar surroundings of her house at this time of her life."

Agent: "That makes a lot of sense to me. so on the one hand, she has a strong emotional reason for staying in the house, and you don't want to upset her. And on the other hand, you need to sell and reinvest in Phoenix. What happens if you keep the house and don't reinvest in Phoenix?"

(I want to raise this issue, because it's one option he has that he hasn't mentioned, and it will come up at some point.)

Seller: "It's complicated. But I have a tax issue and if I can sell this one, I can roll the equity into another house without paying capital gains."

Agent: "I see. How do you think you're going to go about making this decision?"

(Now he's got all the issues laid out in front of him, so I'm bringing him to a logical place of choice.)

Seller: "I think we need to have a serious talk. The truth is I've been avoiding it."

Agent: "Well, as you have this talk, how can I support you with the real estate facts you need?" (I'm not telling him any facts, but volunteering that there are facts he could use.)

Seller: "Oh, well, what do we need to know?"

Agent: "I could prepare some condo rentals for you and your wife to look at. Also show you the sale values in your neighborhood, provide you with moving quotes. That sort of thing."

(I don't want to start blabbering, just giving enough to allow him to decide if he's interested)

Seller: "I hadn't thought about some of that. ''

Agent: "There are a lot of ways I can add support, but not all of them would be useful to you at this time. Perhaps you and your wife could brainstorm some ideas together about what you need and don't need. How would you feel about doing that?" (Now I've asked him to do something, but not for me or with me. It's a way of getting him to take action.)

Seller: "I think that's a great idea."

Agent: "OK, good. I'd like to continue our conversation after you've had a chance to talk with your wife. Would that be helpful?"

Seller: "Sure, I've enjoyed this."

Agent: "Wonderful. So what's the best way for me to follow up with the support you and your wife are going to brainstorm about?" (I'm only closing on action he's already agreed to do. I'm not offering him a CMA or to clean his garage)

And so on.

Your role as a consultative salesperson in a conversation like this is to be a sounding board, not to give answers or explanations. It's to follow a protocol of asking a certain kind of question by using a question chain technique to help the prospect explore his situation. Your protocol gently deflects the prospect in a direction that helps him make decisions. This is a highly consultative approach that supports a prospect in making decisions that are right for him. It is also shrewdly effective for you as a real estate salesperson. You might call it the yin/yang of the sale.

You Can Do It!

Avoid the pitfalls and challenges that plague most Realtors! I dispel the sales tactics that most agents are taught that actually lead to slow (or zero) growth! Through my intensely practical coaching approach, you can achieve the same rapid results as top agents, brokers, and companies I've worked with for over 20 years, including By Referral Only, Franklin Covey, and Coldwell Banker. http://realestatebusinesscoaching.com.

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Dell Online (Case Study)

Background (General Facts from Case Study)

Dell is a computer corporation recognized for manufacturing computer systems through parts assemble. In 1983, Michael Dell saw an opportunity in using IBM compatible computers for a new assembly line that can be sold to local businesses. The idea as explained by Michael Dell, in an interview with Joan Magretta[1], is that in the early days of computers' manufacturing, companies had to be able to produce every part of the system. As the industry matured, companies started to focus on single parts and to become specialized in creating items that can be assembled with other parts to prepare a computer. As a result, Dell understood that to have a competitive edge in the market, they needed to focus on activities that drive sales instead of putting capital in producing items that other manufactures are already creating.

In the 1990's, the computer market revolved around desktops, notebooks, and network servers. Dell competed with high-end machines from IBM, HP, and Compaq with a product line that provided value-priced systems for consumers and highly reliable networked systems for business. In the late 90's, around 40% of households owned a pc in the US. On the contrary, from the business side, around 80% of the companies still had old server and desktop machines. Management had to approve purchasing orders, which resulted in only 2.2% of servers' sale in comparison to the total purchases for desktop PCs in 1996.

In order for Dell to achieve $7.8 billion from sales in the late 90's, it had to skip over the traditional channels of using retail or value-added resellers (VARs) to sell directly to the consumers . The "direct-model "or as Michael Dell comments on how his new employees call it "The model" is not that all powerful system. It is simply a way for Dell to cut on the standard supply chain cycle and deliver goods directly from the manufacturer to the customer. They created partnerships with several suppliers such as Sony, Intel, and others to deliver goods effectively at the time of the order to Dell's plant where the assembly took place. The delivery and shipment were outsourced through a dedicated service that also insured delivering the monitors directly from the supplier at the same time. Mr. Dell talks about how suppliers are benefiting from the fact that Dell buys more items from the suppliers keeping no inventory and only requesting faster delivery upon orders.

In 1996, Dell capitalized on the growing number of customers who are using the Internet and launched its online store at dell.com. The online venture then proved to be the most appropriate sales channel that matched the supply chain direct model implemented by Dell.

In its path to compete in the market, Dell had to provide additional services such as DellPlus that enabled Dell to install commercial software packages, DellWare which provided hardware and software from other vendors, and after sales and on-site support services. These actions, as described by Michael Dell, required establishing more partnerships, which Mr. Dell describes as a process of "trial and error". The integration with partners was changing as the technology is evolving and many venders go volatile while others remain sold. Furthermore, looking for an IT company to build the online store brought in very few players, which made Dell accept the overhead of developing the portal in-house.

Enterprise Architecture Issues

Supply Chain Management: The purchase and number of transactions that Dell took in required a properly configured and concise business process.
In-sourcing: To meet the demand of the market some parts of the process required the services of other companies that can be in partner with Dell.
Quality Assurance: The computer industry is a very dynamic one, which makes quality products stand out when faced with technology-oriented consumers.
Business Automation: As Dell advanced into online markets, its sales staff feared from losing their jobs in favor of automated sales transactions.
Dynamic Industry: The technology industry requires closely monitoring consumers' trend to maintain a low gap between the point of demand and the point of supply.


Supply Chain Management

Supply Chain Management (SCM) aims at integrating all corporate activities to improve relationships at all levels (internal operations, supplier networks, and distribution channel) to meet the competitive edge and satisfy the customer (Al-Mashari and Zairi 2000)[2]. In order to build an effective and complete business process that supports SCM, information among all business partners need to be shared. Information sharing through the Internet reduce the gap for business-to-business (B2B) commerce by enabling seamless integration with enterprise processes among partner corporations (Archer 2006)[3].

Dell developed its internal business process by creating production cells that start assembly at the point of order. It also established an internal information system to make the details of the products under production electronically available to all parties within the chain. To manage the supply of computer parts, Dell maintained close relationships with their suppliers and logistics providers to make their vendors manage the inventory system while Dell focused on product assembly (Kumar and Craig 2007)[4]. In addition, Dell used enterprise technology to make their database and methodologies available to the supplier to understand how Dell works. On the consumer side, orders made through the phone or online through dell.com produced a tracking code that the consumer can use to track the status of his or her order at any time through the phone or on Dell's website.

In sourcing

Organizations worldwide are benefiting from the specialized services offered by various companies. In the shipping and transport arena, companies Like UPS (United Parcel Service) and DHL stand out as masters in their industry. UPS and DHL have established offices and transportation vehicles all across the world. They provide business services through in-sourcing which enables them to be part of the internal business process of companies (Marcum 2007)[5]. To a company like Toshiba for example, after-sales support service would require shipping the damaged computer to and from the consumer's side. For that, UPS would say, "Look, instead of us picking up the machine from your customers, bringing it to our hub, then flying it from our hub to your repair facility and then flying it back to our hub and then from our hub to your customer's house, let's cut out all the middle steps. We, UPS, will pick it up, repair it, and send it right to your customer" (Friedman 2006)[6].

Dell understands that it need not compete unless it would get the advantage in the market. Michael Dell says that one should evaluate the competition field and pick the best one. In that context, after-sales services were contracted with firms who are specialized in that field and can be contacted directly through the integrated supply system to fulfill the requests of the consumers. Furthermore, shipping is handled through multiple shippers to deliver systems to consumers or to resellers across the world. In addition, Dell has saved the overhead cost of monitors' delivery by requesting shippers to deliver from the monitor's supplier directly to the consumer at the same time.

Quality Assurance

In a competitive arena, companies seek to have an advantage through means that are not necessarily related to price. Constraints against outsourcing due to excessive decentralization within organizations can have a negative impact on the value chain process. Combing various options and being open to diversification would support in increasing the speed-to-market and enhancing the quality of products (Ernst 2000)[7].

Dell has an operational facility in Penang Malaysia, which places Dell at a central position near to where most suppliers actually have their factories. Orders for goods come directly to Penang center through the integrated suppliers' logistic centers (SLCs) chain[8]. The Penang center sends emails to suppliers requesting the parts that will be assembled based on the customer's order. The entire model was efficient enough to require no more than 36 hours from order to shipping. In terms of quality of service, Dell has won numerous awards for highest quality. In spite of that, it continues to find means to increase the efficiency of its products. Michael Dell suggested that reducing the human interaction with hard drives during assembly would decrease its failure rate. As a result, the reduction of the number of "touches" dropped the failure rate to 20%.

Business Automation

The general attitude from individuals and employees within organizations is that automation through information systems complicate their internal processes, and might result in cutting down the number of staff (Khatibi, V.Thyagarajan and Seetharaman 2003)[9]. There are several psychological and behavioral problems associated with reluctance to change, which appear to impede the growth of E-commerce. On the other hand, retailers no longer think their web sites are simply an added benefit for their customers since the ROI (Return on Investment) percentages from online websites have far outweighed their bricks-and-mortar counterparts (Casey 2004)[10]. For that reason, the staff involved in the traditional sales process requires training to embrace new technologies and to learn how they can benefit from it.

For Dell online store the response from the consumers was huge, however, at first the sales representatives feared that the online website would reduce the number of sale deals they closed. To overcome this, Dell introduced the cost saving model showing how the online store would support sales representative close more deals and at the same time would produce cost effective results that would have a positive ROI on the business.

Dynamic Industry

Customer relations management (CRM) is a very vital competency that was born from the amount of transactional sales deals through call centers. The process of understanding customers goes through the initial phase of collecting data then analyzing trends and eventually building a knowledge base that will drive the profitable relationship (Liew 2008)[11]. Organizations' use of CRM models is an attempt to get firsthand knowledge that would improve marketing effectiveness, bring more personalization, and build brands among other objectives based on the nature of the business (Anderson, Jolly and Fairhurst 2007)[12].

Michael Dell model is based on keeping no inventory, in order for Dell to maintain that they focused on segmenting their customers into scalable businesses that can be analyzed for their level of demand. Sales executives at Dell used communication skills to elicit information from customers that would further support the demand forecast initiatives at the company. In addition, Dell sent surveys to customers to further understand the satisfaction level with the services provided by Dell and modify its product line and services accordingly. Furthermore, Michael Dell discussed how regional meetings in various countries invited potential customers to further enrich the relationship and give room for comments and feedback about Dell's services. On top of all that, Dell strived to provide information for its customers to help them make proper choices for their IT requirements and gain privileged information about new and upcoming technologies. Dell invested in developing a web portal in the form of "Premier Pages" for high-end customers and another for small to medium businesses at Dellmarketplace.com[13]. Both sites aim at providing information to customers and establishing a single point of access for customers' IT service requirements.


Dell is simply a success story; it shows how one can gain market advantage by simply understanding what brings value to customers. No one, even Michael Dell himself when he started, thought that people would enjoy customizing their PC orders and wait patiently as the order makes its way back to their homes. Some studies talk about how people challenged the initial delivery estimates provided by Dell to see if they were met.

The level of expansion Dell strived to achieve brought in problems as with any growing business. However, by adapting techniques such as In-sourcing and mutual benefit partnerships it reduced its potential staff from 80,000 to only 15,000. Dell also was aware of factors that would hinder its supply chain. For example, they maintained a multiple list of shippers as not to be affected by unexpected delays and organizational issues. In addition, they understood the importance of developing their own enterprise systems in-house to control all the variables and maintain their business processes.

This is one of the best case studies in the IT industry. I believe the level of commitment Dell showed in the model he created is inspiring. On the editorial side, I believe more highlights on the internal infrastructure of Dell's network would have helped in building an understanding of how the supply chain actually worked. Did they use CRM modules, ERP, SCM, or a combination of all? How did Dell secure its information link with its suppliers, were all of them mature enough when it came to Information systems?


Organizations should focus on value adding activities like establishing online portals for their customers.
Businesses should conduct frequent surveys to measure the level of service they provide and work on enhancing their products.
Organizations should decentralize and enable expansion through global techniques such as out-sourcing and in-sourcing.
Building internal enterprise information systems is the most effective methodology for information and knowledge sharing.
Establishing multiple touch points with customers, strengthen the relationship and increases satisfaction levels.
Meeting global quality standards is the only way to get an advantage in a competitive arena.
Internal organization assessment and training is vital to maintain the high spirit of employees and increase their productivity.
Management support and funding is a key element in the success of any information system implementation.


Joan Magretta , "The Power of Virtual Integration: An Interview with Dell Computer's Michael Dell." Harvard Business Review 76, no. 2 (Mar/Apr 1998): 72-84, 13, 2.
Majed Al-Mashari and Mohamed Zairi, "Supply-chain re-engineering using enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems: an analysis of a SAP R/3 implementation case." International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management 30, no. 3/4 (2000): 296-313
Norman P. Archer, "Supply chains and the enterprise" Journal of Enterprise Information 19, no. 3 (2006): 241-245, 242
Sameer Kumar and Sarah Craig, "Dell, Inc.'s closed loop supply chain for computer assembly plants." Information Knowledge Systems Management 6, no. 3 (2007): 197-214,18.
Marcum, Jennifer. "In-Source or Outsource?" BioProcess International, June 2007
Thomas L. Friedman, The World Is Flat (New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2006), 168.
Dieter Ernst, "Inter-Organizational Knowledge Outsourcing: What Permits Small Taiwanese Firms to Compete in the Computer Industry?" Asia Pacific Journal of Management (Springer Netherlands) 17, no. 2 (August 2000): 223-255, 248
Friedman, The World is Flat, 516
Ali Khatibi, V.Thyagarajan, and A. Seetharaman, "E-commerce in Malaysia: Perceived Benefits and Barriers." Vikalpa: The Journal for Decision Makers 28, no. 3 (Jul-Sep 2003): 77-82, 6.
Bernadette Casey, "Online Monday blacker than in-store Friday." DSN Retailing Today, December 13, 2004: 13-13,0.
Chor-Beng Anthony Liew, "Strategic integration of knowledge management and customer relationship management." Journal of Knowledge Management 12, no. 4 (2008): 131-146.
Anderson, Joan L., Laura D. Jolly, and Ann E. Fairhurst. "Customer relationship management in retailing: A content analysis of retail trade journals." Journal of Retailing & Consumer Services 14, no. 6 (November 2007): 394-399, 6.
Alorie Gilbert, "Dell Online Marketplace Targets Small Businesses." Electronic Buyers' News, October 2, 2000: 58, 0.

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ATV Kelly Blue Book

When people want to sell their motorcycles or ATVs they generally try to find what the current market values are for their vehicle. The main guide that is used by the industry and various individuals is that of the Kelly blue book. The Kelly blue book is updated from year to year. This makes it possible for you to find motorcycle and ATV Kelly blue book figures as well.

The Kelly blue book is basically reliable but there are a few factors that may need the appraisal of a private appraiser. These items are various aftermarket parts, paint and graphics jobs on the body of the ATV, the condition of the vehicle and the number of miles that have been used by the ATV.

Of course you don’t always need a private appraiser’s opinion when you are considering buying or selling a good conditioned ATV. The ATV Kelly blue book will usually have the values that dealers and ATV companies sell their stock for as well as the types of vehicles that they sell.

You can find the Kelly blue book at your local library, credit companies, book stores and sometimes you can also find the these blue books at your local ATV dealership. In addition to these venues you will also be able to find the ATV Kelly blue book on the internet. Of course the Kelly blue book is only a guideline for the various prices that you can expect from the ATV market.

There are some private ATV owners who will use the Kelly blue book price as maybe the beginning point for their pricing of the ATV. With these individuals you may be able to bargain the price of the ATV down to an amount that is acceptable to both of you. Now the one thing that you will need to take into consideration with second hand ATVs is that once the price has been finalized between the parties you can’t bring the price down to what is stated in the ATV Kelly blue book.

Now you must understand that the ATV Kelly blue book will give the current pricing for known ATV models that are in popular demand. As the market price is found from information given by ATV dealers and dealer surveys in addition to consumer sales information the Kelly blue book will not be able to supply you with information regarding ATVs or Motorcycles that are probable considered as collectors items.

Having access to the information in the ATV Kelly blue book will let you buy and sell your ATV for a good price that is acceptable to you. Also the Kelly blue book will give you the necessary information so that you are not taken in by unscrupulous dealers or sellers of ATVs.

Bowe is the webmaster and content provide for many informational websites. Please visit his ATV site at: [http://atv.infoforuonline.com]

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How to Find Online Adjunct Instructor Jobs

A lot of adjunct college instructors at traditional academic institutions want to learn how to hind online adjunct instructor jobs, and for good reason since they are required to teach larger and larger core academic classes without a commensurate increase in pay. This unfortunate academic crossroad is the direct result to two interlocking factors. The increasing numbers of unemployed people with no alternative but to attend school if they want any chance to improve their prospects of a brighter economic future are ballooning class sizes to the bursting point, and state funded post-secondary institutions are freezing the amount of remuneration offered the college instructors for teaching the double and tripled-sized classes because of the recession related state budget cuts to higher education, which in many states is not protected by mandated spending levels. The end result is that college instructors teaching adjunct for a living are not able to support themselves in any meaningful fashion.

The correct response to this amalgamation of higher education distress for college instructors trying to earn a decent living by teaching new and returning college students is to develop a search strategy for finding and securing faculty online positions. There can be no doubt that the technology required to make distance education a viable reality, which means college students can attend, for example, an online university program offering an online nursing degree, and the online college classes can be taught by college instructors holding multiple online adjunct instructor positions, and both ends of the academic formula can participate using inexpensive computers connected to the Internet from any location, has matured to the point that it makes the prospect of building new physical college classrooms to accommodate the literally tsunami of college students a politically distasteful and economically unfeasible prospect. The end result of this realignment of academic resources will be more and more online college courses in more and more online college degree programs, and it also means that struggling college teachers can begin to earn a decent living again by learning how to find online adjunct instructor jobs.

Online Adjunct Instructor Jobs Horizons

As is usually the case, when one situation shrinks, another expands and that is exactly the position college instructors find themselves in today. There really are more and more online courses leading to an online college degree than ever before in academic history, and with the arrival of those classes is the arrival of an economic salvation of sorts for people with graduate degrees in core subject areas such as English, math and history to earn a decent living if the effort is made to learn how to find and apply for online adjunct jobs. There are many academic job forums that list open faculty positions on a regular basis, and while these forums are quite useful to college teachers seeking online college classes to teach, they are dependent on the various schools posting the available positions. Further, while subscribing to these job forums can result in a variety of fresh leads on possible adjunct positions, they also have the drawback of making the competition greater for the published online teaching employment opportunities.

A much more effective approach would be to apply directly to every post-secondary academic institution that offers its students an opportunity to earn an online bachelor degree or online master degree by taking instruction over the Internet from their computers. Happily, with the rising cost of maintaining physical classrooms, it is reasonable to think that every community college, state-funded college and university is or will be soon making the offer of an online education to its student body, and just as happily this situation means that every school with a web site is a potential application portal for online adjuncts seeking online college faculty positions, and it can be safely assumed that every institution of higher learning now has a web site containing an application page. It is this application page that needs to be located and navigated by every college instructor in the market for online adjunct professor positions.

Online Adjunct Instructor Jobs Application

The application page of every school's web site represents an opportunity to land a position as an online adjunct instructor. The alert adjunct instructor trying to improve his or her current economic position should visit the application page of each and every community college, university, college and for-profit school and submit the relevant information for consideration. It can be expected that each school will have a different interface for the information. Therefore, it is a very good idea to have a cover letter listing relevant academic experience and teaching background, a cover letter with the names and addresses of each school taught for in the past and the official titles of the classes taught for those academic institutions.

Additionally, any familiarity with the Internet interfaces employed by the individual post-secondary schools as digital vehicles for the online college classes they offer their student populations should be highlighted and emphasized in an energetic fashion. It is also safe to assume that each school will require any newly hired online adjunct instructor to take and successfully complete a training program before being allowed in an online class. Care should be taken in the application materials to indicate a willingness to participate in any training. It is also a good idea to assume that it is necessary to make repeated applications to each school when seeking part time online teaching positions. Without a doubt, this repetitive application process can be time consuming and, at first, seemingly non-productive, but in the end, if a college instructor persists with an organized program of searching out online university programs to apply to on a daily basis, then it will become clear, by way of the positive responses with offers to teach online, that learning how to find online adjunct instructor jobs is an excellent way for a person with a graduate degree and college classroom experience to earn a very nice living.

Michael Greene is a full time online adjunct. He has been learning how to find online adjunct instructor jobs for the last five years. He heartily recommends teaching online courses to any college instructor seeking to earn a decent living.

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Become A Video Game Tester In 3 Easy Steps

I make my living gaming. Can you imagine - doing what you enjoy doing most - and getting paid for it? Sounds like a wild fantasy, right? Think again. Many gamers get paid very well just to spend time with their consoles playing the latest games, because they are video game testers. Here's how you can become one in 3 easy steps.

Step One: Make Contacts

You can't just browse the jobs section of the classifieds to find companies looking to hire game testers for the latest games. You actually have to go straight to the companies that develop games and let them know who you are, what your gaming skills are and why you would be a great video game tester.

Make sure to present yourself in a professional manner. At the same time, don't be afraid to brag about how many games and consoles you own and how many hours a day you spend gaming. Experience counts!

Step Two: Take Your Job Seriously

As long as you actually own the console or PC you'd like to test games on, chances are you'll eventually get your first assignment. Make sure to read the instructions carefully. Especially make certain you know exactly what kind of information and feedback the company is looking for from you. Keep this in mind as you play the game they provide you with.

Keep notes as you go along and write clearly. Don't forget to check your spelling and grammar. Most importantly, make sure you get the data back to the company on time! Even though you're having fun, don't forget to stay on track.

Step Three: Be Proactive In Taking On New Projects

After completing your first assignment, you may be so excited when you receive that first paycheck that you spend all your time gloating about it. Don't! Keep up the process of contacting companies and providing quality reviews and feedback. You will build up an impressive resume of game testing assignments that will help you get even more and better paying ones in the future.

Sounds like a great job, right? So, if you want to be able to tell you friends "I game for a living", follow the steps above and you'll soon be on your way to making a full time income from the comfort of your console.

My Links : use stock for business Match Final World Cup

Six Deadly Pool Purchasing Mistakes and How to Avoid Them

The six deadly pool purchasing mistakes are frequently made as a result of simply not being informed and knowing what questions to ask. Avoiding these mistakes could save you thousands of dollars and hours of heartache and frustration.

So you want to buy a pool but don't know where to start? Perhaps knowing the common mistakes people make when purchasing a pool will help you start off on the right foot. Everyday, people get "duped" into buying the wrong pool, the wrong way, with no recourse or protection. These same people wind up being dissatisfied and even angry because their expectations weren't met.

Throughout my long career in the pool industry, I have met many people who have made serious mistakes when they purchased their pool. Every year it seems as though I hear the same stories over and over. As a result of talking with scores of pool owners and through my own years of experience in the industry, I have concluded that there are six common mistakes that people make when purchasing a pool.

The Solution to Avoiding the
Six Deadly Pool Purchasing Mistakes is. . .
Ask the right questions! It's simple. If you ask the right questions, you'll uncover 90 percent of the potential problems that most pool purchasers commonly face. There's always that 10 percent chance that something will happen that you couldn't have foreseen; but, for the most part, you'll be able to avoid almost any surprise.

However, if you're like most other pool purchasers, you know so little about pools or pool construction that you don't even know what questions to ask. That is why I wrote this special report just for you. After reading this report, you will be one of those few pool purchasers who "know what they're talking about."
The first questions you need to ask yourself when thinking about buying a pool are:

1. Why do I want a pool?
2. What will my family and I use the pool for?
3. Who is going to maintain the pool?

Why are these questions so important? Before you can decide "what" type of pool you want, you need to understand "why" you want a pool. Is it for family recreation, entertaining guests, physical therapy, exercise, personal recreation or just to "keep up with the Jones'?"

Knowing the answer to these questions will help you avoid the first deadly pool purchasing mistake, which is. . .

Mistake #1:
Not Designing Your Pool for its Intended Purpose
You might have heard the phrase, "Form follows function." To know what type of pool you want, you need to know what you'll be using it for. The type of pool you'll select should depend on what you'll be using it for.

More often than not, people considering the purchase of a pool have a specific purpose in mind. It is important to write this down and have it ready when you start to talk to pool builders.
For instance, if you are going to use your pool mostly for family entertainment, then you will want to include safety features such as gating or fencing that will control access to the pool. If your primary use is for entertainment, then you may consider mood lighting features with special landscaping features, such as waterfall features in and around the pool. If you want to build a pool for physical therapy or exercise, you might include a longer shallow area for swimming or perhaps built in spa jets in the seat, pull up bars, or even a smaller pool with swim jets.
The Myth of the Large Pool
An interesting phenomenon frequently happens when the majority of first-time pool buyers desire a large pool with a deep end and a diving board. After about a year of pool use, new owners discover that the deep end rarely gets used and the diving board becomes more of a safety hazard. Most of the games that are pla
yed by the kids are done in the shallow end and that's where the adults spend 95 percent of their time. Because they decided to build a large pool with a deep end, only 35 percent of the pool gets utilized, resulting in unnecessary expense and low usage. It's also important to consult with your insurance agent regarding increased premiums with diving boards.

Fencing is always an important element of your pool, not only for child safety but to provide a certain level of privacy. You may consider a retaining wall if your yard is on a slope so that you can step down to the pool, providing you more privacy. Many pool builders will try to talk you into elevating the level of your pool if your yard has a slope. Simply because there's less dirt to remove, builders can cut trucking expenses. This can leave you with an inground pool that has an above ground look.

You should also have an understanding or vision of what you want your entire backyard to look like, not just your pool. Your pool should compliment your existing backyard and integrate with your intended landscaping goals, both now and in the future.

Here are some other points to consider when designing your pool:

1. Access - Ensure there is easy access to your pool from your house, restroom or entertainment area. You might want to consider how patios, decks or walkways are positioned to provide a safe and simple entrance and exit between your home and your pool.

2. Lines and Cables - Before settling on a location, you need to ensure that there are no electrical or telephone wires, sewer or septic lines or buried pipes.

3. Drainage - Water needs to drain away from the pool to avoid standing water or dirt and mud getting into the pool. This is especially important if you're in a location that has a history of flooding.

4. Add-Ons - If you plan to install a diving board, spa, slide or waterfall, make sure that you plan for adequate deck space for each add-on.

5. Sheds - A common method of protecting equipment is to build an equipment shed close to the pool.

6. Sun vs Shade - The sun can help to keep your pool water warm; however, placing your pool under trees can result in a lot of extra maintenance.

7. Covenants - Find out if there are any subdivision covenants regarding the construction of pools.

To obtain a building permit, it is generally required to get a survey or plot plan of your entire property. In fact, you should already have one from when you bought your home. The survey will help you to decide where to locate your pool and any other accessories.

Make sure you schedule an initial on-site consultation so that your pools primary functions and activities are reflected in the design. Furthermore, an on-site consultation should urge you to consider the overall vision of what you want your backyard.

Mistake #2
Choosing the Wrong Pool "Container"

There are three basic types of in-ground pools: concrete/gunite, fiberglass, and vinyl liner.

No matter what type of pool you choose, you will be required to perform a certain amount of maintenance. However, each type of pool provides its own maintenance challenges. It's important to understand these challenges by pool type before you make your selection.

Concrete/Gunite Pools
Concrete and gunite (a type of reinforced concrete) are the most common in-ground pool types because they have been on the market longer than the new, more efficient types of pools.

Concrete and gunite are sprayed over a framework of steel rods and wire mesh, then coated with plaster to give the pool a smooth, printable surface. Today, concrete and gunite pools are most commonly used for commercial and public swimming pools.

The nice thing about concrete and gunite pools is that you can virtually build them in any shape or form that you wish. Unfortunately, it is the most expensive of the three types of pools and it takes a long time to build.

Furthermore, concrete and gunite is porous, therefore providing small areas for algae and bacteria to grow. In addition, it can easily crack and chip with the change of the temperature and weather conditions, providing even more areas for algae and bacteria to grow. This is why concrete and gunite pools require the most maintenance of the three types of pools, costing $100 or more a month to maintain. It is also rough on the kids feet, and because kids will stay in the pool for extended lenght's of time makes this extremely damaging to the skin.

Concrete and gunite pools require periodic annual or semi annual pool draining for cleaning purposes. When the pool is drained, the cracks in the concrete and gunite need to be repaired and the pool siding acid-washed and perhaps re plastered, if necessary. Acid washing is necessary every one to three years, depending on water condition. Acid washing does remove a layer of plaster or mar cite. Usually, after the second acid wash you can expect to re plaster the pool.

Vinyl Liner Pools
Vinyl liner pools use a high-density vinyl lining, offering a cosmetic textured pool surface. The lining is "seamed" together throughout the sides of the pool. Polymer or steel walls are bolted and fastened together on concrete flooring. The vinyl liner is spread over the floor and paneled walls and connected to the top of the walls by a vinyl rib at the outside edge of the liner.

The upfront cost of vinyl lined pools can be inexpensive when compared with concrete and gunite pools and take much less time to install. However, the maintenance on vinyl lined pools is high because the liner can be easily scratched or cut, especially if there will be toys or hard objects in the pool (even mechanical pool cleaners!). To repair a vinyl lined pool, you'll need to replace the entire lining, which can cost from $1,500 to $3,900 or more depending on the time of the season for replacement.

Also, algae and bacteria tend to nest in the porous texture of the fabric and seams of the vinyl, requiring high amounts of chlorine to keep the pool clean. It's kind of like a shower curtain that is exposed to moisture and heat on a consistent basis.

Severe problems can arise when algae starts to grow under a vinyl liner because it can start to eat the liner from the underside and is very difficult to treat. You can expect to pay up to $100 or more a month to maintain a vinyl liner pool.

In addition, heating costs will generally be higher, especially on steel wall construction. The only thing between the ground temperature of 57 degrees and the pool water is steel and vinyl. A polymer or plastic wall does reduce the cost of heating somewhat; but, it also adds considerable cost to the construction of the pool ($1,500 to $2,500 in some cases).

Fiberglass Pools
Fiberglass pools are made out of a seamless one-piece, pre-formed fiberglass container that is set in the ground and can be installed in less than five days. The fiberglass itself has a smooth, non-porous gel coat surface.

Although fiberglass pools have a wide range of sizes and shapes, and can be moved if you choose, you are restricted to those sizes and shapes that are offered, unlike a concrete or gunite pool. You'll rarely find a fiberglass pool over sixteen feet in width because the come from the factory ready to install in one piece.

Fiberglass pools are appealing because they require much less maintenance than either of the other pool types. Fiberglass will not rip, tear, crack, chip or leak, providing a longer-lasting surface. Therefore, monthly maintenance costs are minimal. The durability of fiberglass is especially important if you live in a cold weather climate, or unstable soil, in which surface materials contract and expand. This is why concrete and gunite pools crack and chip.

Because a fiberglass is non-porous, algae and bacteria cannot stick to the surface. This reduces the amount of chlorine necessary to keep the pool clean to about one-fourth of the amount that other pools use, which can add up to large cost savings over time.

Fiberglass pools never require draining for cleaning, which is a huge chore. In addition, to clean the fiberglass surface, all you need to do is vacuum the bottom of the pool, which takes only 10-15 minutes a week. At first you might think that concrete/gunite pools are the most stable; however, fiberglass pools can flex about two feet without sustaining any damage and can safely withstand more external pressure than concrete/gunite pools.

However, there are huge distinctions between different fiberglass pools. (They are not all created equal.) Vinyl Ester resin is a must! This material is a bonding agent that helps hold the pool together. Vinyl Ester also prevents cobalting, which is a black or purple stain that forms from the outside in. It is a chemical reaction within the fiberglass itself. The stain can usually be removed but will continue to resurface. Make sure you see it in writing that the pool has Vinyl Ester. If it's not advertised in print, chances are it doesn't have it.

It's also important to have some sort of vapor barrier in the fiberglass. Even though the gel coat or finish is smooth and non-porous, the back of the pool is without a vapor barrier. Fiberglass is a cloth that will absorb moisture from the ground. Moisture or even ground water will leach through the fiberglass causing blistering on the gel coat that is not usually covered by warranty.

You also want to make certain the pool is constructed with hand laid fiberglass as opposed to chopped glass. Hand laid fiberglass is much stronger and is built with full sheets of fiberglass cloth. Chopped glass fiberglass is a pudding-like substance with shreds of fiberglass usually sprayed or rolled on. Fortunately, because fiberglass pools are pre-built, you can see the pool prior to installation. Check out the finish beforehand. If it doesn't look good out of the ground it won't look good in the ground. Remember, water magnifies any flaws.

The technology in this industry is changing and evolving almost monthly, with recent introductions like the infusion of Carbon Fiber which adds extreme strength, and some pretty nice looking colors, this makes this worth a closer look than in the past.

Mistake #3
Choosing the Wrong Developer
The worst mistake that a person buying a pool can do is choose the wrong developer to build the pool. There are many "fly-by-night" pool developers that use temporary workers to install pools,. Other developers employ installers (or subcontractors) that have virtually no experience with pool installation.

Pool developers consistently experience a high turnover with their staff so it's a constant struggle to keep good, experienced people who have installed a lot of pools. There are also a lot of developers who will sell you a pool with no regard for how it will be integrated with your landscape and lifestyle.

Make sure the developer has a firm brick and mortar location and is not working out of his garage. Also, do not purchase a pool from the Internet. Take time to visit the location.

After narrowing it down to the top two or three builders, invest in the time to visit their location to look at their products and services. See how their staff treats you. (Remember, people who feel good about themselves produce good results).

This is the biggest investment of your life next to your home. Invest your time. Take the family on a fun day out to look at pools and builders. Stop for lunch. Slow down, take your time. Feel comfortable and investigate.

The following are several questions you can ask potential pool developers when you request a proposal or bid to build your pool.

1. Do you offer the type of pool container that I want (fiberglass, concrete/gunite, vinyl liner) and how much experience do you have with installing that type of pool?
Most pool builders specialize in one of the three types of pools. A builder that is an expert in installing concrete pools may not necessarily be an expert in installing fiberglass pools. Find out how many of the same type of pools the builder has installed. If you are having accessories such as a deck, spa or landscaping done with the same builder, make sure that they have done that type of work in the past with other clients.

2. What is the average experience of your installation staff or do you subcontract out the construction? Do you hire only licensed and bonded sub-contractors?
It isn't uncommon to find a pool builder that uses subcontractors for the entire installation process. In this case, you need to consider the experience level of the subcontractors. A pool builder is only as good as the people doing the installation work. Preferably the builder will have his own staff, resulting in better quality control. However, if a subcontractor is used, make sure that they are licensed and bonded to protect you if things go wrong.

3. Are you certified by the National Spa and Pool Institute? What other trade organizations do you belong to?
The National Spa and Pool Institute (NSPI) is the association that supports the spa and pool industry. The NSPI has a "Certified Builder"course that teaches builders how to build high-quality pools using the latest techniques that meet specifications. Having the certification means that the builder has at least met some standard education requirements to do the job right and it shows the builder's commitment to quality. This one question can weed out a fly-by-night builder from a reputable builder. If the builder belongs to the Better Business Bureau, a Chamber of Commerce, or even a Rotary Club, it demonstrates that the builder intends to be around for a long while.

4. Do you provide financing for the pool construction project?
Even if you have the money sitting in the bank or you plan to get it from a commercial lender, asking this question may result in some revealing information. If a builder provides financing, it means that they have been around long enough to build credit and a good reputation with the banks. It is advantageous to have options for financing the construction of your pool. Another benefit of financing your pool is that in-ground pool construction is considered a home improvement and the interest payment on your loan is tax deductible.

5. Can I speak with several of your past customers?
This is the killer question. The proof is in the pudding and if you can't speak to a previous customer, it probably means that they don't have one or that they are disgruntled. Run from a builder that can't provide you with testimonials from prior satisfied customers.

The real test is talking to those customers yourself. Ask the builder if you can pick one or two from a list of 10 previous customers. This will ensure that you'll be choosing a non-biased customer. Ask the customer, "I know that the builder does great work but all jobs have at least one or two things that didn't go as planned. Can you tell me what were some things that didn't meet your expectations?" This question will get the customer off the fence.

6. To what extent is the owner involved in the daily operations of the business?
If the owner of the business isn't 100 percent involved in the business, it doesn't mean that you write them off but you should find out how the business is being managed. Quality usually has a direct correlation to the level of involvement by the owner of the business.

7. Can the builder present a certificate of insurance to prove that they are fully insured?
Ask the builder about any liability and compensation insurance he may carry to protect you in the event of an accident during the construction of the pool. There's nothing worse than getting into a situation in which things didn't go as planned and not having recourse for receiving compensation because of damages. Every reputable builder should be fully insured. Period.

If you ask and don't receive a copy of worker's compensation and liability insurance, don't use the builder. You may even go as far as to call the agent listed to verify that their insurance is in force. Finally, remember worker's compensation protects people. Liability protects property. You need to have both.

Other things you might consider are the builder's credit rating and you may want to check county records for lawsuits.

8. Does the builder offer in-home design services?
Many good builders will offer in-home design services that will not only save you money but also demonstrate the builder's experience and expertise.

9. If there is damage to my yard or landscaping, will you repair it?
It is imperative that you set your expectations up front during the interview process with the builder, especially when it comes to damage. Many pool buyers are surprised when they see the amount of damage to their yard that takes place during a pool installation.

However, there is such a thing as excess damage due to negligence on the part of the builder. Make sure you address this right up front and that it gets into your contract. Some pool builders aren't willing to take on the risk of paying for yard damage.

10. What are the electrical and plumbing requirements and who will perform them?
Your pool builder should know about existing electrical, plumbing, zoning, building and grading requirements. It's important to test the knowledge of your builder. Even if you don't know the answers yourself, you'll have an idea whether they have a good grasp on the requirements.

By the way, never allow a pool builder to force you to take a permit out in your name. It should always be in the builder's...

11. What type of maintenance training will I receive upon completion of the pool?
Upon completion of pool installation, your pool builder should provide you with training, including: equipment maintenance training; chemical and cleaning training; winterizing training; and safety training. These topics will be crucial to the longevity of your pool.

12. How long will the construction take and when can you start?
Even if a pool builder is good and you feel comfortable with their skills and ability, their schedule needs to sync with your schedule. A good pool builder will most likely be booked, so you may want to start the search process early in the season or reset your expectations as to when the pool can be installed.

Never choose a pool or a builder based strictly on schedule. Make your choice on the quality of both the product and the builder. A high-quality builder will never sacrifice quality for speed. Remember, if you are a first time pool buyer, another couple of months won't hurt you. Stay focused on quality.

13. What is the cost and how much do you require as a deposit?
Ultimately, your pool needs to fit your budget. You should ask for a proposal only from builders that you feel comfortable with and meet your minimum requirements. Although it varies from builder to builder, 2 percent to 5 percent down is an acceptable amount to ask as a deposit. If a builder asks for an amount greater than 10 percent down, it's time to end the interview. Also, make sure you examine the down payment schedule and make sure the builder explains it to you.

Good References are Important

Overall, asking this series of questions will help you get a feel for who may be the best choice to build your pool. Remember, good references are important because they are based on past experience rather than a right answer to an interview question. Call local building departments, call the state, and call the Better Business Bureau. A good builder's reputation will precede them.

Mistake #4
Not Getting a Full Understanding of Your Pool Contract and Warranty
It is certainly a deadly mistake not getting a full understanding of your pool contract and warranty. As Ross Perot once said, "The devil is in the details." Pool contracts and warranties can be deceptive if they are not read carefully and if you don't ask enough questions.

Parts of a pool usually included in the warranty are:

1. Structural - Structural integrity of walls, reinforcements and concrete.

2. Equipment - Equipment such as filters, skimmers, pumps and heaters.

3. Plumbing - Materials and workmanship on electrical, gas, piping and pool plumbing.

Generally speaking, most pool buyers get surprised when something goes wrong because they didn't take the time to understand the details of what is included in the warranty and more importantly, what is NOT included in the warranty. Try to make sure your pump, filter and heater are from the same manufacturer. That way you have one warranty that covers your main equipment. Plus, most pool companies will not stock repair parts from multiple manufacturers. Things like discoloration in fiberglass and vinyl liner pools are usually not covered because the color of the walls have a lot to do with how you've maintained the pool and the chemical balance of the pool water. Chipped concrete or gunite are not usually warranted because that's the nature of concrete when exposed to the elements.

When purchasing a vinyl liner pool, you need to be cautious about what's included in the warranty for the liner. Is it just the seams or is it the entire liner? Most vinyl liner pool builders stress the warranty on the seam, but the seam never goes bad. What frequently goes bad is the vinyl lining, not the structural walls or the seam.

Who's Warranting What?
Understand who warranties what. For instance, who warranties the pump and filter? The manufacturer or the dealer? Who do you contact to report problems? Do they have a toll-free number? Who comes out to fix the problem? In some cases, each individual manufacturer will warranty each separate piece of equipment and will have different service providers fixing the problem. There's rarely a one-stop solution for pool warranties and service.

Read the warranty carefully with the builder and ask questions. Ask what is not warranted and why. After you've seen a couple of warranties side by side, the questions will become much easier.

Mistake #5
Focusing on Upfront Cost Rather than Cost of Ownership
Because in-ground pools can cost up to $40,000 and more, most pool buyers are concerned about the upfront price and pay little attention to daily operational costs. Purchasing a pool that requires little maintenance will usually be the cheapest deal in the long run. Pools that don't require a lot of chemicals, cleaning, resurfacing or replacement parts will cost less over the life of the pool.

Additional Costs

Additional costs of required basic equipment can surprise some pool buyers. Equipment such as filter systems, steps or ladders, and skimmers for surface cleaning are considered essential.

Many pool owners install heating equipment and pool-side decking of concrete or wood. Pool covers are often used to keep water clean and retain heat when the pool is not in use. If used properly, these covers can be a wise energy-saving investment.

Mistake #6
Falling for Slimy Sales Gimmicks
Once you have decided to build a swimming pool, there is a natural excitement and eagerness to have it installed as soon as possible. This is often the point at which unwary buyers can get into hot water because dishonest salespeople and builders will be quick to take advantage of the situation.

Keep in mind that the late spring and early summer months can bring these unscrupulous people into communities where home swimming pools are popular. Attractive advertisements can turn up, offering deals that seem too good to turn down. Here are some warning signs that signal "Buyer Beware!"

1. Salespeople who tell you an advertised pool they offer "on sale" is not worth having and then try to switch you to a more expensive model. This is called "Bait and Switch" and is a tactic that is often used in the retail world.

2. Salespeople who use the ploy of offering a reduced price on the basis your pool will be used as a model.

3. Salespeople who pressure you into signing a contract. Remember: no reputable builder and no authorized representative of a reputable builder will rush you into signing any agreement or contract at any time.

4. Never get talked into taking out the "Building Permit" yourself or in your own name. The contractor should do this. Always make sure that the contract clearly states that the pool builder is required to hire only licensed and bonded "subcontractors."

5. If the pool builder will not do an on-site initial visit, be alerted to the possibility of a hard sale. Chances are, the builder does not understand or care to understand your requirements.

Purchasing a pool can be a scary experience, especially for those first timers who haven't been through the process. There are a myriad of items to consider... pool type, maintenance, warranties, contracts, liability, plumbing, landscaping, electricity, drainage, restrictions, accessories, and so on. It's no wonder many pool buyers make mistakes that end up costing them hundreds, even thousands, of dollars.

With the information in this special report, you will be able to avoid many of the most common mistakes people make when purchasing a pool. It will equip you with the ability and know-how to ask smart questions that will result in helping you find the right pool for you and your family.


Mark Naras
Aquamarine Fiberglass Pools & Spas, Inc.

Welcome to Aquamarine Fiberglass Pools & Spas and Aquamarine Pools of Texas. Together with Fun Space Direct, WE BUILD MEMORIES! http://www.aquapools.com/


Aquamarine has been in the pool business for over 12 years, and even in an uncertain economy, Aquamarine has continued to increase in providing happy families with a backyard resort vacation destination. With happy families enjoying our inground swimming pools in Texas and Michigan, nothing can compare with the exhilarating pleasure of owning one of our fine composite fiberglass pool products. We can make your dreams of building a lifetime of memories that will be passed down to your childrens children.

Please visit our site links to get more information on our swimming pools, or if you're already interested, give us a call at (800) 432-8994 and you can speak with one of our backyard resort designers about how to start burning memories into you and your children.

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4 Tips to Find No Credit Check Apartments

Who knew apartments required good credit before giving you a lease? Many unsuspecting bad-credit-applicants have realized this fact the hard way. I know I did.

Why do apartments do credit checks anyway?

Turns out apartments view a lease as a loan. If you're seeking a 12-month lease on an apartment that's $800 a month, you're essentially taking out a $9600 loan that you repay over a period of a year. If you're late, you'll get a late fee. If you're too late, they'll repossess the apartment. So in that sense, I guess it is a loan.

Just like a loan from a bank, you must have a pretty decent credit score if you want to get approved for most apartments. Without that score, you'll have to fork up the cash to pay for the apartment, get someone credit worthy (and often a property owner) to co-sign, or you'll have to look elsewhere. Looking elsewhere is the only option for most people with bad credit.

If you want to rent with bad credit, you'll have to find a no credit check apartment.

Anyone who's been apartment hunting using those free guides you pick up from the gas station and Wal-Mart knows no credit check apartments aren't easy to be found. A Google search for "no credit check apartments" returns over 1 million results. Few of them are actually websites of places that will give you an apartment without a credit check. That's because finding apartments that don't do credit checks is a little tough, as you've probably already seen. People who own no credit check apartments don't do much advertising and they certainly don't advertise in the glossy pages of apartment books.

Here are some things to keep in mind as you look for an apartment that doesn't do credit checks.

  1. No credit check apartments are typically owned by individual landlords rather than a large property management company. Individual landlords often own one or two properties. So based on the number tenants they have, it's often not worth it to do a credit check.

  2. Large apartment complexes almost always do credit checks. The way they see it, they can't afford to lose money on a non-paying tenant, so they do their due diligence upfront to prevent that from happening.

  3. Apartments with lots of amenities are typically owned by large property management companies and are more likely to check your credit. So, if you have bad credit, stay away from the apartments with pools and workout rooms.

  4. An individually-owned condo or townhouse probably won't require a credit check, especially if it's newer. Chances are the owner hasn't been through many tenants and probably hasn't had a tenant skip out on the rent, so they don't have much reason to do credit checks.

No credit check apartments are out there. Use some of these clues to weed out apartments. Look for an individual who owns an apartment rather than a large company. That's your best bet for getting into an apartment with bad credit.

Elle Reese is a regular person who figured out the secret to finding no credit check apartments and renting with bad credit. Access her report "How to Rent With Bad Credit" at DesperateRenters.com

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