Joe Biden and "Recovery Summer"
Vice President Joseph Robinette Biden, Jr. may go down in history as the most quoted VP America has ever had.
Until now, Nixon's disgraced Vice President Spiro Theodore Agnew may be said to have held that title thanks to his inimitable alliteration such as his classic putdowns. They included "nattering nabobs of negativism," "pusillanimous pussyfooters," and "hopeless, hysterical hypochondriacs of history."
Biden could never hope to match those and doesn't seem to be much into alliteratiion anyway and his most recent classics aren't fit for family viewing. Those include his remark to Obama after the passage of Obamacare that "this is a f***ing big deal" and his comment to a custard store manager that he was being "a smarta**" for asking him to cut taxes.
His latest excursion into memorable quotations may not even be Biden's originally but it's being associated with him. At least his reference to "recovery summer" is not rated PG 13 like the others.
If this is the summer of recovery from the recession, it's hard to tell from the jobs numbers.
New employment is off the charts, but only in the federal sector where people have been hired for temporary positions as census workers and as permanent functionaries and their lackeys to administer Obama's slew of new programs in an already bloated bureaucracy.
A few weeks ago Biden announced the launching of "Recovery Summer," a six-week-long push designed to highlight the jobs accompanying a surge in stimulus-funded projects to improve highways, parks, drinking water and other public works:
Biden and Obama then took off, campaign style, to visit the locales of those projects to garner publicity for the effectiveness of Obama's vaunted $787 billion stimulus package which has stimulated virtually nothing considering the monies allocated.
Of course, we should also consider the millions of "jobs saved," jobs impossible to verify as being "saved."
Far more relevant is the announcement today that non-public employment climbed a piddling 13,000 nationwide in June, a report that "supported fears that the short and tepid recovery from the worst recession since the 1930's was fizzling:" []
Friday's jobs report may, or may not, show an improvement in the numbers but with census employment petering out, unless Friday's report shows a massive increase in non-public hiring, Obama and Biden will have to re-name the summer of 2010 as "Relapse Summer."
However, I could be a nattering nabob of negativism.
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