
Job Search - What Do You Really Want to Do?

The higher the unemployment figures get, the lower people's aspirations slip. Over years of career coaching for friends, family and clients, that has been a constant. People tend to think that lowering the level of the job they're willing to take will make it more likely for them to get a job. In some cases that works and you can get a job you won't be happy with. In most cases, employers know they don't want to hire someone who won't be happy with the job. You're better off all around if you look for the kind of job you want and do the work it takes to get that kind of job. Here are a few tips about your job search for a job you really want to do.

1. Your job search is a job. It's a full-time job, not a casual effort at all. You know what you want to do. You know why you aren't doing it now and you know what it takes to get you the job you want to do. You approach the job search the way you would any other job. In this job, you'll do a lot of research. You'll research to learn and list companies that want someone who does what you want to do. You'll research to list the qualifications they expect. You'll take a hard look at yourself and determine where you fit into the plan you're making. Are you already well-qualified for a career in this field? Are you already somewhat prepared for that job? Are you entry-level?

2. Using your list of what employers want, match what you have now to that list. Make a plan. Where are you coming up short? How do you fix it? One young woman who has had different jobs to get through school wants to be a yoga instructor for returning Veterans with Post Traumatic Stress issues. She has many of the qualities that kind of work needs. The only roadblock is a certificate as a yoga instructor instead of being an expert at using yoga for her own benefit. It didn't take much effort to realize that there is only one step to take before she can be doing what she wants to do. The day after our last session, she even found a supplier of camouflage patterned yoga mats.

3. Take your list of specific employers in your area and learn everything you can about them. Whether they're hiring right now or not, add everything you learn about them to your list of employers. You're preparing to have the best possible interview with them after you send the best resume you can to them. If you wanted to be a professional athlete or musician, you would have spent years preparing for it. You're condensing years of preparation into a short period because food and shelter may depend on it. On the other hand, if you're looking for the kind of job you want to do, you have been preparing in some ways all along. Now, it's just a matter of finding a match.

Conclusion: Landing a job you really want to do depends on clear, concise communication with yourself about what you want and clear, concise communication of what you have to offer to each potential employer.

Joy Montgomery is a coach for startups, small businesses and job seekers. She helps you position yourself for growth, profitability, and acquisition.

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