Online Jobs - Work from home at no cost and earn money by answering questions
Jobs online without fees, where you can work from home ... Really have? You've probably seen a lot of records so-called "jobs" where you must pay a fee to get. However, they are not all Sun can still find some places and provides jobs for you that you can do from home. It is sufficient to use the know-how to answer questions or a few small favors.
Three places come to mind.
Amazon Mechanical *Turc
* Pay responses
* Auction Solution
Amazon Mechanical Turk (MTurc)
Prices are based on low MTurc, but there is no need to invest much time for each project.
In short, the employer, the establishment of a job description with a price, called HIT, and you may want. Some employers will require skills that can be obtained by working for the MTurc.
To cite just one example, you have an employer that you want to listen to a podcast, a period of oneNow the number of times a certain word is mentioned. For this job, just $ 8.
Replies Pay
Pay answer is still in beta testing, but you can start already.
You need to get an AdSense account, pay, and share the ads with the owner of the site.
Replies Pay includes all types of questions and choose the ones you want to responding.
Some examples are: "What will you do on March 19 when the moon to be his neighborPlanet Earth? "Or" What was the last thing you ate? ".
You paid for both questions and answers. This is how the revenue is shared with AdSense:
Admin: 10%
Question Maker: 10%
Best answer: 70%
Other responses: 10%
This makes you a millionaire? No, probably not, but you can ask and answer questions in a few seconds or minutes, so it's quite a job online if you have a short break.
Auction Solution is a place to ask where they sell both solutions or by mail.
If you have already done a lot of research to find a specific answer to a problem, you can write like you, and send it as a solution and make money.
I have many other fees online jobs that can not be with you to work from home since. Do not expect to get months of salary jobs at full capacity with them. Go instead for the many small, and make money, piece by piece through the use of aMoment here and there for a moment.
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