
Nursing Job Descriptions for Job Seekers

The explosion in opportunities for nurses is expected to continue into 2014 and beyond. The growing need for Registered Nurses, and vendors are just the baby-boomer generation begins to retire and expand attendant care needs to be increased. There are many types of nursing jobs. In this article we will talk about the different job descriptions for those who care to give the opportunities presented in the field of nursing.

Here are some facts about the opportunities in the areArea of care:

- There are approximately 2694540 licensed registered nurses in the United States

- Approximately 146,902 nurses are men, only 5.4% of the total population of nursing

- The average annual earnings for all full-time employed caregivers is $ 46,800

- Average annual income for the staff nurses are $ 42,100

- The average annual salary for a Master's-prepared nurse is $ 61,000; promotion carers average slightly higher at $ 63,550

- NursePractitioners are the average annual income of $ 60,126

The job outlook for nurses in all specialties are expected to only increase further. The need to provide nurses who will enter retirement filed replace only create further opportunity for the input of care. As technologies advance in patient care, more health problems be addressed through preventive medicine. This is a good thing for the examination in the field of nursing.

The nursing field is definitely a sellerMarket. Many hospitals and clinics are competing hard for registered nurses, especially those with very specific specialties. The fastest growth is expected in outpatient facilities, same day surgery facilities and rehabilitation centers.

The bottom line is the care sector will grow only over the next 10-20 years. To consider a career in nursing, here are some of the nurses to examine job descriptions.

Registered Nursing Job Description(RN)

Registered nurses constitute the largest proportion of health workers in the U.S.. Nurses are usually the focal point of the patients and their families. They are also the primary contact between the patient and the world of health, both on the bed and in ambulatory settings. Registered Nurses perform patient assessments, track patient vitals, and perform medical procedures such as IVs and administer many medications. Nurses are very important for theDoctor, as they are often in contact with the patient status and well being.

Nurse Practitioner

Nurse Practitioners are usually the primary care of their patients. As physicians, nurse practitioners are the first to the diagnosis and treatment of diseases and other medical issues. "Nurse Practitioners" can also prescribe medications that are not allowed by Registered Nurses.

Some would argue that in the U.S., we need more than doctors in the Health Care Nurse PractitionersSystem. Some say this would help in reducing the cost of health care in all areas.

The educational requirements of a nurse will need a Bachelor of Science in Nursing, and often a master of nursing and. Many times nurse practitioners will handle minor roles as well as in obstetrics, anesthesia and obstetrics.

Senior Nurse or Nurse Supervisor

Head Nurses are usually the care manager in the health care scene. Their typicalTasks range from working hours to the performance reviews for nursing staff. Other tasks include the quality control check standards to review, medication, nursing assessments and training.

Nursing Managers and supervisors are critical in the management of nurses in larger hospitals and clinical settings. For those interested, not all of a nurse, but also enjoy managing people, this great task for you.

Licensed Practical Nurses Job Descriptions (LPN)

Licensedpractical nurses (LPN), custom and offer a very personal care of patients. LPNs usually either directly to the physician or RN. Most LPNs support very closely in the daily care of the patient's hands on. Some LPNs administer medicine and IVs for patients. Often handle pressure ulcer, Enema, bandages and other hands on patient care.

Home Healthcare Nurses Job Description

Home Health Nurses provide their care for patients at home. It has been shown thatMany patients recover much more quickly if they are able to recover all the comforts of home.

Some typical applications for home nurses are dealing with injuries, cancer and birth. Home nurses must be able to work independently and supervise many others, like home health workers in providing care to patients in their homes.

Nursing Aides Job Description

Nursing aides, or nursing assistants perform most of their functions under the supervisionof medical staff and other nurses. Some of the duties include answering patient requests, assist the delivery of messages, the output and the patients eat, bathe and clothe themselves. Nursing Aides provide care for patients, take patients temperatures and vital signs including blood pressure and respiration. They often help patients in and out of their beds.

Nursing Aides are also key in keeping patients' rooms clean and tidy. For patients, it is important to have someone to rely on into give them assistance with appointments and back and forth to their room. Aides are also key in reporting physical and emotional state to another nurse and the doctors when they change in behavior that may indicate his health Reserved.

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