
Mining Jobs and Mine Job Employment

The best aspect of the Australia mining jobs is that people from all backgrounds and working professions can find a position suited to them. Typically, available mine job positions are best suited to those that like to challenge themselves physically. While there are still are number of positions suited to people who prefer hard labouring work, the industry also requires workers to fill positions in a number of areas and capacities.

Working conditions in the mining industry have improved greatly with a big emphasis on safety these days. You may need to undertake safety training before you work in the mining environment. This is due the physically challenging working conditions you will find yourself in, not to mention the 12 hour shifts. The mining industry is focused in the states of Queensland and Western Australia, however there are mine sites and regions located in all of the other states as well, including in the Northern Territory.

An attractive aspect of the Australian mining industry is the rosters that are available. There are a number of different rosters available, depending on the company you work for. Some mining jobs rosters range from 3 weeks on and 1 week off to 9 days on and 5 days on.

Another great aspect of the Australia mining industry is the ability to secure a fly In, fly out (FIFO) position. As many mines are located in remote areas, mining companies will cover the costs for you to fly to the mine site during your rostered work period. Your employer will cover and provide all of your accommodation, food and laundry needs. FIFO positions also gives you the opportunity to save a lot of money. You employer will also generally cover the cost to fly you back home during your rostered time off.

Accommodation in the mining camps ensures that all of the workers are comfortable. Living quarters provided at camp sites range from 2 by 4 metre portable homes to permanent 6 by 8 metre rooms with ensuites. Fridges, single beds, television, electricity and water are also provided with rooms.

The industry in Australia is the worlds leading producer of lead, and the second largest producer of uranium. There are also large gold mines in operation throughout the country.

One of the most popular Australia mining jobs that people look to gain is that of a Dump Truck driver. Why is a Dump Truck position a great position to gain in the mining industry? - because of the income you can earn! You can expect to earn up to $100,000 in some states. Dump truck drivers come from all sorts of backgrounds and there are no age or gender restrictions. This position does require you to be in good physical shape and be able to pass a medical, to ensure you can safely operate these large trucks.

A common question from people who want to work in the mining industry is "are there entry level jobs for someone with no experience?". The answer to this is 'Yes!' For example, entry-level jobs include sample preparers, drillers assistants and labouring positions. These are available for people willing to work hard in return for a good income. In fact, the mining industry is looking for people from all backgrounds. Employers need to fill a number of Australia mining jobs from labourers, truck drivers, catering and cleaning staff to tradespeople, engineers and even office staff.

A concern for a number of people who would like obtain mining jobs is that they may be required to move to another state. Contrary to popular opinion, there are jobs the mining industry all across Australia, in all states. Also, for many people that are interested in making the change to an industry that offers them a great career and lifestyle opportunity, they will often question if they may be too old. Gaining employment is based more on your physical ability. As long as you are fit and capable of putting in a hard days work this is much more important than an arbitrary age limit.

Though the Australian mining industry is often portrayed as a male dominated industry, there are many career options for women in the industry. In fact, women are being hired not only on the basis that they are able to perform the job well but they have great safety records and work ethics. Gaining employment in the mining industry has become a great career option for couples as well.

If you are serious about wanting to work in the mining industry, there is a lot to know before you starting applying for mining jobs. Don't ruin your chances in the industry by applying for the wrong mine job, or the right jobs in the wrong places - as this can damage your future employment prospects.

For further information please contact us at Mining Australia via our website at http://www.australia-mining.com

Or alternatively email us on info@australia-mining.com

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No Hot Water - No Problem, Fix it Yourself!

Your water heater is one of the single most expensive components of your plumbing system. It costs a lot of money to buy it and it costs more money to operate it. If your water heater isn't working properly it can make your life miserable. Unless you really like cold showers it is a big deal when your water heater has problems.

When To Call A Plumber

This is a good time to talk a little about when it is appropriate for you to fix things yourself and when you should probably go ahead and call a plumber. Water heater problems are a good example of when this choice is important.

If you water heater itself is leaking, as opposed to the piping connected to it leaking, this probably means that it needs to be replaced. It is virtually impossible to repair a leaking hot water heater. If you can't confidently say you know how to install a water heater you really need to use caution.

A water heater replacement raises a lot of safety concerns and there are some fairly technical skills needed to do the job right. It is usually better to call a licensed plumber if yours needs replacing. Licensed plumbers know how to install a gas water heater without creating a potentially dangerous situation (and how to install electric water heater without getting electrocuted in the process).

You Can Do It!

On the other hand, if you have a non-leaking water heater and no hot water, you can often correct that yourself without calling a plumber. You don't need any really technical skills to learn to troubleshoot water heaters, just a little common sense and patience.

The first good news is that, although the trend is toward more economical water heaters, the basic operation and controls haven't changed much over the years. So some basic knowledge will allow you to troubleshoot water heaters of almost any age or manufacturer.

Gas or Electric?

There are two main kinds of storage water heaters (we won't get into tankless models here): gas and electric. This indicates what sort of energy source is used to heat the water.

Gas Water Heaters

Gas water heaters use natural gas (and sometimes LP) to fuel a burner which in turn heats the water sort of like a pot on the stove. They have only a few components that control whether or not you have hot water.

The first thing to check if you have a gas water heater and no hot water is whether or not you have gas. I know it my sound silly, but I have gone to many homes only to find that the gas had been turned off for one reason or another. If you have a gas stove see if it works. If not check your meter to make sure it's on.

If you have gas, the next step is to check your pilot light and, if it's out, try to light it. The lighting instructions are usually right on the water heater. If your gas has been off it may take a while for the air to bleed out and the gas to get to the pilot, so be patient.

The Thermocouple

If your pilot won't light, or won't stay lit, the thermocouple may be the problem. This looks like a copper wire coming from the control box on front of the water heater and going down to where the pilot light should be. It has an enlarged tip at the pilot end.

The thermocouple is positioned with it's enlarged end in the flame of the pilot. This heat from the pilot flame causes a tiny electrical signal to be sent to the control valve, telling the control valve that there is a flame present so it's OK to let the gas through to the main burner when the thermostat calls for heat. . You can change a thermocouple on most water heaters with only a small adjustable wrench. Just make sure that the bulb end is securely positioned in the pilot flame. You can get a new thermocouple at most hardware stores for under $20. This will usually correct a pilot light problem.

On more recent water heaters, the combustion chamber may be sealed. If you have one of these there will usually be a small inspection window you can look through to check the pilot. You may need to call the manufacturer to get a complete pilot assembly and new cover seal in order to repair these models, but the procedure is still pretty much the same once you get the parts. These parts are usually covered by the manufacturers warranty.

The Gas Control Valve

If you are sure you have gas, and replacing the thermocouple doesn't fix the problem, the gas control valve is about the only thing left to check. This is a fairly major repair so if you aren't very comfortable working with gas connections you may want to call a licensed plumber for this.

Electric Water Heaters

Electric water heaters use, you guessed it- electricity, to heat the water. If your electric water heater isn't working the first thing to do is check your breaker or fuse box. Many electric water heaters also have a separate disconnect box at the water heater, check this too.

If you are sure you have power, the problem is either your heating elements or thermostats. Most electric water heaters have two of each, upper and lower. In order to check or replace a water heater element you will have to turn off the breaker serving the water heater circuit and remove the access cover on the water heater. At this point you might get lucky and find the easiest way to fix an electric water heater.

The Reset Button

Many thermostats have a reset button which can sometimes be pushed to reset the circuit and get the water heater working again. To find it you may have to carefully remove any insulation covering the thermostat. If the reset button has been tripped you should be able to hear and feel a definite click when you push it. If you think it was tripped, put everything back together, turn the power on and check for hot water in about an hour.

If the thermostat can't be reset you will need a voltage meter or continuity tester before going any further. There's not room in one article to cover electrical diagnostics but you can perform a simple continuity check on the elements to make sure they make a complete circuit.

The Heating Elements

First, make sure the power is off to the water heater! Then locate the heating elements. The elements will have two wires connected to each one and will either have a big hex nut where they screw into the tank or will be fastened to the tank with a bracket and usually 4 bolts. After confirming that the power is indeed off to the water heater, remove the 2 wires from the element and check for continuity. If there is not an intact circuit between the two terminals on the element, it is bad.

If one or both of the elements is bad it is probably a good idea to just replace them both. You will need to shut off the water and drain the water heater to replace the elements. If they are the hex nut style, you may need a special socket. You can usually find these tools where you buy the elements. Make sure the water heater is completely full and all air bled from the system before turning the power back on or you will ruin the new elements by "dry firing" them.

The Thermostats

If the elements are OK and don't need to be replaced, it is probably the thermostat(s). It is a good idea to replace both thermostats if there are two, they are fairly inexpensive. Just remove the wires, connect the new one the same as the old one, put the access plate back on and turn the power back on. You should have hot water in about an hour.

Know Your Limitations!

Learning how to troubleshoot water heaters can be fairly simple but you do need to understand and be comfortable working with gas and electricity. Either one can literally kill you if you fail to observe the proper safety precautions. If you aren't qualified or aren't sure about something it is better to be safe than sorry.

This article is for information purposes only and in no way should be interpreted as an encouragement to attempt any repairs for which you are not qualified.

Copyright 2008 Bryan Stevens

Bryan Stevens is a Licensed Master Plumber with a knack for teaching homeowners how to do their own basic plumbing repairs themselves. He has an amazing mini-course called "How To Unclog A Toilet And Other DIY Plumbing Tips". To claim your FREE copy visit: How To Unclog A Toilet

Please go to: BasicPlumbingRepair.com

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Is Perception Reality?

A phrase that comes up a lot nowadays is "Perception is Reality." Although this concept is wrong on a factual basis, it is reality in terms of living in today's society in which interacting and relating to others is a necessity for survival and success in today's world.

When it comes to the field of communications, which is basically the most important field in terms of work and life, other people's perceptions can dramatically shape our self concept and self esteem. It can also make or break a career. Whether the perceptions are accurate or not, if your actions portary laziness, rudeness or a lack of professionalism, whether it's deserved, or not, it can make or break a career path.

In growing up, especially as an adolescent, what others say about us, or our perception of what they think based on the reactions of others, tends to act as a mirror for how we see ourselves. As we get older, we find that being true to ourselves is necessary when it comes to being able to actualize our potential and that we cannot control how others perceive us. We can only control our actions. However a lot of us still have a bit of adolescence in us, and how we feel about our attractiveness or self worth is still very much governed by what others say about us.

A lot of young people fall into this trap. It involves aspiring to meet an image that is unattainable for most - the glossy image of beauty and success quantified by a standard imposed by those around us. We feel we must meet a standard of success; that in order to be happy, others must look at our lives and careers and say you're successful. If we can be strong enough to focus on happiness rather than "success," or hold our own definition of what success is and aspire to that, life will be a lot more enjoyable. Most of our lives will be spent in the pursuit of goals, not the attainment. Therefore, it is far more important to enjoy the journey.

The problem, of course, is that an over reliance on other people's perception, and how it pertains to our self esteem, can lead to psychological problems. Too much of a reliance on positive feedback from others puts us in the vulnerable position of creating an environment in which others can make or break us. The maturity and strength of character that comes with an acceptance and an appreciation of ourselves, along with our flaws, will help the individual journey through this complex world we live in which is awash in shades of grey.

One thing that can fog a person's perception is biases created by past experiences. Take, for example, the perception of the world a person might have if they were raised in a loving, supportive family. That particular individual's perception of self and others, and the world we live in, would be one of optimism, which opens the mind, creating a filter that feeds the individual the information that will help a person grow and succeed.

By contrast, someone who grows up in a dysfunctional, abusive environment, could find their views discolored to the point that they choose paths that lead them to dissapointment and further misery. In a way, they actually choose misery over happiness because they unknowingly assume they deserve it or expect it. Most of us know through basic psychology that thoughts lead to actions and negative perceptions of self and the world we live in causes us to prove ourselves right.

For help on training your mind to become more self directed and to worry less about what others think, please check out my self hypnosis [http://americanrubles.com/aronhy.html] page on my website http://www.americanrubles.com.

Peter V. Ruble

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