
Mining Jobs and Mine Job Employment

The best aspect of the Australia mining jobs is that people from all backgrounds and working professions can find a position suited to them. Typically, available mine job positions are best suited to those that like to challenge themselves physically. While there are still are number of positions suited to people who prefer hard labouring work, the industry also requires workers to fill positions in a number of areas and capacities.

Working conditions in the mining industry have improved greatly with a big emphasis on safety these days. You may need to undertake safety training before you work in the mining environment. This is due the physically challenging working conditions you will find yourself in, not to mention the 12 hour shifts. The mining industry is focused in the states of Queensland and Western Australia, however there are mine sites and regions located in all of the other states as well, including in the Northern Territory.

An attractive aspect of the Australian mining industry is the rosters that are available. There are a number of different rosters available, depending on the company you work for. Some mining jobs rosters range from 3 weeks on and 1 week off to 9 days on and 5 days on.

Another great aspect of the Australia mining industry is the ability to secure a fly In, fly out (FIFO) position. As many mines are located in remote areas, mining companies will cover the costs for you to fly to the mine site during your rostered work period. Your employer will cover and provide all of your accommodation, food and laundry needs. FIFO positions also gives you the opportunity to save a lot of money. You employer will also generally cover the cost to fly you back home during your rostered time off.

Accommodation in the mining camps ensures that all of the workers are comfortable. Living quarters provided at camp sites range from 2 by 4 metre portable homes to permanent 6 by 8 metre rooms with ensuites. Fridges, single beds, television, electricity and water are also provided with rooms.

The industry in Australia is the worlds leading producer of lead, and the second largest producer of uranium. There are also large gold mines in operation throughout the country.

One of the most popular Australia mining jobs that people look to gain is that of a Dump Truck driver. Why is a Dump Truck position a great position to gain in the mining industry? - because of the income you can earn! You can expect to earn up to $100,000 in some states. Dump truck drivers come from all sorts of backgrounds and there are no age or gender restrictions. This position does require you to be in good physical shape and be able to pass a medical, to ensure you can safely operate these large trucks.

A common question from people who want to work in the mining industry is "are there entry level jobs for someone with no experience?". The answer to this is 'Yes!' For example, entry-level jobs include sample preparers, drillers assistants and labouring positions. These are available for people willing to work hard in return for a good income. In fact, the mining industry is looking for people from all backgrounds. Employers need to fill a number of Australia mining jobs from labourers, truck drivers, catering and cleaning staff to tradespeople, engineers and even office staff.

A concern for a number of people who would like obtain mining jobs is that they may be required to move to another state. Contrary to popular opinion, there are jobs the mining industry all across Australia, in all states. Also, for many people that are interested in making the change to an industry that offers them a great career and lifestyle opportunity, they will often question if they may be too old. Gaining employment is based more on your physical ability. As long as you are fit and capable of putting in a hard days work this is much more important than an arbitrary age limit.

Though the Australian mining industry is often portrayed as a male dominated industry, there are many career options for women in the industry. In fact, women are being hired not only on the basis that they are able to perform the job well but they have great safety records and work ethics. Gaining employment in the mining industry has become a great career option for couples as well.

If you are serious about wanting to work in the mining industry, there is a lot to know before you starting applying for mining jobs. Don't ruin your chances in the industry by applying for the wrong mine job, or the right jobs in the wrong places - as this can damage your future employment prospects.

For further information please contact us at Mining Australia via our website at http://www.australia-mining.com

Or alternatively email us on info@australia-mining.com

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No Hot Water - No Problem, Fix it Yourself!

Your water heater is one of the single most expensive components of your plumbing system. It costs a lot of money to buy it and it costs more money to operate it. If your water heater isn't working properly it can make your life miserable. Unless you really like cold showers it is a big deal when your water heater has problems.

When To Call A Plumber

This is a good time to talk a little about when it is appropriate for you to fix things yourself and when you should probably go ahead and call a plumber. Water heater problems are a good example of when this choice is important.

If you water heater itself is leaking, as opposed to the piping connected to it leaking, this probably means that it needs to be replaced. It is virtually impossible to repair a leaking hot water heater. If you can't confidently say you know how to install a water heater you really need to use caution.

A water heater replacement raises a lot of safety concerns and there are some fairly technical skills needed to do the job right. It is usually better to call a licensed plumber if yours needs replacing. Licensed plumbers know how to install a gas water heater without creating a potentially dangerous situation (and how to install electric water heater without getting electrocuted in the process).

You Can Do It!

On the other hand, if you have a non-leaking water heater and no hot water, you can often correct that yourself without calling a plumber. You don't need any really technical skills to learn to troubleshoot water heaters, just a little common sense and patience.

The first good news is that, although the trend is toward more economical water heaters, the basic operation and controls haven't changed much over the years. So some basic knowledge will allow you to troubleshoot water heaters of almost any age or manufacturer.

Gas or Electric?

There are two main kinds of storage water heaters (we won't get into tankless models here): gas and electric. This indicates what sort of energy source is used to heat the water.

Gas Water Heaters

Gas water heaters use natural gas (and sometimes LP) to fuel a burner which in turn heats the water sort of like a pot on the stove. They have only a few components that control whether or not you have hot water.

The first thing to check if you have a gas water heater and no hot water is whether or not you have gas. I know it my sound silly, but I have gone to many homes only to find that the gas had been turned off for one reason or another. If you have a gas stove see if it works. If not check your meter to make sure it's on.

If you have gas, the next step is to check your pilot light and, if it's out, try to light it. The lighting instructions are usually right on the water heater. If your gas has been off it may take a while for the air to bleed out and the gas to get to the pilot, so be patient.

The Thermocouple

If your pilot won't light, or won't stay lit, the thermocouple may be the problem. This looks like a copper wire coming from the control box on front of the water heater and going down to where the pilot light should be. It has an enlarged tip at the pilot end.

The thermocouple is positioned with it's enlarged end in the flame of the pilot. This heat from the pilot flame causes a tiny electrical signal to be sent to the control valve, telling the control valve that there is a flame present so it's OK to let the gas through to the main burner when the thermostat calls for heat. . You can change a thermocouple on most water heaters with only a small adjustable wrench. Just make sure that the bulb end is securely positioned in the pilot flame. You can get a new thermocouple at most hardware stores for under $20. This will usually correct a pilot light problem.

On more recent water heaters, the combustion chamber may be sealed. If you have one of these there will usually be a small inspection window you can look through to check the pilot. You may need to call the manufacturer to get a complete pilot assembly and new cover seal in order to repair these models, but the procedure is still pretty much the same once you get the parts. These parts are usually covered by the manufacturers warranty.

The Gas Control Valve

If you are sure you have gas, and replacing the thermocouple doesn't fix the problem, the gas control valve is about the only thing left to check. This is a fairly major repair so if you aren't very comfortable working with gas connections you may want to call a licensed plumber for this.

Electric Water Heaters

Electric water heaters use, you guessed it- electricity, to heat the water. If your electric water heater isn't working the first thing to do is check your breaker or fuse box. Many electric water heaters also have a separate disconnect box at the water heater, check this too.

If you are sure you have power, the problem is either your heating elements or thermostats. Most electric water heaters have two of each, upper and lower. In order to check or replace a water heater element you will have to turn off the breaker serving the water heater circuit and remove the access cover on the water heater. At this point you might get lucky and find the easiest way to fix an electric water heater.

The Reset Button

Many thermostats have a reset button which can sometimes be pushed to reset the circuit and get the water heater working again. To find it you may have to carefully remove any insulation covering the thermostat. If the reset button has been tripped you should be able to hear and feel a definite click when you push it. If you think it was tripped, put everything back together, turn the power on and check for hot water in about an hour.

If the thermostat can't be reset you will need a voltage meter or continuity tester before going any further. There's not room in one article to cover electrical diagnostics but you can perform a simple continuity check on the elements to make sure they make a complete circuit.

The Heating Elements

First, make sure the power is off to the water heater! Then locate the heating elements. The elements will have two wires connected to each one and will either have a big hex nut where they screw into the tank or will be fastened to the tank with a bracket and usually 4 bolts. After confirming that the power is indeed off to the water heater, remove the 2 wires from the element and check for continuity. If there is not an intact circuit between the two terminals on the element, it is bad.

If one or both of the elements is bad it is probably a good idea to just replace them both. You will need to shut off the water and drain the water heater to replace the elements. If they are the hex nut style, you may need a special socket. You can usually find these tools where you buy the elements. Make sure the water heater is completely full and all air bled from the system before turning the power back on or you will ruin the new elements by "dry firing" them.

The Thermostats

If the elements are OK and don't need to be replaced, it is probably the thermostat(s). It is a good idea to replace both thermostats if there are two, they are fairly inexpensive. Just remove the wires, connect the new one the same as the old one, put the access plate back on and turn the power back on. You should have hot water in about an hour.

Know Your Limitations!

Learning how to troubleshoot water heaters can be fairly simple but you do need to understand and be comfortable working with gas and electricity. Either one can literally kill you if you fail to observe the proper safety precautions. If you aren't qualified or aren't sure about something it is better to be safe than sorry.

This article is for information purposes only and in no way should be interpreted as an encouragement to attempt any repairs for which you are not qualified.

Copyright 2008 Bryan Stevens

Bryan Stevens is a Licensed Master Plumber with a knack for teaching homeowners how to do their own basic plumbing repairs themselves. He has an amazing mini-course called "How To Unclog A Toilet And Other DIY Plumbing Tips". To claim your FREE copy visit: How To Unclog A Toilet

Please go to: BasicPlumbingRepair.com

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Is Perception Reality?

A phrase that comes up a lot nowadays is "Perception is Reality." Although this concept is wrong on a factual basis, it is reality in terms of living in today's society in which interacting and relating to others is a necessity for survival and success in today's world.

When it comes to the field of communications, which is basically the most important field in terms of work and life, other people's perceptions can dramatically shape our self concept and self esteem. It can also make or break a career. Whether the perceptions are accurate or not, if your actions portary laziness, rudeness or a lack of professionalism, whether it's deserved, or not, it can make or break a career path.

In growing up, especially as an adolescent, what others say about us, or our perception of what they think based on the reactions of others, tends to act as a mirror for how we see ourselves. As we get older, we find that being true to ourselves is necessary when it comes to being able to actualize our potential and that we cannot control how others perceive us. We can only control our actions. However a lot of us still have a bit of adolescence in us, and how we feel about our attractiveness or self worth is still very much governed by what others say about us.

A lot of young people fall into this trap. It involves aspiring to meet an image that is unattainable for most - the glossy image of beauty and success quantified by a standard imposed by those around us. We feel we must meet a standard of success; that in order to be happy, others must look at our lives and careers and say you're successful. If we can be strong enough to focus on happiness rather than "success," or hold our own definition of what success is and aspire to that, life will be a lot more enjoyable. Most of our lives will be spent in the pursuit of goals, not the attainment. Therefore, it is far more important to enjoy the journey.

The problem, of course, is that an over reliance on other people's perception, and how it pertains to our self esteem, can lead to psychological problems. Too much of a reliance on positive feedback from others puts us in the vulnerable position of creating an environment in which others can make or break us. The maturity and strength of character that comes with an acceptance and an appreciation of ourselves, along with our flaws, will help the individual journey through this complex world we live in which is awash in shades of grey.

One thing that can fog a person's perception is biases created by past experiences. Take, for example, the perception of the world a person might have if they were raised in a loving, supportive family. That particular individual's perception of self and others, and the world we live in, would be one of optimism, which opens the mind, creating a filter that feeds the individual the information that will help a person grow and succeed.

By contrast, someone who grows up in a dysfunctional, abusive environment, could find their views discolored to the point that they choose paths that lead them to dissapointment and further misery. In a way, they actually choose misery over happiness because they unknowingly assume they deserve it or expect it. Most of us know through basic psychology that thoughts lead to actions and negative perceptions of self and the world we live in causes us to prove ourselves right.

For help on training your mind to become more self directed and to worry less about what others think, please check out my self hypnosis [http://americanrubles.com/aronhy.html] page on my website http://www.americanrubles.com.

Peter V. Ruble

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CVS Online Application Tips For Quick Hiring

Before filling out a CVS online application, take the time to figure out where you think you will fit in with this retail pharmacy giant. For example, if you are a college graduate looking for a CVS store management position, depending on availability of positions, you may want to consider an entry-level job where you can enter their development program and advance to assistant manager after 12 weeks, then to a store manager within 1 to 2 years.

If you're looking for a full or part-time hourly store position straight out of high school or with a GED, you can a course for yourself to go after a customer service position where you can prove yourself and rise up through the ranks up to store management.

The point is to conduct your own research on where you want to be and where you want to go through submitting a CVS online application. Once you have an idea about the company and what your goals are, it's wise to dress up in comfortable, crisp clothing and visit the actual store you'd like a chance to work for.

Many job opportunities at CVS are not readily posted as soon as an opening becomes available, which is one of the biggest reasons to present yourself to store management in person. The other reason is companies love hiring people they know or ones who they've met in person. The moment you introduce yourself to supervisory personnel at the store you can best believe they're sizing you up trying to figure out if you would actually be a good candidate for any position.

CVS jobs are always plentiful with over 7,000 stores in the US and many new stores opening up all over the country, and you can give yourself an edge over the competition by allowing store management to put a face to your name on the application.

The whole idea these days with any retail company and definitely before filling out a CVS online application, is to meet someone important at the company and let them know you are about to submit your info; this way you have a better chance of getting your application to the top of the pile.

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Hand Gestures - What They Mean in Different Countries

When you travel abroad you do not only need to take language barriers into account but also body language barriers. Different cultures use different body language e.g. the distance between two persons when they have a conversation.

One part of body language is hand gestures. Hand gestures mean different things in different countries. Some people realize this the hard way. What exactly does the v-sign (two fingers in the air) mean? Does it mean bring me two beers or is it considered an insult?

Take a common sign like thumbs up. In the USA it usually means 'great, awesome or whatever. It is also used to sign approval, but stronger than an OK sign. Now this is a very common interpretation, but it is far from the only one. It may have the same meaning in Australia, but if you move it up and down it can be a very grave insult. In Turkey it is not used at all.

Making a circle with your thumb and index finger in the USA means OK, alright, good. You can use it to signify approval. In Turkey it means that someone is homosexual. In Australia it means zero. In Germany it can mean job well done or a grave insult, it all depends on which region you visit. In New Zealand it is regarded as a cheesy way of saying OK but is not much used.

The meaning of gestures varies among various parts of countries and also among cultural groups and between generations. The above is only generalizations and may not be correct for a particular person.

You can find a list of different gestures and their meaning at Hello Backpacker [http://www.hellobackpacker.com/gestures/]

[http://www.hellobackpacker.com] - practical advice for new and experienced backpackers for all trip stages: get inspired, plan your trip, advice on the road, tips when back home.

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Kiwi Culture

Welcome to New Zealand, Aotearoa, land of the long white cloud, and home to a whole lot of Kiwis. I know that the kiwi, whilst it is our national bird, is a flightless ground dweller, but that says little about the people who live in this beautiful country. Perhaps at this point I should say that the kiwi really is a beautiful bird, and to see one in the wild, or even in captivity, is an awe-inspiring event.

Right so now I'm distracted by the kiwi. Where was I? Right, Kiwis, the inhabitants of New Zealand, also known as the youngest country in the world. We really are an interesting bunch, and I say that in the best possible way, and to come to New Zealand is to not only enjoy the stunning scenery, but also to meet some very cool people.

So, let's dive right into it. What exactly is Kiwi culture, putting races and people groups aside, let's find out what makes Kiwis tick.

We have to start off with rugby, which was introduced to New Zealand in May 1870. The first game of rugby was played in Nelson and since then rugby has been something that New Zealand has been quite good at, to say the least. For decades Kiwis have been rugby mad, and it has been every young boy's dream to grow up and become an All Black one day. The All Blacks are a national icon and if they lose a significant game the whole country will go into mourning.

Locally, you can expect pretty much every town and city to have at least one rugby club, and most Saturdays, if you go down to the local sports parks you will be treated to local rugby at its best; town against town, province against province and sometimes even brother against brother. I can speak from experience as I am currently the winger for a local 3rd division team which is truly a Kiwi thing to do. I am in it just for fun, but for a lot of locals rugby is lived and breathed and a win on Saturday is a must, as is the after match get together filled with drinks and battle stories.

Perhaps one of the most recognizable things about rugby is the short shorts that the players wear. This piece of clothing is called a stubby and it has filtered into the dress code for Kiwis everywhere. It's not uncommon to see, even in the dead of winter, a good ole Kiwi bloke wearing a pair of stubbies, seemingly oblivious to the cold. I can't say that I always support this symbol of Kiwi culture, but I have been known to don a pair even when I'm not playing rugby. Perhaps it's good for working on that leg tan, but your guess is as good as mine. It does feel pretty freeing though.

I guess while we are talking around sports it would be fair to mention another growing sport in New Zealand, which, whilst it¬ hasn't enjoyed the national popularity of rugby yet, it is definitely growing in popularity. The sport is football (or soccer depending on where you come from) and the recent success of the New Zealand All Whites and Wellington Phoenix really has boosted it in the nation's eyes. Bring on the Football World Cup and the future of football in New Zealand. Football really is a fantastic sport and for the younger generation is just as popular to play on the weekend as is rugby, so don't be surprised to see a rugby match being played alongside a football match when you visit that local sports park.

Kiwis are definitely not limited to rugby and soccer, however. We excel in sailing, cycling, endurance races, golf, basketball, kayaking, horse racing, growing, cricket and netball. These sports can be found all over New Zealand in some degree and this all goes to show that Kiwis are not only rugby mad, but sports mad in general. Other sports that can be found are tennis, table tennis, bowls, boule, badminton, volleyball, squash, and athletics, not to mention all the self defence schools around.

Okay, so maybe everything is not centred on sports. We are a fun-loving country, but our work ethic is very high and internationally recognized. Most Kiwis believe that if a job is worth doing, then it is worth doing well. Perhaps you have heard of Kiwi ingenuity, also known as No. 8 wire mentality? We are a nation that believes in just getting in and doing it, no matter what the obstacles. If, however, there are obstacles then expect your average Kiwi to successfully and speedily come up with a solution or some ingenious way of getting around the problem using unconventional means and whatever is available at the time. It will generally be to a high standard and achieve what is required.

One attitude of kiwis that you will most likely come across is the "She'll be right!" attitude, which is generally reflected in individuals rather than companies or public operations and is very much linked to Kiwi ingenuity. I should mention at this stage, however, that New Zealand does have very high health and safety standards which make it a very safe place to visit and enjoy participating in the attractions and activities it is known for. Whilst the "She'll be right!" attitude is possibly not the best attitude to have, it in some ways reflects what to expect of the people when coming to New Zealand. We are a very laid back society and love to just relax and enjoy other's company, food and good times.

One of the coolest ways to relax is to have a real kiwi barbeque. If you are invited to one the expectation is to bring something along to share with the group, perhaps something to slap on the barbie or a drink or salad for the group. The males at the barbeque will generally be found surrounding or near the barbeque eyeing up the food with a beverage in hand, and the females will either be conversing elsewhere or in the kitchen catching up and preparing the rest of the food. A barbeque is a very social occasion and the food is really good.

So let's talk now about the variety of food to expect when you get here. Barbeque food is one of the varieties, and it is definitely well worth trying. The meat can be cooked to perfection and you will be amazed at some of the things that go on the barbie. Another well known kiwi favourite is fish 'n' chips. The chips are beautifully deep-fried and come either yummy and crispy or hot and soggy, depending on where and what you like. The fish is battered and deep-fried as well and the type is generally snapper, shark, hoki, rig or blue cod, although the fish 'n' chip shop will have it clearly displayed. Other delicacies you will find in your average fish 'n' chip shop are wedges, spring rolls, donuts, kumara (sweet potato) chips and other yummy stuff. You may even find some battered and deep-fried mars bars and bananas. The amount of fat that may be consumed is potentially high, but it's a delicious meal to try and easily eaten anywhere. I need to mention here one of New Zealand's iconic soft drinks, L&P. This lemon drink is my personal favourite and has its home in Paeroa.

In New Zealand you will find all the usual fast food outlets we have all become so used to, like them or not, but you will also find a lot of places that advertise and sell organic and amazing fresh food and produce, so don't be concerned that all you are going to get over there is barbeques and fish 'n' chips. The dining experience is of a high standard and you will find food from all influences here, from European to Mediterranean to Asian to Pacific. Perhaps none is more famous, however, than the New Zealand seafood experience. New Zealand boasts some world class seafood and you can taste and enjoy some of what the ocean has to offer in many places. Bluff oysters and Marlborough Sounds mussels are examples of iconic kiwi seafood and many other places sell fresh seafood for you to enjoy.

Many Kiwis will compliment their eating with a glass of wine or a beer, and with the amount of wineries and breweries around they are spoilt for choice. Beer did used to be the drink of choice for Kiwis everywhere, but wine is fast becoming the more popular drink and is generally the drink now to have with your meal, hence why when you are invited to dinner a bottle of wine is a common gift to bring.

Unfortunately not all aspects of New Zealand culture are good. The Kiwi male used to be known to be hard, tough and potentially violent, and this included hard drinking. This still permeates into present culture, although thankfully not as much. New Zealand is a changing country and bad habits and mannerisms are starting to be frowned upon. The average Kiwi, however, is definitely not as liberal as their European counterparts and private details and circumstances will generally be kept that way. Kiwis will take everything with a grain of salt and are cautious of anyone who sticks out or is in a position of authority.

In saying all that, however, Kiwis really are for the most part a great bunch to be around, and are fiercely proud of their nation. I have to say that we have good reason to be proud of this piece of paradise as well. Here you will find some beautiful beaches, loads of sunshine and scenery that will blow you away. Kiwis are well aware of what is here as well and that reflects in the activities that many enjoy participating in and the holiday destinations for families and individuals alike. In rural New Zealand hunting is a common past time and there is plenty of opportunity and game out here. Fishing is also a very common activity and there are loads of family friendly places to cast a line or launch a boat to hit the waters for a leisurely day of fishing. Kiwis are very outdoor orientated and just love being on a beach or anywhere in the sunshine. I fondly remember the days when I was younger heading down to the local river and just lazing around in the sunshine.

A common Kiwi past time worth mentioning is market shopping. A lot of towns and cities will, over the weekend, hold a market with loads of things to see and items to shop for. There are famer's markets, art and craft markets, seafood markets and general township markets and here you can expect to see, try and buy some iconic Kiwi food, art and gear. Most towns will also annually hold what is called an A&P show. This is normally held over a weekend or a day and will showcase the best of rural New Zealand. Expect to see farm animals, iconic wood chopping, horses, antique tractors, Ferris Wheels, cotton candy, farm dog trials and a whole host of different stalls, food and activities.

Writing about Kiwi culture would not be complete without a mention of our common rivals. Other nations have their rivalries; i.e. USA versus Canada, England versus France and Sweden versus Norway, and we felt we needed one so we picked Australia. So there is a bit of a size difference there, but we Kiwis like a challenge. We secretly like each other but nevertheless love to take the mickey out of each other. Rugby union and league, cricket, basketball and football are where you will currently find most of the rivalries played out, however, it is a very generalised feeling and one that is happily played out on either side of the Tasman with both assuming superiority but happy to admit defeat, sometimes.

There really is a lot more I could say about Kiwi culture, but I am going to draw to a conclusion here and leave you wanting to come to New Zealand to find out more. We love having visitors over and are proud to show off out nation to anyone willing to see, use and respect it. Good old fashioned Kiwi hospitality is everywhere and needs to be experienced by all. So book your flights, pack your bags and come on over!

Writing on behalf off http://www.onzamap.co.nz. ONZAMAP Ltd is a new web service that is taking a different look at promoting New Zealand as a holiday destination. Through interaction with current and past travellers of New Zealand, as well as the operators of New Zealand's tourism businesses, ONZAMAP Ltd will be providing an easy to use, up to date account of what makes New Zealand unmissable for the International traveller.

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The Best Jobs For 18 Year Olds - Highest Paying

Everybody wants to make the most money as much as possible. It's not being greedy, it's being practical. People have to be smarter today, especially now that we're experiencing recession. The least we can do is be smart when it comes to managing our finances. And of course, it would be easier for us to manage our finances, if we have a lot of finances to manage in the first place.

For some 18 year olds, this is a concern. They are out there to get the best jobs for 18 year olds available for them. If possible, they want to bag the highest paying. When they do, they're sure to give their best so that this assures them a job after graduating college.

But what are the best and highest paying jobs for 18 year olds that are available? Well, nowadays, telemarketing is turning out to be a good option for young adults. They just have to make sure that the company they are working for are legitimate and it's for a good cause. Sometimes, those telemarketing services can be annoying. They also have to make sure that these jobs for 18 year olds are something that they can stomach, once they are the ones talking on the phone.

Then there are those who get high paying jobs from agencies or law firms because of their school experience. These are the teenagers who have a beefed up 'resume' because of their contribution to their school activities and school organizations. If you can say the same thing, then use this to your advantage. Cross your fingers and hope you get the highest paying and best jobs for 18 year olds that are available out there.

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How to Give the Best Blow Job Ever and Make Him Melt in Your Mouth - Amazing Oral Sex Tips for Women

Women often think that they can get away without giving their man oral pleasure. However, this does not go over very well for men. Even though your man won't put up a fight against it, it will hurt him pretty bad. Not giving him oral sex is like not giving him sex; men love the way oral sex feels and it drives them crazy. If you want to please him properly and to give him total satisfaction, you need to go down on him.

You want to learn how to give him the best blow job ever and to make him melt in your mouth. If you are going to go south on him, then you best learn how to do it in the best way possible for him. To make this happen, you need to learn some of the most amazing oral sex tips for women.

The secret behind giving an amazing blow job is all about three components: tightness, pace and wetness. These three things need to be perfect if you want to really blow his mind and make him melt in your mouth.

The first thing is tightness. You want to give him pleasure with your mouth but you want it to be tight. When something is tight on his penis, it feels amazing and no words can really express just how amazing it feels. This is why sex feels so great because your body is tight and when he enters you, you completely surround him. Unfortunately, you can't extend the tightness all the way down the shaft with your mouth if you have poor gag reflexes. If this is the case, then using your hand on the shaft can really assist you. Your hand on the shaft can grip him tight and give him the tightness that he craves.

Pace is very important to a man and his orgasm. Women are the ones who like it slow and sometimes this is engraved in our minds. However, this isn't going to help you when pleasing your man. You need to pick up the pace and you need to be a little rough with him. The penis is built tough and is built very strong so you can get away with being a little rough and fast on him.

The third part is all about moisture. Things need to be wet for him because wetness feels the best. You can either use your saliva or you can stick to using a lubricant. If you use a lubricant, try using a flavored one as this may make going down on him a bit more enjoyable. Just make sure that you are avoiding friction on his body and that you are keeping things moist.

By doing all of this, not only will your man explode from sheer satisfaction, but he will also melt in your mouth.

You want to please your man by stimulating him with oral sex. You want him to crave your touch throughout the day. To find out more about how to give a man great oral sex, including what not to do, visit this Helpful Site!

Giving a man pleasure orally shouldn't be this difficult or intimidating. You can become better in bed and give him plenty of mind blowing orgasms. If you want to become the best lover he has ever had then you need to learn the secret today so you can use it tonight.

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Jobs For 14 Year Olds - Highest Paying 14 Year Old Jobs

When teenagers turn 14 they are on the look-out for jobs hiring at 14. You can't blame them because having their own money gives them a sense of independence. They do not have to rely too much on their parents for money. They can just earn it for themselves.

Of course, they are only being practical and would like to get jobs hiring at 14 that are the highest earning. When they are 14, they can work in grocery stores, restaurants, baseball parks, gasoline service stations, amusement parks, movie theaters, and retail stores. It really depends on their interests and how many hours they can devote to their jobs. It also depends on the days they are available. More often than not, jobs hiring at 14 are after school.

As tempting as these may sound, 14 year olds are not allowed to work in construction or repair jobs, manufacturing and mining occupations, hoisting apparatus aside from office machines, public messenger jobs, workrooms, warehousing, storage, processing, power-driven machinery, and driving a motor vehicle or helping a driver. For a teenager, these jobs hiring at 14 are the highest paying but these jobs are also against the Labor Law for minors.

Minors working are encouraged because it gives them a sense of independence when it comes to financial concerns. At the same time, it allows them to be responsible in juggling their time in order to get the things done - from their work and their home responsibilities and other things they have to do. Working at 14 is a good start for anyone to become a rounded and responsible individual.

GPT Infinity is the #1 rated job for teens. Start survey filling today and make a big nice wad of cash!

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The Jobs For 17 Year Olds Available Today

There are a lot of opportunities when it comes to jobs for 17 year olds. Starting from the service industry of hotels and restaurants to the malls and small businesses dotting the city. Currently the best business establishments that offer jobs are Best Buy, Limited Too, The Disney Store, Build-a-Bear, Chick-fil-A, Wawa, Wal-Mart, McDonald's, Acme, Foot Locker, Shoprite, Olive Garden, Sears, Auntie Anne's and Taco Bell.

Jobs for 17 year olds in restaurants and cafes are the best spots to earn more though. Even if you are earning minimum wage, your tips will be something to look forward to - if you provide great service.

You don't have to really look far if you love kids. Babysitting is one of the favorite and easy to do jobs around. You can also seek out organizations which are into what you're into. Like museums, if you are into the arts, you can try out becoming a tour guide. If you have an advocacy, you can try charitable institutions and offer your skills in maybe, data encoding or a gofer. The hospitals are also a venue where you can be a candy striper.

Don't forget to check your other local hang-outs like bowling alleys, pizza shops, various repair shops, libraries, the town hall, university and your favorite retailer. It really helps if you are able to focus and aim for what you want to do. The right jobs for 17 year olds will bring meaning into what you're doing and you'll have fun. Your eagerness to go to work will just continue. You might even be surprised it's payday already.

GPT Infinity is the #1 rated job for teens. Start survey filling today and make a big nice wad of cash!

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How-to Create a Compelling, Branded Elevator Pitch for Your Job Search

The elevator pitch. You are probably familiar with the term. It is most commonly used to describe the concise 60-second speech that business owners and executives, as well as salespeople, use to describe their business, product, or service to others. More importantly, it is a speech that is delivered in a compelling way that describes what is unique about the business (or offering), describes the benefits to the target market, and excites interest in the listener.

So, why should you--the job seeker and career professional--care about the elevator pitch? If you are familiar with the concept of personal branding, and the idea of leveraging your brand to advance and promote yourself in your career, I'm sure you immediately recognized similarities between the above description of an elevator pitch and a personal brand statement.

Personal branding allows you to make a name for yourself. It differentiates you from your peers and helps to position you as a leader in your field - as a specialist and an authority who knows how to do a job and fill a particular niche in the workplace better than anyone else. A personal brand statement is a succinct statement that clarifies and communicates what makes you and your unique value proposition different and special.

Your personal brand statement will play a large role in your 60-second elevator pitch as a job seeker and career professional. Your entire elevator pitch will be a mini presentation that you are able to give on the fly in response to those all-too-common questions "what do you do?" or "tell me about yourself?" With precision-like focus, an effective elevator pitch will immediately convey to the listener who you are as a professional, and will do it in a way that addresses not only your unique value proposition, but in a manner that addresses the concerns of your listener. Of equal importance, while your pitch is planned and rehearsed, when you actually speak it, it should sound completely natural and spontaneous, yet it should leave the listener with a lasting, positive, and memorable impression. You will use your elevator pitch frequently, in networking situations and during interviews.

But, once you recognize that crafting an elevator pitch is essential, you might feel daunted at the prospect of creating and perfecting one. Certainly, this is a task that your career coach or the professional that you hired to create your résumé can assist with. However, with some introspection and honest self-assessment, developing your elevator pitch does not have to be difficult. To get started, ask yourself these essential questions:

1. What is the focus of your search? What is your job target?

2. Who is the person/people most likely to make a hiring decision about you?

3. What are the problems faced by your target audience?

4. What is it that you are offering that would solve these problems?

5. What is it that differentiates you and makes you different from your peers?

6. What are the benefits of your work as experienced by your target audience?

To create your elevator pitch, you now must put these elements all together in a brief presentation that you can deliver quickly-in the time it would take you to get from one floor to the other in an elevator.

As an example, here is my own "branded" elevator pitch that I developed to concisely describe my work as the executive director of Distinctive Career Services.

"You know how some career professionals miss out on really great employment opportunities, or don't advance as quickly in their careers as they would like, or don't get paid the compensation they deserve, all because they don't really know how to differentiate themselves in their careers or promote themselves effectively in the job market?

Well, I am a career coach, personal branding strategist, and career marketing professional-one of just a few people worldwide with this unique blend of expertise. In my business, which is internet-based and global, I provide a mix of innovative products, programs, and services delivered to six-figure+ and aspiring six-figure+ professionals, managers, and executives. All my offerings are designed specifically to empower my clients to promote and market themselves effectively, opening doors and enabling potential to achieve their highest career ambitions and goals.

The benefits are that my clients dramatically reduce the time and money they spend job searching, rapidly advance their careers, boost their incomes, enjoy greater professional recognition, and overall, establish themselves in careers that are more professionally, financially, and personally rewarding."

Once you have the answers to the six simple questions above, you have everything you need to create a similar elevator pitch for yourself. Do you see how I have taken my own answers to the questions and interspersed them throughout my pitch? I've clearly communicated who my target market is, have identified the problems and challenges that they face, have conveyed how my offering is not only unique but solves those problems, and I've described the key benefits that my offerings produce.

You can use this same model to develop your own elevator pitch. But remember; don't go into too much detail. Your goal is simply to pique interest and make yourself memorable. Don't spend too much time on the details of your qualifications. Just quickly highlight them and tie them back to how they benefit your target audience (current or future employer).

Once you have your pitch perfected, practice it, practice it, and practice it some more. Your goal is to have it sound completely natural. Rehearse in front of a mirror and be aware of your body language and eye contact, as these aspects of communication often speak even louder than words. Now, try your pitch out a few times and observe the response to the listener. Be open to the prospect of adapting and modifying as necessary to elicit the response you want to generate. And, of course, be flexible. If your listener interrupts with a question, be ready to pause and answer it.

Creating your elevator pitch may take some time and thought, but it is a wise career professional who invests in it! You will hear the "what do you do?" or "tell me about yourself?" questions over and over, both during your job search and throughout your entire career. Don't wing it! Preparation is the key to confidence and the key to making a lasting, positive, and memorable first impression. The benefits to your career will be phenomenal. It is well worth the effort!

Want to Use this Article in Your Ezine or Website? You are welcome to as long as you use the following text with it:

Nationally certified resume writer, career marketing expert, and personal branding strategist, Michelle Dumas is the founder and executive director of Distinctive Career Services LLC. Through Distinctive Documents http://www.distinctiveweb.com and her Executive VIP Services delivered through http://www.100kcareermarketing.com Michelle has empowered thousands of executives, professionals, and managers all across the U.S. and worldwide with all the tools and resources necessary to conduct a fast, effective job search. Michelle is also the author of the popular e-book 101 Before-and-After Resume Examples found at http://www.before-and-after-resumes.com

To learn more about her job search products, resume writing services, and career marketing programs, and to sign up for many other free resources, visit her websites.

Copyright 2008. All rights reserved.

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Kobe Bryant Tattoos - Say I Am Sorry With a Tattoo

Kobe Bryant is the most popular and talented basketball player since Michael Jordan's retirement. Kobe was born in the U.S.A, however he spent his childhood in Italy, where his father played as a professional basketball player. He liked football and was a big fan of A.C. Milan.

Back in the U.S.A he started his career as a basketball player , was hired by the Los Angeles Lakers and won the NBA championship breaking several records. He is now considered to be on of the top ten players ever in the history of the NBA.

However, Kobe Bryant tattoos have nothing to do with his favourite sport. His tattoos are about his life and belief.

The story behind Kobe Bryant tattoos is quite interesting.

In summer 2003, in Eagle, Colorado, Kobe met Katelyn Faber, 19-years-old - the second most significant woman in his life.

Some times after that meeting Kobe Bryant was sued with sexual assault and arrested. He admitted the adulterous sexual encounter, but denied her raping allegation.

Nobody knows what really happened that night in Colorado, anyways they could find some kind of (economical) agreement that allowed Kobe to go on with his fantastic basketball career.

Much harder was finding an agreement with the first most significant woman in his life: his wife Vanessa. Someone talked about a 4 million dollars ring as apology for the "little incident in Colorado". What is for sure is that after the trouble in Colorado some tattoos appeared on Kobe's arm. The name Vanessa and a Crown to represent the primary importance of his wife, two angel wings and the inscription Psalm XVII to express his faith.

He also have his daughter's name Natalia Diamante tattooed on his left arm.

So remember, if you ever got caught cheating your wife, with a 4 million dollars ring and huge tattoos on your arms, you should be all right.

Here you can read additional information and high quality pictures about Kobe Bryant Tattoos
If you like tattoos, have a look at all my celebrity tattoos pictures

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Tattooing Tips - 5 Tips to Tattoo Appointment Day

There are five key things you need to know before heading off to the Tattoo Parlor
on tattoo appointment day. This article will cover those five key points to help ensure
that when you finally put ink to skin, you are completely ready and do not have any
last minute snags in your tattoo plan.

I have to admit, the first time I went to get a tattoo, I was pretty nervous, I
absolutely had no idea what to expect at all and I was really wondering just "How
painful is this going to be?"

Looking back on my tattoos now, and since I have undergone numerous tattoos,
I know what to expect, and what to prepare for when it comes to Tattoo Appointment

Here five Tattooing Tips - Preparing for Tattoo Appointment Day

1) Tip 1: No Booze! I know you are nervous and you would not mind 'numbing' the pain with a few shots of liquor before you go. But doing this or any kind of drugs is a big no-no.

Alcohol thins the blood and thinner blood bleeds easier and takes longer to heal. Sure it
might make it a little less painful, but bleeding like a stuck pig will make it more difficult
for the tattoo artist to do his thing. You want the artist to have a 'clean' slate to work with
and do not want him to have to battle with you bleeding all over the place every time he puts
ink to skin. A tattoo that bleeds a lot is also messier to heal, which can result in a flawed
"end result" tattoo.

2) Tip 2: Go in super clean! Take your your daily shower just before your tattoo appointment. If you are like me and have to have a shower every morning regardless, then either schedule your tattoo appointment shortly after you wake up or just take another one right before you
visit the tattoo parlor. The Tattoo artist is going to be right up on you, and you want them to be extremely comfortable there. If you smell, at all, it is going to be a major distraction to the tattoo artist and they probably will not do as good of a job. Do not wear heavy perfume or cologne either, just nice clean skin.

Also keep in mind that post tattoo, you do not want to get your tattoo wet, especially right after having it done. Get clean first.

3) Tip 3: Wear comfortable clothes to your appointment! If your clothing is going to cover the tattoo, don't wear white. A little blood could get on your clothes from the bandage and, well, we all know what blood does to white . I also recommend wearing loose fitting clothes so they won't be too tight on the sore tattoo . If you are a woman and you are getting a tattoo on your arm, you might consider wearing a tank top so you don't have to remove your shirt, although you probably won't hear any complaints form the tattoo artist.

4 ) Tip 4: Take a DISTRACTION for yourself. Bring something with you to take your mind off having the tattoo done. A MP3 player is of course a good idea, as well as a book or magazine. Most tattoo artists ( like mine ) will talk to you during the process, but sometimes it is hard to hear over
the buzzing of the tattoo gun, and the shooting pain.

5 ) Tip 5: Eat something before you go. Some people can get light headed and even faint while having a tattoo put on, and having food on your stomach will help. Also, it takes a while, typically a couple hours, for even small tattoos to be put on. You do not want to be hungry on top of enduring the tattoo application.

Alright, those are my five tips to preparing for tattoo appointment day. I hope this article has been informative and will help make your first tattoo experience more pleasurable . For more tips on tattoo's, including how to pick the perfect tattoo for you, visit http://www.mytattoosucks.com and you can get a FREE report on what NOT to do when selecting you tattoo!

Jason is an avid tattoo lover who helps tattoo seekers prepare for and find the perfect tattoo. Learn from his mistakes at the website, http://www.MyTattooSucks.com

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The Tarasoff Decision

Tatiana Tarasoff and Prosenjit Poddar were both students at the University of California at Berkeley when they met for the first time at a folk dancing class in 1968. He was a 26-year old graduate student in Naval Architecture who had grown up in India as part of the untouchable Dalit caste and had little experience with dating or American customs. She was an undergraduate and, while they dated on several occasions, did not view the relationship as a serious one. Poddar grew infuriated with her attempts at breaking off their relationship to be with other men and became obsessed with her. In his attempts at rekindling their relationship, he became despondent, neglected his studies, was often seen weeping, and generally began acting in a bizarre fashion. He spoke with a friend about blowing up her dormitory room and was advised to seek counseling at the University Health Service.

While Tatiana went to Brazil to spend the summer with an aunt, Poddar attended therapy with a staff psychologist, Dr. Lawrence Moore. Over the course of the treatment sessions, he indicated violent fantasies towards Tatiana including getting a gun and shooting her (while he never named her in the sessions, she was easily identified). Due to concerns about Poddar, Dr. Moore notified campus police who picked him up but later released him after he promised to stay away from Tatiana. Dr. Moore's supervisor, Dr. Harvey Powelson, instructed staff to refrain from making further attempts at hospitalizing Poddar. Poddar never returned to therapy and neither Tatiana nor her parents received any warning that Poddar was a potential threat.

In the weeks prior to Tatiana's return from Brazil, Poddar moved in with her brother who had no idea that he intended any harm to his sister. On October 27, 1969, shortly after her return, Poddar went to her house and stabbed her to death with a kitchen knife. He then called the police and asked to be handcuffed.

Tatiana's parents filed lawsuits against the campus police, the health service, and the Regents of the University of California for failing to provide proper warning. The first trial was dismissed on the grounds that there was no cause for action as the therapist's primary responsibility was to the patient rather than a third party. After the Appeals Court supported this decision, the case was taken to the California Supreme Court.

It was in 1974 that the Tarasoff Decision was first handed down. In this landmark decision, the Court ruled that the therapist bears a duty of reasonable care to give threatened persons such warning as to avert foreseeable danger arising from the patient's mental state. Since this decision now meant that police and mental health professionals were obligated to warn potential victims, the case was reheard by the California Supreme Court in 1976. The revised decision held that, while police could not be held liable, health professionals were obliged to warn potential victims because of the "special relationship between a patient and his doctor or psychotherapist". In an often-quoted statement by Justice Matthew Tobriner presenting the majority opinion: ""... the confidential character of patient-psychotherapist communications must yield to the extent that disclosure is essential to avert danger to others. The protective privilege ends where the public peril begins."

Since 1976, the Tarasoff decision has been challenged in numerous legal settings and has been upheld in at least 17 U.S. states (the states of Florida, Texas, South Carolina, and Virginia have rejected the decision). Later decisions have limited the scope of the Tarasoff Decision to only provide a duty to warn identifiable victims, i.e., potential victims who could be readily identified based on information provided by the patient. The Tarasoff has been highly influential in non-U.S. jurisdictions as well (here in Canada, psychotherapists are encouraged to follow the Tarasoff provisions even though it has no formal weight in Canadian law).

As for Prosenjit Poddar, he served four years out of a five-year sentence for manslaughter which was subsequently overturned on a technicality relating to improper jury instructions on diminished capacity. To avoid a new trial, Poddar agreed to return to India. Based on available reports, he is now happily married.

Romeo Vitelli received his doctorate in Psychology from York University in Toronto, Ontario in 1987, He spent fifteen years as a staff psychologist in Millbrook Correctional Centre, a maximum-security prison run by the Ontario government. In 2003, he successfully escaped prison and went into full-time private practice. He maintains offices in Toronto and Hamilton, Ontario dealing with forensic and neuropsychology cases. Check out his website at http://www.drvitelli.com and his blog at http://www.drvitelli.typepad.com

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How to Give Your First Blow Job - Step by Step

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Easy Yet Best Part Time Jobs For Retired Teachers

Looking for part time jobs for retired teachers can be quite difficult. For one thing, the issue of age has taken its toll and they can no longer be accepted to other companies and educational institutions. Second would be the physical issue that might prove our old teachers incapable of doing some tasks. It is of our knowledge that some retired educators indeed experience some body pains and even mental constraints.

In spite if some companies and institutions not accepting retired individuals - even teachers, you need not worry. As long as you are still capable of working there is still hope for you to land a job - even a part time one. To date, there are countless available positions for anyone that is duly open regardless of age. In line with that, here is a list of some optional part time jobs for retired teachers.

Option #1: Tutor jobs. This is the closest and the best part time job especially for retired teachers. This is also the most suggested one because you can decide how long your tutoring session might be. Since older teachers tend to become frustrated with long hours of teaching, tutoring can be a venue for you to still teach yet still hold your desired time. In addition you can even teach only a single subject or the one that you love most. Furthermore, you can only focus to a single student at a time, thus managing the individual's comprehension and improvement. Some retired teachers I know love this option. Salary wise it is compensated very well.

Option #2: Consultant jobs. Being a consultant is already a booming job nowadays. With the vast experience and wisdom of old teachers, they are perfect candidates to become one. You can do this as a contractual one or within a company umbrella. You can opt to seek institutions that require professional advice on a new or growing enterprise. As a consultant you can offer advice and proven methodologies on how to jump start a business; particularly venturing to education. You can then share your own personal interests and feedback. You are compensated well if you do become a consultant.

Option #3: Entrepreneurship. As a retired teacher, one type of work you can do is to build your own business. This might seem to be a late proposal but nonetheless with all the time on your hands, you can build and manage it from scratch. Much more as a retired worker, for sure you have pension money that you can use to build your own enterprise. You can start one from your hobby or perhaps an area of your expertise. With your time now, I am sure you will be able to put all your attention to your growing business. Furthermore, your income will be based on how well your business blooms. But once successful, you can be sure to reap the best rewards after.

These three options are just some of the things any retired instructors can pursue even at an older age. You may no longer work in a school but there is still room for you to generate a modest income in spite of being retired. Thus before setting foot away from teaching, try browsing some part time jobs for retired teachers that are perfect for you.

See Also : use stock for business Dating Games Online Teacher Training Yoga Cat Litter


Watch Free Online Movies

There are many online movie sites out there on the internet but most of them are just scams or fake sites. You also might hesitate to use them as most of them are likely to be involved with pirated or illegal content.

But there are loads of sites that offer great online movies and are legit. I already have my own website where i have links to legit sites that offer free online moves and tv shows.

There are 2 types of online movies sites. 1. Sites that offer movies that you can directly watch straight away using online software or a video player such as Divx.etc. 2. Websites where you can download movies and burn them to a disk. However most movie download sites may have viruses, spyware or other malicious content. If you are looking for an online movie site use a search engine such as Google or Yahoo! When searching use proper search terms otherwise it may turn up wrong results.

Use something like " Online movies ", " Watch movies online " or " Watch free online movies ". etc.
Another internet nightmare is " Online bootleg movies " which is basically illegal or pirated content such as movies and music uploaded to the internet before the official release date.

If you are sure the site you are using is legitimate and free check the internet for reviews. Remember a good movie site has good feedback and comments. Never give out your credit card details to movie sites until you are entirely sure that it it the real deal.

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Top Jobs For Convicted Felons - You Can Still Find a Great Job

Finding jobs for convicted felons can be quite a challenge. With a felony on your record, it is not straight forward to find a normal job. Unfortunately, most companies won't offer jobs for convicted felons and will refuse to hire a felon. The ones that do end up hiring will usually pay minimum wage, or only slightly higher. This leaves you with only a few options.

Option 1 is to wait it out. Most states do not allow background checks after seven years. However, if you are looking for jobs for convicted felons now, there are a few decent options out there.

One of the most popular jobs for convicted felons is to drive a truck. Driving a truck could incorporate a variety of jobs. Most delivery agencies are okay with hiring convicted felons, meaning you could work for UPS, DHL, or FedEx. You could also just be a normal truck driver and drive cross country carrying cargo. Most trucking companies supply jobs for convicted felons as long as you have a valid drivers license.

One of the most popular options for convicted felons is to start an online business. Many people are making a considerable income with their online business and many convicted felons choose to do this same. There are a number of websites to help you get started. The reason this is so popular is because you have the ability to be your own boss and do not have to constantly defend your past.

While finding jobs for convicted felons is not easy, it can be done. Best of luck to your success.

One of the best programs for getting started online is the Legit Onine Jobs [http://www.squidoo.com/good-jobs-for-felons] program. This program makes it easy to start a business online and you could work your way to over $25,000 per month in no time. There is a review for this program online here: Jobs for convicted felons [http://www.squidoo.com/good-jobs-for-felons].

See Also : use stock for business Cat Litter The Office Wedding

You Can Be a Cruise Ship Owner Even If You Are Not Rich

Unlike fractional ownership of aircraft and houseboats, fractional owners of a cruise ship can all use the ship simultaneously. There is plenty of room for you and the other owners to live on the ship any time you want, or all the time. You can use it as a full-time residence, and so can the other co-owners.

The first obvious benefit of shared ownership is acquisition cost. There are many cruise ships on the market in all price ranges, sizes, ages, and conditions. There are many smaller and older cruise ships available for less than one million dollars. At the lower end, some smaller cruise ships in fair condition can be acquired for about $250,000. At the highest end, the biggest new mega cruise ships now cost about $500 million to build.

Do the math. If one hundred buyers pool resources in exchange for a percentage of ship ownership, the acquisition cost will be divided by that same number. One percent ownership of a $250,000 cruise ship would cost a mere $2500 for ship acquisition. At the other end of the scale, one percent ownership of a brand new mega cruise ship would cost five million dollars.

There are some other figures that must be tabulated into the total cost of ownership. Acquisition cost is first and foremost. The next figure is the cost to put the ship in service. On an older ship this cost may be higher than the acquisition cost. On the other hand, the cost to put a ship into service can be much lower if you were to get a good deal on a ship that already meets the international standards for ship safety, especially SOLAS (Safety of Life at Sea). Maintaining compliance with Chapter II SOLAS 74 amendments is cost prohibitive for some older ships and they are typically scrapped instead of being refurbished at great expense. There is a very important SOLAS implementation date coming up on January 10, 2010. On that date all commercial international ships will be required to be in compliance with the new fire safety codes. The most important new codes deal with the use of combustible materials in the ship. It will be expensive to replace all combustible materials in ships with non-combustible or flame resistant SOLAS compliant materials that meet the new safety standards. This will result in many ships being sold for scrap metal.

The looming SOLAS 2010 implementation date offers both perils and opportunities. The biggest peril is the possibility that the expense to bring a ship into full compliance with international standards will be greater than the value of the ship. However, there is a silver lining in this cloud. This pending SOLAS implementation date has already started to show up as a primary factor in the asking and selling prices of ships on the market today.

SOLAS 2010 also offers a tremendous opportunity for those who may prefer to have a very large houseboat instead of a commercial ship. Ships that are not in compliance with SOLAS 2010 are now selling for a song (inexpensively). A cruise ship can easily be converted into a megayacht with the stroke of a pen. Privately owned yachts, not in commercial service, and not carrying passengers or cargo for hire are exempt from many of the SOLAS requirements. Operating costs are also lower for a private yacht. It cost less to register, flag, and insure a private yacht. Megayachts can be flagged and classified for unlimited service. That means that a megayacht can go practically anywhere you want it to go. There is one major drawback to registering a cruise ship as a private yacht. You cannot use the yacht commercially. This cuts off a potential revenue source.

There are many decent cruise ships for sale at prices of less than one million dollars that would make good private megayachts. For example, take the 'VERGINA SKY' is a ship that I have personally inspected and so I can talk first hand about it. The asking price was $750,000. Here are the specifics of the ship in a nutshell:

Current Name: Vergina Sky

Ship Details: Built: 1971 in Japan - totally rebuilt 1992 in Greece

Dimensions: LOA 97.8m x LBP 82m x beam 14.6m x draft 4.49m Dwt: 500 on 4,49 GT/NT: 4,668 / 1,717

Description: Pielstick 2 x 8400bhp, twin screw, bow thruster, 3 x 500kw generators, 16 knots, 2 saloons, restaurant, 3 bars, casino, duty free shop, disco, swimming pool, 120 cabins for 318 guests. Lying Greece

My Comments after inspecting the ship

This is a well built little 'Pocket Cruiser.' At just over 320' in length overall, it is a small cruise ship. Many experienced cruise passengers prefer smaller more intimate cruise ships for a variety of reasons. This ship can go places where the big cruise ships cannot reach, such as shallow draft ports and even many rivers. It has an omni-directional bow thruster and can turn on a dime (relatively speaking of course). I have carefully examined this ship from the engine log to the ultrasound hull report. This is a sound and safe little cruise ship. It is also a very fuel efficient and economical ship. My first time on this ship was in the middle of the summer in Greece when it was very hot outside. The ship is fully air conditioned and it was cool and comfortable inside the ship. I checked the engine room to see how many generators were running. I am happy to report that all the electric and air-conditioning requirements can be met by running just one of the three Daihatsu generators. These generators are very economical to operate in terms of fuel consumption and maintenance.

I was able to negotiate with the owner, John Kosmas and get some concessions. I got the price down to $500,000. And at that price, he agreed to bring the ship into compliance with SOLAS 2005 and also to include new paint topside. The ship was fairly well furnished even including bed linen, but the ship had been laid up for years. Its most recent service was in the Mediterranean and Black Seas. Cruise ships that trade exclusively in the Mediterranean and Black Seas tend to have smaller cabins and fewer amenities than the typical cruise ships that frequent the Caribbean. The bottom line is that this ship was an economy model, not a luxury model. When I was inspecting the engine room, I asked for the engine log. When I opened it I noticed all the entries were in Greek. I was able to discern some dates and other data that told me when the ship was last in service, but I could not read the Greek entries so I handed the engine log back to the ship owner, and told him "It's all Greek to me." Being Greek, Mr. Kosmas failed to find the humor in that.

Let's look at the numbers on this ship. 100% of the acquisition cost would have been $500,000. 1% thus = $5000. One hundred buyers could own one percent each. There are 120 cabins so each co-owner could have a private cabin with 20 cabins left over. However, these cabins are a bit on the small side. Every cabin does have a bath and shower, but the size is just too small to be comfortable for most people, especially if the owners intend to live onboard full time. On a ship this size I would recommend that there be no more than 60 joint owners so each can have two cabins and will have the option of converting those two cabins into a two room suite. To keep the numbers simple lets say that this ship has 50 buyers who each buy 2% of the ship. Buy in cost per owner would then be $10,000. If there were only ten buyers, then the acquisition cost per buyer would be $50,000. $50,000 will not buy much of a house on land, but on this ship it would buy 10% of a ship like the Vergina Sky and twelve cabins that could be converted into a fairly large home.

At the economy end of the scale, a co owner could buy 1% of an economical cruise ship for about $5000. However it is not necessary for all co owners to have equal shares in the ship. Ownership can easily be divided up into 1% increments. If one buyer wanted 5%, then his cost of acquisition would be $25,000. He would be entitled to 5% of the ship's cabins, and would have five votes on operations and management of the ship, such as itinerary planning.

Before becoming a joint owner, it would be imperative to find other people who have similar goals. I would suggest composing a preliminary DCCR (DECLARATION OF
COVENANTS, CONDITIONS AND RESTRICTIONS). You can do this before you even shop for a ship. Write your version of how you envision the shared ownership of a cruise ship as it should be. Then see if you can find some people who agree with your goals and your DCCR, subject to some revisions and concessions to accommodate other joint owners.

Step One: Determine if you and your family have the desire and financial capability to become joint cruise ship (or megayacht) owners.

Step Two: Find others who agree with your concept for shared ownership of a ship.

Step Three: Shop for a ship. This is the fun part.

Step Four: Buy a ship.

Step Five: Put the ship into service.

Even if you are not rich, you can afford to jointly own a cruise ship. But then comes the next logical question: Why would you or anyone want to live on a cruise ship? Who would this be suitable for?

If you are retired or otherwise have a stable income from a dependable source you probably can afford to be a cruise ship co-owner and live full-time onboard a cruise ship. If you work in a field where you can work from home online, then you too can probably afford to become a co-owner of a cruise ship. Most modern ships have satellite Internet service available 24-7.

Operating a cruise ship is expensive. The expenses include the cost of fuel, labor, maintenance, repairs, spares, food, port charges, insurance, technical management, shore management, registration, and the other costs of operating the ship. At first glance these costs may seem expensive, but in reality the cost of living at sea is actually a bargain considering what you get based upon what you pay. The best value does not always translate to the cheapest price. If the ship is well managed, the management will seek the highest quality goods, services, and labor at the very best global value. If the owners are dissatisfied with either technical or shore management, they replace them.

If there are many other co-owners of the ship to split the operating expenses of the ship, it can be affordable for those with a moderate level of income, such as a retirement check. I do have specific operating cost figures but I won't bore you with that data. The bottom line is that it would not be prohibitively expensive for a middle-class average person to be able to afford to own a fraction of a cruise ship and be able to afford to live on the cruise ship full-time if they elect to do so.

For comparison purposes it is noteworthy that you have expenses in land based housing too. Those expenses include property taxes, homeowners insurance, maintenance and repairs, yard care, and utilities. Additionally you have transportation costs and of course food costs. Most people also spend money on entertainment too. When these expenses are added up the maintenance fees for living aboard a ship are comparable.

There are actually some savings resulting from living aboard a ship. The ship's executive chef buys food and kitchen supplies in bulk for the ship and can get better prices than the average shopper. Other savings result from the large freezers and the mobility of the ship giving the food service management the ability to stock up on supplies in countries where prices are low. Some crew and owners may choose to fish for leisure. This can supply some fresh food at even lower costs to the owners. Labor savings are realized when the crew is hired based upon the best global labor rates. The laws of supply and demand drive prices down in some places in the world. Proper ship management can capitalize on these disparities. All the savings would be passed on to the cabin owners resulting in an economical cost of living similar to what you could expect to spend with a conventional home. Ship management should have accounting transparency will all books (financial records) open and available for any owner to inspect. Also ship management should submit all financial records quarterly to an outside auditor for the peace of mind of the owners. Anybody in the chain who spends any of the ship's operational funds should also be periodically audited. For example, a good way to audit the executive chef would be for one or more of the live-aboard co-owners of the ship to go to the food market district of each port of call and they should try to haggle and get a better price for the same food than the price the executive chef was able to acquire. If the executive chef cannot find better deals than the ship's co-owners, then the executive chef should be given his walking papers. The executive chef position is a vital position on a cruise ship. This is a position of trust because he will bill the food he buys to the ship. He must never be tempted to accept bribes from vendors or suppliers. Therefore, he should know that he will be routinely audited and any substandard performance will result in termination of his employment.

The biggest value of all onboard cruise ship is in labor costs. The better cruise ships tend to be labor intensive, providing passengers with unrelenting attention and extravagant pampering. The hotel staff on all cruise ships provides the basic services including food preparation and serving, laundry, cabin stewarding, entertainment, casino operation, beauty shop operations, This is one area where I would prefer to not scrimp because of the very good value in these services due to the low cost of international labor. I would prefer to go beyond the level that most cruise ships go in the area of spas. Land based luxury and specialty resort spas are very expensive, but the exact same level of service, professionalism, skill, and treatments can be provided on a cruise ship at extremely low cost. Labor is the key and the primary reason for most of the expense of spas. Labor is a tremendous value on a cruise ship because the cruise ship managers can choose workers from the global marketplace where it is easy to get the best value for the money.


Spa treatment is customized for each client. Spas commonly offer services such as:

Soothing massage therapies, skin and body treatments drawing from European and Eastern principles, expert hair and nail services, and a full menu of therapeutic treatments utilizing a deep-cleansing facial at the start of the program, as well as a series of detoxification and contouring wraps, lypo-reduction wrap, as well as marine mud and herb wraps. Massage Therapies including: Swedish Massage, Shiatsu Massage, Deep Tissue Treatment, Maternity Massage, Therapeutic Foot Massage (Reflexology), French Hydrotherapy Massage.

The healing therapies include a variety of massages, reflexology, facials, firming and many other body treatments. Plus a wide variety of services and wellness programs specially designed to meet the individual's needs and desires. A full service salon offers all manner of hair treatments (including a certified colorist), as well as a variety of manicures, pedicures, and 'facelifts' for your hands. Extensive skin care includes: Age Management Therapies including, Glycolic Facial, Anti-Aging Facial Peel, Microdermabrasion; Facials including: Aromaplasty Facial, Teen Facial, Gentleman's Facial, Nutrisource Facial, Regulating Acne Facial, Vitamin "C" Skin Renewal Facial; Body Treatments including: Decleor Sauna Mask, French Hydrotherapy Massage, Andromeda Salt Glow, Mummy Mud Mask, Seaweed Body Wrap, Safe Sun Treatment, Herbal Wrap; as well as various hair and nail treatments.

Additionally, spas also can facilitate weight reduction programs, and even administer physical therapy. In short, you can be treated like a king, on the budget of a pauper.

Labor Costs - International competition provides the most value to the ship owners.

On paper it seems to make good sense to man the ship with a Philippine crew. I love the Philippines. I have been there several times. English is still widely spoken and usually spoken quite well. The people are usually friendly and happy to see foreign tourists. A large percentage of ships worldwide are manned by crews from the Philippines. The Philippine government has a pretty good structure and system to facilitate the export of Philippine labor. In spite of how attractive it seems on paper, I would recommend NOT hiring a crew from the Philippines. Philippine workers tend to be envious of others, and especially of everybody else's wages. They tend to think they are getting the raw end of the deal. It is rare to find a Filipino who is happy with his employment. While I am sure there are many good employees from the Philippines, there are more who are dissatisfied than satisfied with their employment. There seems to be a cultural anomaly in the Philippines where people feel that employers are bad guys. I would hesitate to recommend a crew from the Philippines in spite of the apparent advantages on paper.

My recommendation (for what it is worth)

I do know something about what I am writing about here. I am the former President of Adventure Spa Cruise. My advice is not just uninformed ranting. Back to the point now, the second best manning nation for a ship is India. I highly recommend India for the medical staff and the entire hotel staff, including the spa, and every other position except the deck and engineering. The labor costs in India are very attractive. I would also recommend using an Indian based manning agency. It is best if the ship's owners do not have to deal with every employee issue or concern. The manning agency takes the pressure off the ship's management, and their service is very reasonable. Indian employees tend to make better employees than do Filipinos. Indians also speak English, albeit not quite as well as Filipinos. I know Americans tend to get all worked up when someone uses a broad brush to paint an entire ethnicity. I love the people from the Philippines, but as employees they tend to be more problematic than do Indian employees. I realize that this statement is politically incorrect, and these days that might get me thrown in jail. I usually do not worry so much about being politically correct. I call it the way I see I and I let the cards fall where they may, and hope I can stay out of jail for speaking my mind.

All deck and engineering positions should be filled with an all Ukrainian crew. The ship will realize the most value for the money with Ukrainian deck and engineering staff. The Ukraine has a long maritime history and tradition. Maritime training and standards in the Ukraine are among the best in the world. Ukrainian deck and engineering staff are as good as or better than any other, but the cost of their labor is a very good value. The labor for deck officer and engineering staff are governed by international agreements, including STCW (Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping for Seafarers).

Putting a cruise ship into service

After acquiring the ship, it will require some more investment to put it into service. At this point the joint owners will need to reach some agreements on many points. The cost of putting a cruise ship into service as a megayacht (very large private yacht) is much less than putting the ship into commercial service. However, if you can afford to buy a ship can easily meet SOLAS 2010 requirements, and can afford to flag and register it as a commercial ship then you can use the ship commercially to produce income and ROI (return on investment).

There are many marketing options for a commercial cruise ship. If the owners use no more than half the cabins, then that will leave sufficient means to produce enough revenue to at least pay for operating costs, and possibly produce a profit above operating costs. I will just briefly touch on some of the options available for marketing cruise ship capacity.

1. Conventional cruises. There is a trade-off here. You can produce revenue by providing conventional cruises. This will require that the ship have an itinerary that suits the commercial cruising market.

2. Freight and cargo. Some cruise ships have enough cargo capacity to produce some revenue by booking freight.

3. Assisted living. A cruise ship is well suited for assisted living, including crew and facilities. The going rate for assisted living in the average city in America is higher than the average cost of a cruise of the same duration.

4. Timeshares. This is an option not available to conventional cruise ship operators but could be facilitated if your co-owners agree to this type of marketing to fill cabins not used by co-owners. I will not go into the figures here, but timeshares tend to be high profit sales. There is a good chance that if the joint owners use no more than half the ship's cabins for their own personal use, the remaining cabins could easily produce more than the total amount all the joint owners combined have invested.

Ships that would easily meet SOLAS 2010 tend to cost a bit more money to buy up front, and cost more to put into service. So I will give you couple of examples.

The Orient Venus is one of my favorite high-end ships. The specs:





GRT: 21,884 TONS

DWT: 4,863 TONS ON 6.50 M

LOA x B x D : 174.0x24.0x8.7 M




FUEL TANKS CAPA: IFO 1,500.4 M3 /MDO 87.30M3










My personal assessment of the Orient Venus

It is a late model and beautiful ship. It has many highly desirable attributes for a residential ship. It is a high end luxury cruise ship with an extraordinarily high tonnage to passenger ratio. This is very important for a residential ship. More living room and more space per passenger is far more essential for a residential ship than for a conventional cruise ship. When passengers are only on a ship for a short time, they can tolerate cramped living quarters, but when they live year-round on a ship, the extra space is quite valuable. The owners have been trying to sell this ship for $22,000,000. That may seem like a high price, but when you divide it by the number of cabins (195) the asking price per cabin is $102,564. This price is in line with what you would expect to pay for a condominium. The last word I got from the owners is that they will sell the ship for $18,000,000 now ($92,307 per cabin). The cabins are all "outside" cabins and are large. The ship can accommodate 606 passengers and a crew of 120, for a total of 726 people.

Several ship brokers have this ship listed. I usually do not talk to ship brokers. I prefer to talk directly with the ship owners. I am in contact with the owners of the Orient Venus. I could probably get this stunningly beautiful ship for less than $15,000,000 today, and get some concessions and extras thrown in to boot.

Another example of a high end ship that would make do well as a commercial cruise ship, plus accommodate a hundred or so full-time live aboard co-owners is the Dream Princess, originally named Song of Norway.

GRT: 22,945

Max Draft: 6.7 M in sea water

Length: 194 M.

Total No. of Cabins: 538

Total No. Of Beds + Berth: 1280

Outside Cabins: 346

Inside Cabins: 192

Cabins size range: SQ. M: 11 -18.

Main Engines: 4 Wartsila Sulzer - 18,000 HP.

Service Speed: 16 Knots.

Public Rooms:

Main Dinning room - "King & I"- about 500 pax.

South Pacific Lounge about 400 pax.

My Fair Lady Lounge about 500 pax.

Bars- 5

Self Service Restaurant on the swimming pool deck

Large Swimming pool



Duty Free Shops


8 passenger decks

extensive outdoor areas

Ship was redecorated / refurbished extensively during 2005.

The asking price on this ship is $31 million USD. Divide the asking price by the number of cabins and the average cost per cabin would be $57,620. Of course some cabins are better than others so co-owners would have to agree of the shared usage before agreeing to the purchase.

I have some bad news for the ship owners and some good news for you. This ship will not sell for the asking price.


Ship fuel is cheaper than automobile fuel for a few reasons. There are no road taxes on ship fuel of course and also it is different fuel. Ships main engines usually run on IFO180 or IFO380. Generator engines tend to be more finicky and commonly require diesel (MDO), which is still cheaper than automotive diesel. IFO 180 and 380 costs much less than MDO, usually about half the price. Ships consume a lot of fuel. So fuel cost is a major concern. I have some suggestions. If I were a co-owner of a ship I would be willing to invest a little more in the ship to increase fuel efficiency, and thus lower operating costs. There are many things that can be done to increase fuel efficiency. I would start with hull resistance. There is a new silicone-based paint from International Paints that when applied to the hull reduces amount of resistance in the water sufficiently to result in a 3 to 5% decrease in fuel consumption. A similar coating for the propellers also has been proven to increase fuel efficiency.
In addition to hull and prop coatings, there is an even more promising way to achieve dramatic fuel savings.

There is a company called Kiteship that has developed and produces kites for racing sailboats. These sailing kites do not require a mast. The kites fly high above the vessel, attached by cable and controlled from the vessel. Dave Culp of Kiteship has done a technical feasibility study on fitting a very large kite onto a conventional cruise ship. This would dramatically reduce fuel consumption. It would convert a fuel guzzler to a "green machine." This is tantamount to converting a powerboat into a sail boat. The design of a cruise ship limits the amount of sail that a conventional ship can safely accommodate. A cruise ship lacks the ballast of a sail boat. If used in addition to the main engine(s) the kite will increase fuel efficiency. If the kite is used to pull the ship with the main engines shut down the ship's speed will be reduced substantially. However, in this case, not only would the ship save IFO (main engine fuel) but also save MDO (generator engine fuel). If the kite were pulling the ship unassisted by the ship's engines, then the propellers could be used to propel the ship's generators without firing up the diesel generator engines. Even if the ship were traveling very slowly in the water, the propellers would turn in reverse if freed from the main engines. This is a very simple and easy task for the ship's engineer to accomplish. In other words, the ship can be pulled by the kite, and that motion will push the ship's propellers providing power to produce electricity and power the air-conditioning without using any fuel. The trade-off is a loss of speed and also some tacking is required, further reducing actual speed. What's the rush? Why not go for maximum fuel savings? The salient point is that a high flying large kite can pull a cruise ship. If I were a co-owner of a cruise ship I would hope to find like minded co-owners who would be receptive to using such state-of-the-art technologies to save fuel.

There are hundreds of cruise ships on the market but I will just mention one more here. This cruise ship has RO/RO (Roll-On, Roll-Off) capability. This would be very convenient for live aboard owners who want to bring their "toys" with them. The garage deck will accommodate 6 to 8 trucks, or 60 to 80 cars. That converts to a lot of co-owner toys such as motorhomes, travel trailers, campers, cabin cruisers, ski boats, jet skis, sailboats, houseboats, bass boats, motorcycles, ATVs, cars, and trucks.




SOLAS 2005/2010 FITTED








GRT 12637


























Cost per cabin based on asking price, $71,739. This ship will sell for less than asking price. It is already SOLAS 2010 compliant. It would cost very little to put into commercial service.


Becoming a co-owner of a cruise ship is not a far fetched idea. It is practical and feasible if you are able to find like minded people who would be willing to share the expenses.

The author, Arthur Wyss is a resident of Beijing, China. He specializes in immigration assistance for those who wish to live in Brazil. He also operates Brazil Land Sales, which primarily sells land in the State of Tocantins, Brazil. He is the former President of Adventure Spa Cruise. His website is: [http://www.brazil-land-sales.com/index.htm]

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